Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "prcomp & eigenvectors"
2013 Mar 14
Same eigenvalues but different eigenvectors using 'prcomp' and 'principal' commands
Dear all,
I've used the 'prcomp' command to
calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix(gg).
Using the command 'principal' from the
'psych' packageĀ I've performed the same exercise. I got the same
eigenvalues but different eigenvectors. Is there any reason for that
Below are the steps I've followed:
#defining the matrix
2011 May 28
prcomp & eigenvectors ... ??
Hi ...
Please could you help with probably a very simple problem I have. I'm completely new to R and am trying to follow a tutorial using R for Force Distribution Analysis that I got from ... http://projects.eml.org/mbm/website/fda_gromacs.htm. Basically, the MDS I preform outputs a force matrix (.fm) from the force simulation I perform.
Then, this matrix is read into R and prcomp is
2010 Jun 15
Getting the eigenvectors for the dependent variables from principal components analysis
Dear listserv,
I am trying to perform a principal components analysis and create an output table of the eigenvalues for the dependent variables. What I want is to see which variables are driving each principal components axis, so I can make statements like, "PC1 mostly refers to seed size" or something like that.
For instance, if I try the example from ?prcomp
> prcomp(USArrests,
2010 Nov 10
prcomp function
I have a short question about the prcomp function. First I cite the
associated help page (help(prcomp)):
SDEV the standard deviations of the principal components (i.e., the square
roots of the eigenvalues of the covariance/correlation matrix, though the
calculation is actually done with the singular values of the data matrix).
ROTATION the matrix of variable loadings
2009 Mar 08
prcomp(X,center=F) ??
I do not understand, from a PCA point of view, the option center=F
of prcomp()
According to the help page, the calculation in prcomp() "is done by a
singular value decomposition of the (centered and possibly scaled) data
matrix, not by using eigen on the covariance matrix" (as it's done by
princomp()) .
"This is generally the preferred method for numerical accuracy"
2012 Jun 20
prcomp: where do sdev values come from?
In the manual page for prcomp(), it says that sdev is "the standard
deviations of the principal components (i.e., the square roots of the
eigenvalues of the covariance/correlation matrix, though the
calculation is actually done with the singular values of the data
matrix)." ?However, this is not what I'm finding. ?The values appear
to be the standard deviations of a reprojection of
2009 Jan 19
bootstrapped eigenvector method following prcomp
G'Day R users!
Following an ordination using prcomp, I'd like to test which variables
singnificantly contribute to a principal component. There is a method
suggested by Peres-Neto and al. 2003. Ecology 84:2347-2363 called
"bootstrapped eigenvector". It was asked for that in this forum in
January 2005 by J?r?me Lema?tre:
"1) Resample 1000 times with replacement entire
2004 Nov 03
Princomp(), prcomp() and loadings()
In comparing the results of princomp and prcomp I find:
1. The reported standard deviations are similar but about 1% from
each other, which seems well above round-off error.
2. princomp returns what I understand are variances and cumulative
variances accounted for by each principal component which are
all equal. "SS loadings" is always 1.
3. Same happens
2013 Oct 03
prcomp - surprising structure
I did a pca with over 200000 snps for 340 observations (ids). If I plot the
eigenvectors (called rotation in prcomp) 2,3 and 4 (e.g. plot
(rotation[,2]) I see a strange "column" in my data (see attachment). I
suggest it is an artefact (but of what?).
I used prcomp this way: prcomp (mat), where mat is a matrix with the column
means already substracted followed by a
1998 Aug 26
prcomp & princomp - revised
My previous post about prcomp and princomp was done in some haste as I had long
ago indicated to Kurt that I would try to have this ready for the June release,
and it appeared that I would miss yet another release. I also need to get it out
before it becomes hopelessly buried by other work.
Brian Ripley kindly pointed out some errors, and also pointed out that I was
suggesting replacing some
2009 Nov 25
which to trust...princomp() or prcomp() or neither?
According to R help:
princomp() uses eigenvalues of covariance data.
prcomp() uses the SVD method.
yet when I run the (eg., USArrests) data example and compare with my own
"hand-written" versions of PCA I get what looks like the opposite.
comparing the variances I see:
Using prcomp(USArrests)
Standard deviations:
[1] 83.732400 14.212402
2007 Nov 27
Function to calculate eigenvector bootstrap error
Hi everybody,
I need help in writing a statistical function for bootstrap. Suppose m is a matrix with n cols and p rows, my original data. What I want to do is a bootstrap (using boot from package boot) on eigenvectors from a PCA done on m with a statistic function calculating the eigenvector bootstrap error ratio.
If R = number of bootstrap replicates, then my function should look something
2011 Nov 14
Fwd: How to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> De: Arnau Mir <arnau.mir@uib.es>
> Fecha: 14 de noviembre de 2011 13:24:31 GMT+01:00
> Para: Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
> Asunto: Re: [R] How to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
> Sorry, but I can't explain very well.
> The matrix 4*mp is:
> 4*mp
> [,1] [,2] [,3]
> [1,]
2010 Feb 04
pca in R: Problem Fixed
Good day all.
This is to thank all those who have helped in fixing this problem. Starting
with a text book was indeed a problem, however, that gave me a clue of what
I was looking for. This, with your contributions added to other materials I
got on the net, put me on the right track. Thank you so much.
Warmest regards
On 31 January 2010 14:07, S Ellison <S.Ellison@lgc.co.uk> wrote:
2003 Jun 09
understanding eigen(): getting non-normalized eigenvectors
Hi, dear R pros
I try to understand eigen(). I have seen, that eigen() gives the
eigenvectors normalized to unit length.
What shall I do to get the eigenvectors not normalized to unit length?
E.g. take the example:
[,1] [,2]
V1 0.7714286 -0.2571429
V2 -0.4224490 0.1408163
Calculating eigen(A) "by hand" gives the eigenvectors (example from
2010 Mar 19
Howto get unnormalized eigenvectors?
I try to calculate the angle between two first eigenvectors of different covariance matrices of biological phenotypic traits for different populations. My issue here is, that all possibilities to do so seem to normalize the eigenvectors to length 1. Although the helpfile of eigen() states, that using eigen(, symmetric = FALSE, EISPACK =TRUE) skips normalization this is (I guess) not applicable
2011 Nov 14
How to compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues?
Consider the following matrix:
mp <- matrix(c(0,1/4,1/4,3/4,0,1/4,1/4,3/4,1/2),3,3,byrow=T)
> mp
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.00 0.25 0.25
[2,] 0.75 0.00 0.25
[3,] 0.25 0.75 0.50
The eigenvectors of the previous matrix are 1, 0.25 and 0.25 and it is not a diagonalizable matrix.
When you try to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors with R, R responses:
> eigen(mp)
2010 Jan 11
Eigenvectors and values in R and SAS
I was wondering if function eigen() does something different from the
function call eigen() in SAS.
I'm in the process of translating a SAS code into a R code and the values of
the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a square matrix came out to be different
from the values in SAS.
I would also appreciate it if someone can explain the difference in simple
terms. I'm pretty new to both
2008 Jul 08
Help with eigenvectors
Hi everybody,
I have some problems with the function eigen. I have a square matrix and I
want to calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. I apply the function
eigen and I get it, however when I solve the same problem in Statistica
software, I realise that some eigenvectors are the opposite. How can I get
the same values?
Thanks in advance
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2002 Nov 05
eigenvectors order
How the eigenvectors output by the eigen() function are ordered. The
first column corresponds to the largest eigenvalue? or is the last
column as in Octave?
I'm performing a spatial-temporal analysis of some climatic variables
so my matrices are MxN (locations*time)and I'm looking for the leading
EOF's. As I have understand the eigenvectors columns represent those