Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "set working directory"
2004 Apr 20
Creating a package in R 1.9.0
Dear all
I am trying to create a package in R 1.9.0 and I a getting an
error message which I do not understand. (I am using R in Windows
XP and 2000)
For example the following works well in 1.8.1
C:\Program Files\R\rw1081\src\gnuwin32>make pkg-gamlss
---------- Making package gamlss ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing inst files
installing indices
not zipping
2004 May 07
Dear all,
Two questions regarding rterm
C:\Program Files\R\rw1081\bin\rterm.exe --vanilla <test.r --args "Arg1"
worked for me so far with r Version 1081, to start a R script with the
given arguments.
With R1090
C:\Program Files\R\rw1090\bin\rterm.exe --vanilla <test.r --args "Arg1"
There is the error message: Rterm.exe
2004 Jun 24
"Set-up files corrupted" error message
I've tried to download rw1090.exe 3 times and rw1081.exe once onto a Windows XP from the UK mirrors (I've tried both of them). When the download is complete and I double-click on the icon I get an error message telling me the set-up files are corrupted and to obtain a new copy of the program. I have spent quite a lot of time checking the message archives but I can't find a solution. If
2004 Nov 28
Version names
I have Windows XP build scripts that look for R in a variety
of folders and if multiple ones are found, takes the last
one. For example, I currently have the following
in \Program Files\R :
Note that it currently correctly gets rw2001beta but if I
add rw2001 then it will not pick it up since
2004 Aug 19
column names in data.frame
Dear R-help,
Please can someone explain how to put a column name on an output data.frame.
##Starting with a data.frame with 3 columns (d$Year, d$NoIndiv, d$wtd_tl)
yr_ind <- split (d$NoIndiv, d$Year)
yr_tl <- split (d$wtd_tl, d$Year)
ann_ind <- sapply (yr_ind, sum)
ann_tl <- sapply (yr_tl, sum)
av_tl <- ann_tl/ann_ind
d2<- data.frame (av_tl)
##This gives me a data.frame
2004 May 19
Accessing more than 2GB memory in Windows
Can anyone confirm that R can access more than 2GB
of virtual memory on Windows? We are in the process
of porting a memory-hungry routine from Linux.
We are using R 1.8.1 on Windows 2000 Advanced Server;
we've set the 3GB switch in boot.ini, and rebooted
twice. We have run editbin against Rgui.exe ad Rterm.exe
and confirmed the header settings with dumpbin.exe.
We are invoking R
2013 Feb 28
new question
directory<- "/home/arunksa111/data.new"
#first function
direct<-dir(directory,pattern = paste("MSMS_",number,"PepInfo.txt",sep=""), full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
list1<-lapply(direct, function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE, sep =
2003 Dec 17
Building packages in XP
R users,
I recently upgraded (?) to Windows XP from 2000. I am trying to build an R
package. I have done this many times on my old system and I am not sure why
it is not working in XP.
To build the package I call a bat file that specifies all the necessary
paths -- but the "build" file (which appears to be a perl script) is looking
for a "src" subdirectory in the src
2004 Jan 05
build R package on winXP
I wrote an R function and want to build an R package on winXP. I have
set my
I tried to run "Rcmd build --help" but failed. Under
C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe, I got the error message:
Please set TMPDIR to a valid temporary directory.
Under Cygwin, I got the error message:
2004 Jun 04
R CMD check, Windows XP, perl
Dear R users and developers,
I'm trying to build a package. The R CMD build works fine.
The R CMD check produces allways the following error:
installing indices
Can`t locate File/Basename.pm in @ING (@ING contains: D:/../rw1090/share/perl d:/../rw1090/lib .) at D:/../rw1090/share/perl/build-help-windows.pl line 20. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
2004 Nov 15
installing knncat package
Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone has problem installing 'knncat' package. I tried to
install using 'Rcmd INSTALL knncat_1.1.1.tar.gz', error message appeared. I
attached the message in the end. I allso tried to install from RGui, but it
was not listed.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, jenny
---------- Making package knncat ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
2004 Jan 29
Finding Sweave.sty and other problems
I've just tried to run example-3 from Friedrich Leish. I'm using R 1.8.1
and MiKTeX 2.2 on Windows XP.
I go
> library(tools)
> Sweave("example-3.Snw")
Writing to file example-3.tex
Processing code chunks ...
1 : term hide
2 : echo term verbatim
3 : term tex
4 : term verbatim eps pdf
You can now run LaTeX on example-3.tex
The file example-3.tex
2004 May 02
building a "simple" R package
Dear R-ers:
Recognizing that it is better to remain silent and have people think you
stupid than to speak and remove any doubt, I fear that I must speak
I am having the Devil's own time trying to make a simple R package for my
own use. Yes, I have perused the FAQs and searched the archives. Yes, I
have read "Writing R Extensions" and eventually divined what Rcmd
2004 May 07
Error compiling ROracle on Windows 2000
I am trying to compile ROracle _0.5-4 under R 1.9.0 without much success. I am running Windows 2000 SP4, Visual C++ 6.0 SP6, and Oracle client I was able to run the pre-compiled version of ROracle_0.5-2 under R 1.7.1, but does not work on R 1.8.1 or R 1.9.0. Here is the output from nmake:
C:\Program Files\R\rw1090\library\ROracle\src>nmake
Microsoft (R) Program
2004 Feb 05
I am totally lost on how to install R . . .
First . . . SUBSCRIBE (I want to subscribe to the list).
Second, I am trying to install R on windows XP. In looking at the
instruction manual I get the following:
The simplest way is to use 'rw1081.exe' or 'miniR.exe'. Just
double-click on the icon
and follow the instructions. If you installed R this way you can
uninstall it from the Control Panel.
How do I get the
2004 May 17
Problem with package SJava
Hello all,
I'm trying to run SJava package (0.65 modified downloaded from :
http://stats.math.uni-augsburg.de/iPlots/alpha/) on windows NT 2000 and R
1.8.01. I have also downloaded the PDF Calling R from Java and when I want
to execute the following code:
import org.omegahat.R.Java.*;
import java.io.*;
public class Essai{
public static void main (String [] args) {
REvaluator e = new
2004 May 11
- making a Windows library from Unix source code
Hi All,
I'm using R1.8.1 on Windows XP.
I'm having trouble producing an R library from source code. A colleague has written the source code, in Unix. I've copied the source code across to Windows (with the help files, data files, description and index) and am trying to compile it into a library.
I've "sourced" each of the *.r files and they appear to work.
2003 Dec 04
Loading R 1.8.1 (PR#5509)
I downloaded the latest Windows version 1.8.1 from
http://www.stats.bris.ac.uk/R/ (21/11/03 R-1.8.1.tar then to-day the file
is R-1.8.1.tgz) and from Windows unzipped the file. The directory R-1.8.1
is created (rather than rw1081) but no subdirectory 'bin'. I cannot see any
.dll nor .exe files in the directory and I understand from Brian Ripley's
page of 'R for Windows FAQ'
2004 Mar 14
Troubles installing RMySQL on Win2K
What do I need to do to load the RMySQL library on Win 2K using version 1.8.1
I have Mysql v4.0.16 up and running on the local machine with several
databases running fine.
Using RGUI I have loaded RMySQL and an appropriate directory structure has
appeared under
C:\Program Files\R\rw1081\library\RMySQL
I have added C:\Program Files\R\rw1081\library\RMySQL\inst\libs to my path
variable so that
2004 Feb 17
interfacing C++ using .Call
Hi folks,
I apologise if this is in the documentation somewhere, but I can't
seem to find it. I also did a search of CRAN without any success. I'm
using R-1.8.1 (pre-compiled) on Windows 2000 with Rtools and mingw 2.0.0
(which includes gcc/g++ 3.2).
I'm trying to link some C++ code from another application to R using the
.Call interface and am experiencing some problems. I was