Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "any linear programming routine in R"
2008 May 28
Linear Programming.
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2012 May 08
Translation of Linear minimization probelm from matlab to r
Hi everyone, i?m a new user of R and i?m trying to translate an linear
optimization problem from Matlab into r.
The matlab code is as follow:
options = optimset('Diagnostics','on');
[x fval exitflag] = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,[],options);
f = Linear objective function vector (vector of 45,rows)
A = Matrix for linear inequality
2004 Sep 16
newbie needs help using R as solver
I'm a total newbie in R and I'm trying to make a comparisson of Excel
and R in the fields of:
- optimisation modeling (using solver)
- decision trees
- simulation modeling
as described in Winston, Wayne L.: Practical Management Science.
for optimisation modeling in Excel I would normaly use solver. In R
however I can't seem to be able to find the solution. I've
2008 Oct 22
suboptimal lp solutions
Hi list,
I want to find the total maximum resources I can spend given a set
allocation proportion and some simple budget constraints.
However, I get suboptimal results via lp and friends (i.e. lpSolve and
simplex in the linprog and boot) .
For example:
proportions = c( 0.46, 0.28, 0.26)
constraints = c( 352, 75, 171)
lp(objective.in = proportions,
const.mat =
2007 Mar 05
Linear programming with sparse matrix input format?
I am aware of three different R packages for linear programming: glpk,
linprog, lpSolve. From what I can tell, if there are N variables and M
constraints, all these solvers require the full NxM constraint matrix. Some
linear solvers I know of (not in R) have a sparse matrix input format. Are
there any linear solvers in R that have a sparse matrix input format?
(including the
2008 Apr 23
HTML help solveLP(linprog) (PR#11250)
Dear R team!
I found in HTML help for function solveLP(linprog) a small mistake. It
says in Description "Minimizes c'x, subject to A x >=3D b and x >=3D 0", but
tests show that there should be A x <=3D b.
Best regards,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Dec 22
using solve.qp without a quadratic term
I was playing around with a simple example using solve.qp ( function is in the quadprog package ) and the code is below. ( I'm not even sure there if there is a reasonable solution because I made the problem up ).
But, when I try to use solve.QP to solve it, I get the error that D in the quadratic function is not positive
definite. This is because Dmat is zero
because I don't have a
2008 Jun 17
error with solveLP(linprog) (PR#11721)
Full_Name: wfeng
Version: 2.7
OS: windows xp
Submission from: (NULL) (
for solveLP(linprog), the program is specified as
Minimizes c'x, subject to A x >= b and x >= 0.
However, what I found is the actual constraints that works with the function
A x <= b and x >= 0.
2015 Apr 24
Diferencias entre la version de 32 y 64 bits
Buenos días,
He hecho un desarrollo en mi máquina (de 64 bits) y funciona
correctamente. Se trata de un problema de programación lineal (usando
lpSolve y lpSolveAPI). El problema viene al ejecutar un caso concreto
que en la máquina del usuario (de 32 bits) nos da que no hay solución
factible para ese problema, pero en mi máquina de 64 sí que nos
devuelve una solución. ¿Hay alguna forma (limitar
2006 May 05
A question about linear optimizaton
Dear all,
I am trying to find a solution satisfying the below equations
in R.
Set up the problem
9 X1+ X2 + X3 = 2
X1+ X2 + X3 = 1
which is subjected to
0 < X1 < X2 < X3 < 2.
I have downloaded the packages \'linprog\' and \'lpSolve\' but can
not see how to solve the question.
Thank you for your help.
2008 Jul 24
Coconut benchmark for R?
Hello All,
Could anybody point me out any port of "Global Optimization Test
Problems" OR "Constraint Satisfaction Test Problems" part of Coconut[%]
benchmark or other such similar benchmarks for R.
[%] Coconut benchmark:
[[alternative HTML version
2009 Oct 22
Normality test
I am having a hard time interpreting the results of the 'shapiro.test' for normality. If I do ?shapiro.test I see two examples using rnorm and runif. When I run the test using rnorm I get a wide variation of results. Most of this may be from variability of rnorm, samll sample size (limited to 5000 for the test), etc but if I repeat the test multiple times I can get:
2005 Sep 05
convergence for proportional odds model
Hey, everyone,
I am using proportional odds model for ordinal responses in dose-response experiments. For some samll data, SAS can successfully provide estimators of the parameters, but the built-in function polr() in R fails. Would you like to tell me how to make some change so I can use polr() to obtain the estimators? Or anyone can give me a hint about the conditions for the existance of MLE
2007 May 11
Compilation of source package.
I have a samll package that works well and complies nicly on WinXP,
using R-2.4.1
Now I want to add a document so i make a folder inst\doc and put the
.tex and .pdf in there.
But the complation then crashes. Is this because the installin expects
some file to be present in inst if an inst folder is there?
This is how the thing progress is on my command promp:
2006 Jan 06
image replacement (new Effect.*****) problem
Here''s what I''m trying to do. I have two divs, one holds about 20 small
images of products and the other holds a single large image of one of
the products. I''m trying to use the jazzy "new Effect." way of changing
images but I can''t seem to get it too work. My script is replacing the
image and then making the element disappear. What
2014 Dec 17
optimización - resolver sistema - general
Hola a todos,
Simplemente comentar que me tengo encontrado con muchos problemas
de optimización. Mi recomendación general, en el caso multidimensional y
si el tiempo de computación es importante, sería buscar un algoritmo
diseñado para el tipo de problema (evitar los algoritmos más generales
tipo optim si puede haber problemas de mínimos locales). Algunos casos
que tengo resuelto con R
2004 May 30
how to remove "." or replace it with NA?
a quick question
A larger file include many"." (stands for missing
value) for variable, say, x. after
read in the file and assign it another name such as :
but x1 is always a facotor but not numerical.
so How can I get a numeric vector from the read in data frame.
how can I replace those "." with "NA" to perform analysis.
thank you very much
2003 Oct 11
how to seperate R's input and output screen?
Dear all
can anybady tell me how to seperate R's input and output screen?I mean
just like SAS or some others, the commands does not mixed with results.
thank you
2004 Nov 12
How to updating R to the newest version conveniently
Dear R users
I have been using R for a while. However, I don't know what is the
convenient way to update R to the newest version while keep all packages
I previously downloaded and installed from CRAN, if updating all those
packages the same will be even better.
for the time being, I reinstall all those package evrytime after updating
the version.
Thank you.
best regards
2024 Jan 30
linear programming in R | limits to what it can do, or my mistake?
Apart from the fact that the statement "such that t1+t2+t3+t4=2970 (as
it must)" is not correct, the LP can be implemented as follows:
LHS <- rbind(
c(0,0,0,0, 1, 0, 0,0),
c(1,0,0,0,-1, 1, 0,0),
c(0,1,0,0, 0,-1, 1,0),
c(0,0,1,0, 0, 0,-1,1),
RHS <-