Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "[Q] raw -> gpr in aroma package"
2003 Sep 13
what does this error mean?
Dear R-users:
I am runing R 1.6.2 with Windows XP. I try to calculate Pearson correlation
and Spearman correlation of any pairwise columns of 8000 x 80 data matrix with
missing values and randomize the matix 1000 times and calculate this two
correlations again. The code bellow for Pearson is working fine but for
Spearman got the error bellow for randomized data matrix and R console is stop
2008 Mar 02
Could not install aroma.affymetrix
I don't know if this is the correct forum to ask the following question;
however, when I search the aroma.affymetrix discussion group, it suggested
that I should posted the question to r-help. Here it goes.
I followed the instructions on aroma.affymetrix trying to install the
packages; following are the steps:
> install.packages(c("R.oo", "R.utils"),
2008 Jul 25
serialize() to via temporary file is heaps faster than doing it directly (on Windows)
FYI, I just notice that on Windows (but not Linux) it is orders of
magnitude (below it's 50x) faster to serialize() and object to a
temporary file and then read it back, than to serialize to an object
directly. This has for instance impact on how fast digest::digest()
can provide a checksum.
x <- 1:1e7;
t1 <- system.time(raw1 <- serialize(x, connection=NULL));
2008 Mar 29
Problem installing aroma.affymetrix on Solaris 9 with R-2.6.2
Hi List,
I'm trying to install aroma.affymetrix, which depend on many packages, affyio is one of them. The task is done on 32-bit Linux without problem. The same task was done on Solaris 9 with R-2.5.1 without problem. Following is the error message when installation affyio. I did try to put a file stdint.h I got from the web in the path, but got more error messages.
2014 Feb 11
$new cannot be accessed when running from Rscript and methods package is not loaded
Accesses the $new method for a class defined in a package fails if the
methods package is not loaded. I have created a test package with the
following single code file:
newTest <- function() {
cl <- get("someClass")
someClass <- setRefClass("someClass")
(This is similar to code actually used in the testthat package.)
If methods is not loaded,
2003 May 02
için Anatolya aroma ozlu madensuyu tan?t?m?..
?yelik Bilgileriniz
Kullan?c?Ad?n?z :
?ifreniz :
Tekrar ?ifreniz :
Gizli Soru : ?
Cevab?n?z :
Ki?isel Bilgileriniz
Ad?n?z :
Soyad?n?z :
E-Mail Adresiniz :
Adresiniz :
2004 Mar 11
Is it ok to use the name on a bundle and one if its packages?
I wonder if it is unwise to name a bundle the same as one of its
packages. For instance, I now have a huge package called 'aroma' that
I basically want to split up in several smaller packages, say
'aroma.core', 'aroma.io', 'aroma.explore', 'aroma.trial',
'aroma.deprecated' etc, which simplifies maintenance but also the
overview. For
2006 Dec 17
Dear R users,
I'am using marray and Limma packages to analyze genepix output.
1) how can I filter bad spots from my data (data contains 3 types of bad
my experiment contains 12 samples and the bad spot are not associated to the
same probes
2) how can I remove control probes from my data ?
I'm sorry, i'm new with R and I can't find answer in packages doc.
best regards,
1997 Nov 19
print to JetDirect
I use Linux 2.0.30(Red Hat) and Samba 1.9.16p.
Clients are Win95, NT Workstations and Servers. I use
Linux like printserver and bridge. And I have problem
with my printer HP LaserJet 4MV with JetDirect card.
It print 1 test page( or another 1 page) and print
after it second page:
User: root
Class: LINUX
2003 Jul 11
R and XP
Dear whom this may concern,
I am having problems running R under windows XP. I can source files and get all the functions loaded, but when directing it to a file to carry out analyses it comes up with an error message. I am using R for analyses of gpr files generated from microarray slides using Axon genepix 2000.
I hope you have a solution to my problems.
Kind regards,
Jan Bart Rossel (PhD
2010 Oct 08
R CMD SHLIB changes function name when compiling
I'm trying to write a function in C for implementation with .Call. When
compiling using R CMD SHLIB characters seem to be added to the function
Here's the complete C code from the file summariseMCMC.c:
void summariseMCMC(SEXP data) {
2007 Apr 20
Dear all,
I have a question about limmaGUI that is usually run in R environment.
My problem is loading data into the programm. I have 6 gpr files that
apparently are not compatible with limma. Everytime I'm trying to load
the data (including a RNA targets file, an error appears:Error reading
files. that I'm not sure,but seems to have something to do with the
format of my files
2011 Sep 14
Hard Reset Demo doesn't render textures
I've tried to run demo of Hard Reset and it has two big problems on Wine. First is that mouse isn't working. You get input only from keyboard but that can be solved with raw input patch. I used the one that is working with Deus Ex: Human Revolution:
but second is much worse. Basically almost all of the textures aren't rendered. It starts
2002 Aug 13
R CMD check: Too long [R] code line generated (PR#1900)
Full_Name: Henrik Bengtsson
Version: 1.5.1
OS: WinMe
Submission from: (NULL) (
In the Perl script $R_HOME/bin/check there is a bug under the section "Check R
code for syntax errors" where the 'Rfiles <- c(...)' is build up. If there are
too many files in @Rfiles the source code line generated will be too long and
weird things will happen, e.g. strange
2012 Dec 07
Make scripts during package installation?
During installation of a package, Makevars/Makefile in src/ is
processed. I've always considered the purpose of this for compiling
native code. Is that it's solely purpose, or is it alright to use it
also for non-code compilation purposes, e.g. building inst/
subdirectories on the fly? If not, are there other means to create
non-static inst/ subdirectories during installation?
2011 Feb 12
R 2.13.0 on Windows: R CMD check and '"du"' not found
FYI, I'm sure the following is a temporary issue, but in case it slips
through, I want to raise it here. On Windows 7 64-bit, running Rcmd
check on R devel gives:
* using R version 2.13.0 Under development (unstable) (2011-02-11 r54330)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32 (64-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'aroma.core/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is
2007 Oct 23
I'm rather frustrated in trying to run the examples on the robustSmoothSpline. No matter what packages I load, I still come up
with the error as follows.
Error: could not find function "robustSmoothSpline"
Am I missing something?
2015 Jan 26
Inspect a "delayed" assigned whose value throws an error?
Hi, I got an interesting programming challenge:
How do you inspect an object which is assigned via delayedAssign() and
that throws an error as soon as it is "touched" (=the value is
evaluated)? Is it possible?
$ R --vanilla
> delayedAssign("foo", stop("Hey!"))
(If you find this minimal example silly/obvious, please skip down to
the real
2003 May 29
Comparison Operator
Does R have a comparison operator similar to the Like function, for example:
a<-"Is a Fish"
if(b in a){c<-TRUE}
Michael R Howard
Micron Technology Inc. Boise ID.
Fab C Engineering Software (FCES)
Software Engineer
2004 Jul 27
Display on Windows console from script
When I launch a script under windows it does not display sequentially
my cat calls or maybe the console is not refreshed at every line of my
For instance with that code
cat("\n\n================== IMPORT DATA FROM FILE
fileschosen <- choose.files(caption="Select gpr files", filters =