Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "axis labels disappear"
2004 Apr 06
k nearest neighbours
I want to
1) Select for each of the n points in a matrix A, those of the m points
in B that lay within a given radius.
2) Of those points within the radius, select the k nearest ones.
What I now do is
1) Create an n*m matrix C were I put the distances from all the points
in B to the points in A and make NA those cells were the distance is
larger than the radius. (The points are geographical
2008 Sep 01
Report to a domU a change on a disk
I have a Xen dom0 (Debian Etch running xen 3.0.3) running different
domUs. DomUs'' disks are LVM2 volumes. Now I have increased the size of
one of these LVM volumes so I have to inform to the corresponding domU
that its disk has increased its size (to resize it without unmounting
it). How can I do this?
Angel L. Mateo Martínez
Sección de Telemática
Área de Tecnologías de la
2007 Aug 23
two labels on x-axis (year and month)
i'm plotting time-series and label the x-axis as follows:
r <- as.POSIXct(round(range(p1$time), "month"))
to define the time range for labeling the xaxis
plot(p1$time,p1$ p1, type="l", xaxt="n")
plots p1 against time
axis.POSIXct(1, at=seq(r[1], r[2], by="month"), format="%m")
labels the axis in mothly steps.
what I want do do
2012 Sep 21
automatic repartitioning
Hello all.
Does anyone have any suggestions for making centos cloud images that can automatically repartition the root device to resize the filesystem?
All the Ubuntu UEC images do this, so using the same image, you can launch cloud instances of a variety of flavors and the VM instance will repartition the root disk and resize the fs.
The Ubuntu images utilize scripts in the initramfs dpkg that
2010 Oct 07
text/mtext axis labels on graphs
Hello everyone
I have problem with axis labels on graphs, I have my code as below:
text(1:(length(strat_name)), y= 0, adj=1,
srt=45,labels=strat_name,xpd=TRUE, cex=1) #adds text to x
2004 Jun 21
sunrise, sunset calculation
Are there any functions available to calculate sunrise and sunset times
for given latitude,longitude and dates?
If not, I'll appreciatte any pointers to C code I could use/port.
2007 Mar 22
Labelling a second y-axis
I am using the following code as an example function to create
multiple y-axes on one plot. I have it working fine however, I can't
seem to add a label on the second (right) axis. I have tried adding
ylab="y2" in the axis call but, that didn't work; any ideas?
function() {
2003 May 08
nls, restrict parameter values
I posted a question (bellow) a few weeks ago and had a reply (thanks
Christian) that partly solves the problem, but I still would like to be able
to restrict some of the independent variables in a nls model to be always
>0, (is there a way to do it)??
>From: "Christian Ritz" <ritz at dina.kvl.dk>
>To: "Angel -" <angel_lul at
2007 Jan 10
axis labels at subset of tick marks
For example, this works:
x = seq(-100, 1000, 25)
y = x * x
plot(x,y, xaxt="n")
axis(1,x[x %% 100 ==0])
It creates two axis objects and the values of the x-axis are the
labels. The following scenario is more difficult, because it uses
'image' to plot a grid of values:
a = matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=10)
image(1:ncol(a), 1:nrow(a), a, xaxt="n",
2004 Aug 25
image recognition in R
I have some images of bugs (insects) with many bugs in each image.
I want to count the number of bugs and to have an estimate of the area
of each one.
I've tried searching for an R package to do so with no success. Is this
a task that I should pursue doing in R or should I restrict myself to
specific image analysis software (e.g. ImageJ)?.
The reason I consider R would be a good choice is
2003 Nov 07
y label after axis (4)
I am trying to figure out how to lable the second y-axis after the following
plot(x, y,
Then, I want to label the second y axis "pay2". I tried "title(ylab="pay2")",
but it put this lable on the first
2009 Apr 23
how to control significant digits(?) on axis labels
Dear R mailing list
I would like some help on how to get R to display the same number of significant digits (?) for *all* tick marks on axis labels (yet be flexible enough to handle different data sets that vary by 10-1000X).
Consider this simple example:
x <- seq(0,2,by=0.5)
xlim <- range(pretty(x,n=5))
ylim <- xlim
2014 Jun 13
no x label using axis.Date
I have tried multiple different methods to figure out how to get a date axis
of my preference (start date of each month). Any assistance would be
The below section is not producing a date axis:
2012 Jan 08
need help with axis ticks
i am using par(mrow=c(6,6)) function to get 6x6 plots on one screen. the
problem that i am having is that the axis tick labels are far away from the
ticks and going into previous plots (see attached figure). i need to know
how can i reduce the distance between the ticks and their values (y axis
values).the part of the code that i am using (after reading in the data) to
create the top row is:
2012 Oct 19
Centering labels on X-axis
Dear all:
I am trying to center labels on my plot with not much success. I have tried
text(), mtext() but it's not working. I think I am using the wrong function
for my task.
Any help will be appreciated.
My working codes.
2009 Jul 16
axis label config mgp
I have long axis labels (8units) on the x axis and 2 unit number labels on
the y axis. I need to move the x axis title without moving the y axis
title. I have used mgp=c(title, label and line), but mgp moves both the x
and y titles. The following puts the y axis title way way out to the left.
Anyone know how to move just the x axis.
conif<-c("Control", "Switched
2009 Feb 25
vertically aligned X axis labels disappear off R Graphics window
Hi guys,
I'm evaluating R for basic data exploration. I produce a bar plot of the
data, with the x axis labels aligned vertically. However, the start of
labels longer than about 10 characters are cut off by the bottom of the
graphics window.
I'd appreciate your help in properly spacing the space around a plot
reserved for labels so that this problem can be avoided.
2010 Sep 10
modifying axis labels in lattice panels
Dear all,
I am struggling to modify the axis labels/ticks in a panel provided to
To begin with, I do not know the equivalent of the xaxt="n" directive for
panels that would set the stage for no default x axis being drawn.
My goal is to draw ticks and custom formatted labels at certain hours of the
When I execute the code below, I get an error message in the plot window
2005 May 25
Plot: Distance between tick and tick label on y-axis
I want to reduce the distance between my ticks and their labels. I managed
to do it for the x-axis, but the y-axis puzzles me. Here's an example where
there is no space between the x-asix ticks and labels.
plot(runif(50), type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",ylab="", bty="l")
2005 Jun 02
Wishlist: more flexible handling of tick labels in axis.Date (PR#7913)
Full_Name: Gavin Simpson
Version: 2.1.0-patched (1-Jun-2005)
OS: Linux (Fedora Core 3)
Submission from: (NULL) (
axis.Date() insists on labelling tick marks. It could be made more flexible by
allowing the user to specify if they want the ticks to be labelled, for example,
to add un-labelled minor ticks for "months", added to a plot with "years"
labelled. The user