similar to: Nonlinear robust regression

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Nonlinear robust regression"

2016 Jul 06
Formato numérico
Hola. Tengo un problema con el formato de salida de un objeto "numeric", que los expresa en formato científico o exponencial. > range(total$ImpTotal) [1] 5.66 806907887.10 > Valores <- quantile(total$ImpTotal, c(0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.025, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.975, 0.98, 0.99), na.rm=TRUE) > class(Valores) [1] "numeric" >
2011 May 01
Marginal a partir de la densidad conjunta
Cordial saludo. Estoy trabajando con una densidad conjunta algo elaborada (suma y cociente de dos variables aleatorias positivas usando la cópula Frank) y requiero encontrar la distribución marginal de cada una de las variables. A manera de ejemplo (no es el caso específico, que tiene mucho más código), si partimos de la distribución exponencial bivariada #----- theta<-0.5
2017 Jun 14
Regresión ponderada
Colegas: Necesito hacer una serie de ajustes de un modelo de decaimiento exponencial a unos datos de concentración de compuestos fluorescentes contra el tiempo. Para la mayoría de los experimentos tengo tres réplicas por cada tiempo, y haciendo los gráficos correspondientes parece haber diferencias muy grandes en la dispersión de los datos, siendo generalmente mas grandes al principio del
2009 May 04
GEV para datos no estacionarios
Hola a todos, Soy nuevo en R y estoy intentando modelizar una serie de datos no estacionarios usand la distribucion Generalizada de Valores Extremos GEV. ¿Podriais indicarme como se modeliza una tendencia polinómica (cuadrática, por ejemplo) en alguno de los 3 parámetros (situación, escala o forma)? He encontrado documentación a cerca de modelización linear o exponencial, pero no acabo de
2008 Jan 16
nlrq coefficients querry
I have been quantreg library for a number of projects but have just hit a snag. I am using nlrq to examine an asymptotic relationship between 2 variables at the 99th percentile. It performs as expected, however when I try to extract the coefficients along with se and significance I am running into problems. The problem is that for the nlrq regression Dat.nlrq, summary(Dat.nlrq) reports a different
2009 Jan 04
Bivarite Weibull Distribution
HI Every one Could some one provide me definitions of following bivariate distributions gamma, exponencial, Weibull, half-normal , Rayleigh, Erlang,chi-square thanks A.S. Qureshi
2003 Jun 01
Simulating a variable following an arbitrary distribution
Hi, I'd like to know if there's anything in R that could help me do that. Let's suppose I have a density function of a random variable, for example f(x) = (x^3)/4 0 < x < 2 and I would like to simulate it. For the common distributions (exponencial, gamma, cauchy) there are the r-functions (rgamma, rexp, runif, rcauchy, and so on).. But when the variable I want to simulate is not
2015 Jan 28
Ajuste con exponencial
Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML... URL: <>
2004 Aug 07
Asterisk : No Sound No Dial
Thanks for taking a look greg and hank. This seems to be getting bettre please My sjphone is running on the same box as asterisk...i believe then the red hat firewall should not be a problem. Whenever i dial from CLI i get ######### Executing Goto("OSS/dsp", "default|s|1") in new stack -- Goto (default,s,1) -- Executing Wait("OSS/dsp",
2004 Feb 04
Fitting nonlinear (quantile) models to linear data.
Hello. I am trying to fit an asymptotic relationship (nonlinear) to some ecological data, and am having problems. I am interested in the upper bound on the data (i.e. if there is an upper limit to 'y' across a range of 'x'). As such, I am using the nonlinear quantile regression package (nlrq) to fit a michaelis mention type model. The errors I get (which are dependant on
2006 Dec 02
nonlinear quantile regression
Hello, I?m with a problem in using nonlinear quantile regression, the function nlrq. I want to do a quantile regression o nonlinear function in the form a*log(x)-b, the coefficients ?a? and ?b? is my objective. I try to use the command: funx <- function(x,a,b){ res <- a*log(x)-b res } Dat.nlrq <- nlrq(y ~ funx(x, a, b), data=Dat, tau=0.25, trace=TRUE) But a can?t solve de problem,
2009 Jun 09
Non-linear regression/Quantile regression
Hi, I'm relatively new to R and need to do a quantile regression. Linear quantile regression works, but for my data I need some quadratic function. So I guess, I have to use a nonlinear quantile regression. I tried the example on the help page for nlrq with my data and it worked. But the example there was with a SSlogis model. Trying to write dat.nlrq <- nlrq(BM ~ I(Regen100^2),
2004 May 06
sporadic errors with nlrq() / optim()
Dear List, Apologies if this is a known problem ... I wasn't able to find it on the bug list, but it is a problem that does not seem to occur with a MAC build of R 2.0, so perhaps this problem has already been addressed for the future. I am getting *sporadic* errors when refitting the same model to the same data set, using nlrq() in the nlrq package. The algorithm is not stochastic, so I
2011 Oct 16
nlrq {quantreg}
Dear all, I sent an email on Friday asking about nlrq {quantreg}, but I haven't received any answer. I need to estimate the quantile regression estimators of a model as: y = exp(b0+x'b1+u). The model is nonlinear in parameters, although I can linearise it by using log.When I write: fitnl <- nlrq(y ~ exp(x), tau=0.5) I have the following error: Error in, call = cll) :
2015 Jan 27
Ajuste con exponencial
Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML... URL: <>
2012 Feb 13
non linear quantile regression - Median not plotting where it should
Hi, I'm attempting to calculate the 0.25 and 0.97 quantiles for tree height (0-50 meters) against tree age (0-300 years) and I am running into some difficulty with the plotted grafic. I've run the examples in the quantreg help and can get those to work properly and by plugging in my data I can also get the lines plotted on my dataset. Unfortunately I'm running into a problem with the
2008 Jan 01
Non-Linear Quantile Regression
Please, I have a problem with nonlinear quantile regression. My data shows a large variability and the quantile regression seemed perfect to relate two given variables. I got to run the linear quantile regression analysis and to build the graph in the R (with quantreg package). However, the up part of my data dispersion seems a positive exponential curve, while the down part seems a negative
2005 Nov 13
Robust Non-linear Regression
Hi, I'm trying to use Robust non-linear regression to fit dose response curves. Maybe I didnt look good enough, but I dind't find robust methods for NON linear regression implemented in R. A method that looked good to me but is unfortunately not (yet) implemented in R is described in
2009 Apr 29
Una pregunta de estadística (marginalmente relacionada con R)
Hola, ¿qué tal? Tengo una pregunta de esta
2003 Nov 20
nls, nlrq, and box-cox transformation
Dear r-help members I posted this message already yesterday, but don't know whether it reached you since I joined the group only yesterday. I would like to estimate the boxcox transformed model (y^t - 1)/t ~ b0 + b1 * x. Unfortunately, R returns with an error message when I try to perform this with the call nls( I((y^t - 1)/t) ~ I(b0 + b1*x), start = c(t=1,b0=0,b1=0), data = mydataframe)