similar to: Plotting Time against Date for time series data?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Plotting Time against Date for time series data?"

2005 Feb 16
Repeating grey scale in graph?
Dear R users, Could somebody tell me why the grey color ramp is repeated in this graph, eventhough the ramp values go from 0 to 1? I must be missing something obvious, but I can not see it! z <- c(0.064329041,0.117243316,0.161565116,0.19923015,0.231642175,0.259835539,0.284571226, 0.038507288,0.094184749,0.140959431,0.180803984,0.215159105,0.245096084,0.271412845,
2005 Jun 10
Replacing for loop with tapply!?
Dear all, We have a large data set with temperature data for weather stations across the globe (15000 stations). For each station, we need to calculate the number of days a certain temperature is exceeded. So far we used the following S code, where mat88 is a matrix containing rows of 365 daily temperatures for each of 15000 weather stations: m <- 37 n <- 2 outmat88 <- matrix(0,
2005 Feb 18
Hosting a R Graph Gallery?
Dear R users, Following some of the recent questions and discussions about the R plotting abilities, it occurred to me again that it would be very valuable to have an R graph gallery. Eric Lecoutre made a very nice example in: It would be very useful to many beginners, but probably also advanced users of R, to have an
2005 Aug 15
How to repeat code snippet for several variables in a data frame?
Dear all, I have a data frame containing the results of an experiment. Like this: a<-seq(1,4,by=1) b<-seq(1,2,by=1) test<-expand.grid(b,a,a) colnames(test)<-c("replicates","bins", "groups") test$abc <- rnorm(32) test$def <- rnorm(32) test$ghi <- rnorm(32) test The following code snippet aggregates the data for one variable and then draws a
2005 May 04
Plotting means and confidence intervals by group factor using lattice graphics?
Dear R graphics gurus, Another question about lattice graphics. This time I would like to plot means and confidence intervals by group factor in a lattice graph. I can not find any working lattice examples. Maybe a custom panel function is the answer, but that is a bit beyond me for now. The individual plots within the lattice graph could look like this: # Example with confidence intervals
2005 May 24
How to get special (Hershey) font symbols into plot axis labels? [Revisited]
Dear R users, I would like to use sub- and super-script in axis labels. I assume this is best done using Hershey symbols. When trying to find information on using Hershey font symbols in axis labels, I came across the following discussion thread: Have Hershey font implementations moved on since then? Thanks, Sander. --
2005 Jun 03
How to 'de-cross' a table?
Dear R users, I have received a table in the following format: id a b c1 c2 d1 d2 1 1 1 65 97 78 98 2 1 2 65 97 42 97 3 2 1 65 68 97 98 4 2 2 65 97 97 98 Factors of the design are: a, b, and e, where e has levels c and d. The levels c and d then have 2 replicates (r) each. Now I would like to get: id a b e r value 1 1 1 c 1 65 2 1 1
2005 Apr 22
Help needed with lattice graph!
Dear R users, If I manage to sort out this graph, it is certainly a candidate for the new R graph gallery (! I created the following lattice graph: library(lattice) tmp <- expand.grid(geology = c("Sand","Clay","Silt","Rock"), species =
2005 May 27
Soil texture triangle in R?
Dear R users, has anybody made an attempt to create the soil texture triangle graph in R? For an example see here: I would like to get the lines in black and texture labels in gray to allow for plotting my texture results on top. Any examples or suggestions are very welcome! Thanks in advance, Sander. --
2005 May 13
Conflict between xtable and Hmisc when using Sweave?
Dear R users, The Sweave code below runs fine, as it is. However, an error occurs when the line 'library(xtable)' is uncommented: Error: chunk 1 Error in "label<-"(`*tmp*`, value = "month") : no applicable method for "label<-" Is anybody aware of this and knows a workaround? Thanks, Sander. *******************
2009 May 22
Need a faster function to replace missing data
Dear List, I need some help in coming up with a function that will take two data sets, determine if a value is missing in one, find a value in the second that was taken at about the same time, and substitute the second value in for where the first should have been. My problem is from a fish tracking study. We put acoustic tags in fish and track them for several days. Location data is supposed
2009 Jul 24
Duplicated date values aren't duplicates
Dear list, I just had a function (as.ltraj in Adehabitat) give me the following error: "Error in as.ltraj(xy, id, date = da) : non unique dates for a given burst" I checked my dates and got the following: > dupes<-mydata$DateTime[duplicated(mydata$DateTime)] > dupes [1] (07/30/02 00:00:00) (08/06/03 17:45:00) Is there a reason different dates would come up as duplicate
2012 Jan 06
What is wrong with this plotting?
Hello I have a data frame, called input, like this: DateTime CO2_A1cont 1 2011-04-08 11:47:01 NA 2 2011-04-08 12:42:01 8.90000 3 2011-04-08 13:07:01 NA 4 2011-04-08 13:32:01 NA 5 2011-04-08 13:57:01 7.556482 6 2011-04-08 14:22:01 NA .... 57 2011-04-09 16:52:01 4.961558 And like to plot this series with plot() and connected lines, no interruption
2012 Mar 30
lubridate:ymd_hm and coercion of class POSIXct. Smooth way to restore the date format.
Dear all, I wish to create a POSIXct variable from date and time variables using the ymd_hm function in package lubridate. In some cases data for time is missing, which causes a problem for ymd_hm. I wish to find a smooth way to handle this. # Some example data: x <- data.frame(date = c("2011-09-22", "2011-07-28"), time = c("15:00", NA)) x # paste date and
2004 May 27
axis.POSIXct: Datetime data and plotting
I've run into a problem with the datetime axis generated by axis.POSIXct. It appears a similar issue was discussed in October 2003 under the subject line "datetime data and plotting" (see, but I wasn't able to determine whether there is a straightforward solution. The code below produces a graph with apparently
2011 Aug 26
Time Series data with data every half hour
I am working with data from the USGS with data every 30 minutes from 4/27/2011 to 8/25/2011. I am having trouble with setting the frequency. My R script is below: > shavers=read.csv("shavers.csv") > names(shavers) [1] "agency_cd" "site_no" "datetime" "tz_cd" "Temp" [6] "X04_00010_cd"
2011 Feb 02
Need help subsetting time series data
Hi all, I have multiple datasets of time series data taken from GPS collars. The collars are supposed to take a fix every hour on the half hour, i.e., 0:30, 1:30, 2:30...23:30, (because it sometimes takes longer for the collars to acquire a location the minute of these locations vary from 30-34) but because of a software glitch in the collars, at random times the collars start taking multiple
2010 Dec 16
moving average with gaps in time series
I have a time series with interval of 2.5 minutes, or 24 observations per hour. I am trying to find a 1 hr moving average, looking backward, so that moving average at n = mean(n-23 : n) The time series has about 1.5 million rows, with occasional gaps due to poor data quality. I only want to take a 1 hour moving average for those periods that are complete, i.e. have 24 observations in the
2009 Oct 05
Date-Time-Stamp input method for user-specific formats
Date-Time-Stamp input method to correctly interpret user-specific formats:coding is 90% there - based on exmple at ...anyone got the last 10% please? CONTEXT: Data is received where one of the columns is a datetimestamp. At midnight, the value represented as text in this column consists of just the date part, e.g.
2006 Aug 04
Data frame referencing?
Dear R users, When you do: > x <- rnorm(10) > y <- rnorm(10) > z <- rnorm(10) > a <- data.frame(x,y,z) > a$x [1] 1.37821893 0.21152756 -0.55453182 -2.10426048 -0.08967880 0.03712110 [7] -0.80592149 0.07413450 0.15557671 1.22165341 Why does this not work: > a[a$y>0.5,y] <-1 Error in "[<"(`*tmp*`, a$y > 0.5, y, value = 1) :