similar to: loess and as.POSIXct

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "loess and as.POSIXct"

2003 Apr 17
Testing for Stationarity of time series
Hi there, Does anyone know if R has a function for testing whether a time series is stationary?? Thanks in advance, Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Group plc St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084 Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713 KSS Ltd A division of Knowledge Support Systems Group plc Seventh Floor St James's
2003 Nov 19
Correction for first order autocorrelation in OLS residuals
Hi there fellow R-users, Can anyone tell me if there exits an R package that deals with serial correlation in the residuals of an lm model. Perhaps, using the Cochrane Orcutt or Praise Wilson methods? Thanks, Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Senior Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Limited St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084 Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713
2003 Sep 04
: RODBC column length>255
Hello there fellow R-users, I am using the RODBC functionality to query a database. I am trying to read in a columns of strings which have a character field lengths greater than 255. The data.frame that I recieve back from the RODBC query only contains the first 255 characters (the rest having been truncated). Any help on how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated. Reagrds Wayne
2004 Mar 24
Job Vacancy a pricing consulatancy based in Manchester (UK) are seeking an experienced statistical analyst. Candidates must be eligible to work in the EU. If you are interested please send an updated CV to . Company Overview KSS is a leading provider of pricing and revenue management systems for the Retail and Petroleum sectors. Our business applications help our clients get
2003 Mar 07
Moving average
Hi, Does anyone know if R has the functionality to calculate a simple moving average. I cant seem to find it in the help menu. thanks, Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Group plc St James''s Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084 Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713 KSS Ltd A division of Knowledge Support Systems Group plc Seventh
2003 May 08
Returning the p-value of a factor analysis
Hi there, Does anyone know how to explicitly refer to the p-value of thet test that the chosen number of factors is significant in a factor analysis. It's not in the list of values for the factanal command output yet it is printed out with the results. Thanks in advance. Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Group plc St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street
2003 Oct 22
: Prediction interval for a Gaussian family log-link model
Hi there fellow R-users, Can anyone tell me how to build a prediction interval for a gaussian log-link model for the reponse variable?? I can find the standard error of the predictions but I cant seem to find the prediction interval. Is there a way I can calculate the prediction interval from the standard errors?? Here's the example: logX<-rnorm(100)
2004 Apr 22
lme correlation structure error
Hi there fellow R-users, I am trying to follow an example of modelling a serial correlation structure in the textbook "Mixed Effects Model in S and Splus". However, I am getting some very odd results. Here is what I am trying to run: library(nlme) data(Ovary) fm1<-lme(follicles~sin(2*pi*Time)+cos(2*pi*Time),data=Ovary,random=pdDiag(~s in(2*pi*Time))) ### The example is fine up
2003 Jul 16
Sorting a data frame
Hi there R-Helpers, Does anyone know if it is possible to sort a dataframe? I.e. Sort alphabetically column 1 ( which has some reocurring elements) then sort alphabetically column2 but keeping the order of column 1 constant; much the same way that the sort function works in Excel. Regards, Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Group plc St James's Buildings 79
2004 Feb 12
Almost Ideal Demand System
Hi there fellow R users, Has anyone got an R example of applying an Ideal demand system, possibly using the library systemfit?? Thanks Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Senior Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Limited St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084 Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713 KSS Ltd Seventh Floor St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street
2003 Apr 09
Building function libraries
HI there, Does anyone how I can build my own library of R functions? Regards, Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Group plc St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084 Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713 KSS Ltd A division of Knowledge Support Systems Group plc Seventh Floor St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1
2004 Apr 02
Hi there fellow R-Users, Can anyone recommend a good book on the theory and practice of applying GARCH models. Also, does any one know of any R related subject material in addition to library(tseries). Regards Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Senior Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Limited St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084 Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713
2003 Mar 27
Na action with Lowess smoothing
Hi there, I cant seem to find a way for the lowess smoothing function to handle "NA" values. Can anyone help?? Regards, Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Group plc St James''s Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084 Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713 KSS Ltd A division of Knowledge Support Systems Group plc Seventh Floor St
2003 Sep 02
: Creating a Package with Windows XP.
> Hi there fellow R-Users, > > I am trying to use the "package.skeleton" to create my own package with > R.1.7.1 on Windows XP Professional. > I have followed the package.skeleton example and have downloaded the > necessary files found at > > and perl5, available via
2003 Nov 21
gls with serial correlation
Hello there fellow R users, Im trying to fit a gls model to data which has serial correlation in the errors e(t)=p*e(t-1). However I dont seem to be having much luck in erradicating the autocorrelation in the residuals. I have created the following example. library(nlme) x<-rnorm(100) y<-3+2*x y<-y+arima.sim(100,model=list(ar=(0.6)))+rnorm(100,0,0.2) #Create a data set with first
2004 Apr 02
> > Hi there fellow R-Users, > > > > Can anyone recommend a good book on the theory and practice > > of applying > > GARCH models. > Hello Wayne, * Campbell, John, Lo, Andrew W., MacKinlay, A. Craig, The Econometrics of Financial Markets, 1996, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. * Enders, Walter,
2003 Apr 03
Na handing with time series objects
Hello All, Does anyone out there know a way to decompose time series objects with missing values. A simple "na.omit" will not work since it does not preserve the time differences between succesive observations. Thanks in advance, Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Group plc St James''s Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161
2003 Sep 02
FW: Creating a Package with Windows XP.
> Hi there fellow R-Users, > > I am trying to use the "package.skeleton" to create my own package with > R.1.7.1 on Windows XP Professional. > I have followed the package.skeleton example and have downloaded the > necessary files found at > > and perl5, available via
2003 Dec 15
Week of the Year date conversion
Hello there fellow R-users, I have received some data which comes in the following format: example1<-"200301" The first 4 digits correspond to the year and the remaining 2 digits correspond to the week of the year. I have tried to convert this to a date by using strptime as follows: strptime(example1,format="%Y%U") where U (looking up strptime) is the week of the
2004 Jul 19
converting character strings to eval
Hi there fellow R-users, I'm stuck on this seemingly trivial problem. All I want to coerce a character string into a command. For example: x<-rnorm(20) y<-rnorm(20) str<-"lm(y~x)" I want to evaluate the "str" command. I have tried eval(as.expression(str)) But it doesn't seem to work. I am aware of the call command, but for reasons I won't go