similar to: changes to y-axis labels in lmList intervals plot

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2018 Jul 28
possible bug in plot.intervals.lmList
Dear R-devel members, I think I've found a minor bug in plot.intervals.lmList. ( The guide suggests to report it here, as I do not have a bugzilla account.) Here is a minimal reproducible example to demonstrate the problem: fm1 <- lmList(distance ~ age | Subject, Orthodont) plot(intervals(fm1),ylab="a") This results in: "Error in
2008 Oct 08
Observed responses in 'augPred' data frame - Wrong order ?
Dea-R community. I'd like to draw your attention to an issue I have recently encountered while doing my current data analysis. I've got an unexpected (to me) result from the command: > augPred(lmList(my.object)), 'my.object' being a grouped data frame of class: > class(my.object) [1] "nfnGroupedData" "nfGroupedData" "groupedData"
2009 Jun 16
save the output of summary(lmList(x)) into a dataframe
Hi r-helpers! I need to save the output of summary() function that I?ve runned like this: z<- lmList(y~x1+x2| x3, na.action=na.omit,data1,subset=year==1999) w<-summary(z) The output (w) is something like this: Call: Model: y ~ x1 + x2 | x3 Data: data1 Coefficients: (Intercept) Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) 1 0.081110514 1.141352e-01
1999 Jul 01
I am using rw0641. In my continuing quest to understand repeated measures analysis, I again return to lme. I exported the Potthoff and Roy data Orthodont.dat from S-PLUS 4.5 to avoid capture errors and ran the examples in the R help. I imported the data.frame with data <- read.table("Orthodont.dat",header=T) attach(data) and created the objects Orthodont.fit1 <-
2004 Nov 25
Error in anova(): objects must inherit from classes
Hello: Let me rephrase my question to attract interest in the problem I'm having. When I appply anova() to two equations estimated using glmmPQL, I get a complaint, > anova(fm1, fm2) Error in anova.lme(fm1, fm2) : Objects must inherit from classes "gls", "gnls" "lm","lmList", "lme","nlme","nlsList", or "nls"
2007 Nov 09
Confidence Intervals for Random Effect BLUP's
I want to compute confidence intervals for the random effect estimates for each subject. From checking on postings, this is what I cobbled together using Orthodont data.frame as an example. There was some discussion of how to properly access lmer slots and bVar, but I'm not sure I understood. Is the approach shown below correct? Rick B. # Orthodont is from nlme (can't have both nlme and
2004 Nov 26
help with glmmPQL
Hello: Will someone PLEASE help me with this problem. This is the third time I've posted it. When I appply anova() to two equations estimated using glmmPQL, I get a complaint, > anova(fm1, fm2) Error in anova.lme(fm1, fm2) : Objects must inherit from classes "gls", "gnls" "lm","lmList", "lme","nlme","nlsList", or
2012 Jun 19
Possible bug when using encomptest
Hello R-Help, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issues (there are 2): 1) Possible bug when using lmtest::encomptest() with a linear model created using nlme::lmList() 2) Possible modification to lmtest::encomptest() to fix confusing fail when models provided are, in fact, nested. I have
2012 Apr 29
Xy plot help
Dear R group, Tried to turn off the html in yahoo.  So far  not successful.  Apologies! I tried to get xyplot shrink fit for my mixed model.  But, the mixed model line is not seen in the graph. I would like to know if there is anything wrong with my code. Thanks, A.K. (fm1 <- lmer(Response3 ~1+ Wavelength*Start_Resp*time + (1|resid) + (1+time|Subject_BDat), family=binomial, data=Behavdat,
2011 Feb 06
anova() interpretation and error message
Hi there, I have a data frame as listed below: > Ca.P.Biomass.A P Biomass 1 334.5567 0.2870000 2 737.5400 0.5713333 3 894.5300 0.6393333 4 782.3800 0.5836667 5 857.5900 0.6003333 6 829.2700 0.5883333 I have fit the data using logistic, Michaelis?Menten, and linear model, they all give significance. > fm1 <- nls(Biomass~SSlogis(P, phi1, phi2, phi3), data=Ca.P.Biomass.A)
2005 Dec 22
bVar slot of lmer objects and standard errors
Hello, I am looking for a way to obtain standard errors for emprirical Bayes estimates of a model fitted with lmer (like the ones plotted on page 14 of the document available at Harold Doran mentioned ( that the posterior modes' variances
2010 Oct 25
Error: could not find function "lmList"
Dear colleges, I would like to use the lmList function. I have installed the lme4 library but when I try to use the lmList function I get this error message. Error: could not find function "lmList" Here you can see what kind of messages I am getting when installing lme4 package. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks Rosario > install.packages() --- Please select a
2006 Jan 17
multiple GLMs with lmList in lme4
I'd like to fit a GLM to each of a number of subsets of some data. The `family' argument to `lmList' (in lme4) has given me cause for optimism, but so far I've only been able to achieve linear model fits. For example > df <- data.frame(gp = gp.temp <- factor(rep(1:3, each = 100)), x = x.temp <- rnorm(300), y = rpois(300, exp((-1:1)[gp.temp] + x.temp))) Then a call to
2013 Nov 20
nlme function summary.lmList cannot be found with new versions
Hello, I installed the newest version of R (3.0.2) as well as the newest version of nlme (3.1-113) in order to use summary.lmList and other nlme functions. Once loading the new library, lmList and summary.lm can be found, but a number of additional functions cannot be found via command. Versions installed and loaded are correct. Any suggestions on how to allow for these functions of the new
2005 May 13
error in plot.lmList
Hello, in R-2.1.0 I'm trying to prodice trellis plots from an lmList object as described in the help for plot.lmList. I can generate the plots from the help, but on my own data plotting fails with an error message that I cannot interpret (please see below). Any hints are greatly appreciapted. kind regards, Arne > dim(d) [1] 575 4 > d[1:3,] Level_of_Expression SSPos1 SSPos19
2003 May 07
[R ] Query : problems with the arithmetic operator "^" with function "lme" and "lmList"
Dear all, I've got a problem in including square variables in lme and lmlist functions. I've tried to work on Oxboys data of Pinheiro and Bates'book, which consist of the heights of 26 boys, each mesured on nine different occasions : > Oxboys Grouped Data: height ~ age | Subject Subject age height Occasion 1 1 -1.0000 140.50 1 2 1 -0.7479 143.40
2003 May 07
[R ] Query : problems with the arithmetic operator "^" wi th function "lme" and "lmList"
Dear Martin, Have you try to create a new variable for age squared, say agesq? If you fit the model using this new variable you should get the coefficients. So your new model is something like height~age+agesq I hope this helps, Saghir > -----Original Message----- > From: MARTIN Ludovic [] > Sent: Wednesday, 07 May, 2003 2:02 PM > To:
2010 Feb 25
error in lmLists in lme4 package (bug?)
Hello, I am trying to use lmLists in the lme4 package and copying over very standard code from the nlme package given in 'Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-Plus'. It appears to not accept an 'I(age-11)' in the formula, though it will accept the formula with out the subtraction of 11 from age. This seems like it would be a bug, since this is standard formula syntax, unless
2003 Feb 13
sorting in lmList object
Hi all, Forgive me if this is an obvious one.... I want to make a plot of confidence intervals from an lmList object with a collection of simple linear models (lm(y~x)) using: plot(intervals(mylmList)) and sort the plot by increasing mean values for the intercept. Is there an easy way of doing this? I've tried the "order()" and "sort.list()" functions, but I suspect
2005 Apr 08
subset arg lmList
I'm having trouble understanding how functions in the subset argument for lmList search for the objects they need. This trivial example produces "Error in rownames(fakedf) : Object "fakedf" not found": library(nlme) fitbyID <- function() { fakedf <- data.frame(ID = gl(5, 10, 50), A = sample(1:100, 50), B = rnorm(50))