similar to: Review of Black, Ruby for Rails, Chapter 4

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Review of Black, Ruby for Rails, Chapter 4"

2006 Feb 20
Review of Ruby For Rails Chapter 3
Here''s my review of Chapter 3: As the author says, this is a transitional chapter. The first chapter was an introduction to Ruby, and the second was a similar introduction to Rails. Now we begin the real purpose of the book, which is to dig into the Ruby behind the Rails. Periodically the question arises on this list about how much Ruby you need to know in order to do Rails.
2006 Feb 02
Installation behind a proxy
Hi all, I was a client site today on another project and we started talking about RoR. I wanted to show it in action, so I downloaded the one-click Ruby installer for Windows and then tried to do "gem install Rails -include-dependencies". After a time-out period I received the following error: ERROR: While executing gem.(Gem::RemoteSourceException) Error fetching remote gem
2006 May 16
rake aborted when adding a column
I''m having a silly little problem with migrations.  All I''m trying to do is to add an SSN column to my Employees table.  I generated a migration which looks like: class AddSsn < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up     add_column :employees, :ssn, :string end def self.down     remove_column :employees, :ssn   end end When I run this, however, I get: >rake
2006 Jan 04
Rails on Tomcat or JBoss?
Hi all, The Rails book talks about running Rails under Apache, but is there a (relatively) easy way to deploy it to either Tomcat or JBoss? Is the CGI servlet the only option? Thanks, Ken -- Kenneth A. Kousen, Ph.D. President Kousen IT, Inc. <> <>
2006 Jan 16
Read data from Excel
A client of mine has a ton of data stored in Excel spreadsheets. I''m building a web application for her (backed by a real db of course) and want to import all that data. Is there a library available to read data from Excel? Is there an easy way to upload the spreadsheets and then read the data? Thanks, Ken Kousen -- Kenneth A. Kousen, Ph.D. President Kousen IT, Inc.
2006 May 04
Interesting ActiveRecord vs Hibernate article
For those haven''t seen it yet, Patrick Peak has an interesting article at the Server Side ( discussing the differences between the Hibernate ( peristence framework and ActiveRecord.  The article can be found here: .  Patrick Peak is the author of _Hibernate Quickly_ (Manning), which
2006 May 04
Transferring RailsConf registrations
Has a decision been made about the proper way to transfer RailsConf tickets from one person to another?  I didn''t see anything on the RailsConf site and the wiki just leads to the regular RoR wiki. It turns out a client of mine needs me that week.  I don''t mean to clutter the discussions here with that, but I don''t know of any other forum. Ken -- Kenneth A. Kousen,
2006 Oct 02
Audit handbook chapter review, call for general testing
Dear All, Over the past week or so, I have spent some time updating Tom Rhodes' excellent FreeBSD Handbook chapter on Audit for some of the more recent audit changes, such as new features in more recent OpenBSM versions. Since FreeBSD 6.2-BETA2 contains what is likely the final drop of the audit code (modulo any bug fixes) for 6.2-RELEASE, now would be a great time for people interested
2006 Feb 10
"Ruby for Rails" in early access release
Hi -- My book "Ruby for Rails" is now being released one chapter at a time through the Manning Early Access Program, with the whole book due to appear on May 1. If you''re interested, see (I guess I could have just sent my sig with no body, but anyway :-) David -- David A. Black ( Ruby Power and Light
2006 Jan 12
How do you create a tree strucutre with ActiveRecord
I want to build an application that has the concept of administrative domains. What I mean by this is that administrators have access to different data, based on what domains they are a member of. The domain strucutre is hierarchical. Here is an example: - MLB - AL - East - Yankees - Red Sox ... + Central + West - NL + East + Central + West Now
2006 May 06
Tip, may even be useful
Here''s something that caused me a couple of hours of head-scratching today: Apparently, if your model doesn''t derive from ActiveRecord, it is NOT reloaded for each operation in the development environment. I was working with something that uses a single model per session, and stores its data in the session. I kept wondering why I didn''t see my changes. Finally, I
2011 May 07
Typing "startx" gives me a black scrren, have to reboot to get back to runlevel 3
Hello everyone, I have been having a vexing problem for a year, and I cannot solve it. Hopefully, someone has a tip to get me over the hump to fix this once and for all. When I type "startx" from root, I get: (EE) fglrx(0): atiddxDriScreenInit failed, GPS not been initialized. (WW) fglrx(0): *********************************************** (WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed!
2006 Feb 12
CSS in Views
How can I link to a CSS file in one of my view files? -- Posted via
2003 Jul 16
Integrating R in OpenOffice
Hi All, A group of about 3-4 of us are looking into the possibility of incorporating R into OpenOffice's (OO) spreadsheet component (sc) . We wish to use OO's nice ODBC ability to query a postgresql-based gene expression database thus populating an OO sc and then use Bioconductor via R to analyse user-selected parts of this spreadsheet. We've looked at and compiled and used
2006 Sep 07
R CMD check: unstated dependence on a standard package.
In the recent R-devel version, I receive the following error: * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... WARNING Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) : could not find function "packageDescription" Error in library(R.oo) : .First.lib failed for 'R.oo' Execution halted It looks like this package (or one of its dependent
2006 Mar 27
XML Storage?
Hey Folks, Now that all the fun and games of learning Rails has almost sunk in it''s time to build something useful. I am tasked with building a system to control and search our large (and I mean large 1.5 million + and growing) photograph collection. I have been building databases for years and after thinking about the situation we decided that trying to store the
2008 Jul 02
Sweave / Latex per-chapter output
Hello to all who have helped me on this topic, first I need to apologize for apparently replying only now... In fact I use the "Pan" Newsreader to read the list, and I posted a reply to the thread a week after your suggestions through Pan, and I only now realised that the posting never arrived on the list although Pan gave me no error message at all! So, let me try again using the good
2017 May 07
Instruction selection for 'load' based on static vs. dynamic data
Hi, I've been looking at the new AVR backend lately, and one issue I've found is that all 'load' IR instructions are matched using the 'ld' AVR instruction, including 'load's for lookup tables generated from switches. On the AVR architecture, RAM and the program image are in completely separated namespaces. There's a distinct 'lpm' (Load from Program
2001 Jun 11
Chapter titles and metadata
On Sat, 9 Jun 2001 10:54:43 +0100, Alan Swanson <> wrote: >Useful for long files, eg from live recordings, interviews, stories, >plays and so on. I was thinking something along the lines of; > >comment[x]="CHAPTER=00:12:13 Third chapter" >comment[x+1]="CHAPTER=00:13:56 Fourth chapter" This is another case where a non-time specific block
2013 Oct 13
reg.finalizer(): Is it safe for the finalizer function to attach/load a package?
>From the help/docs it is pretty clear that one could/should only assume that the 'base' namespace is available when a finalizer function is evaluated. What is not clear to me is whether you can safely attach/load packages in your finalizer function. For example, are the following finalizer functions safe? reg.finalizer(e, function(e, ...) { library("tcltk")