similar to: Error with 1.9.0 - winMenuAdd not usable in .Rprofile

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Error with 1.9.0 - winMenuAdd not usable in .Rprofile"

2004 Apr 16
Windows startup menu display problem in 1.9.0 (PR#6783)
Full_Name: Brian J. Smith Version: 1.9.0 OS: WinXp Submission from: (NULL) ( WinXP; R 1.9.0 running under Rgui.exe. winMenuAdd calls via my .Rprofile file do not seem to work and, instead, result in the following error message after the R GUI starts: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "winMenuAdd" Any subsequent calls to winMenuAdd from
2004 May 01
RWinEdt, R.profile and version 1.9.0
Hi, I have just upgraded from the 1.8.1 to the 1.9.0 version of R, and have some trouble to run RWinEdt from the .Rprofile file (in the user folder). The script is: library(MASS) library(lattice) cat("Load editor?(y/n default = y): ") nf <- as.character(readLines(n = 1)) if ((nf=="y")|(nf=="Y")|(nf=="")) {library(RWinEdt)} rm(nf) When run at start,
2008 Jul 06
Windows Only: winMenuAdd() problem
Folks: I don't know whether the following is a Windows or R problem, nor whether it is particular to my particular Windows version/setup. So any help would be appreciated. First the problem, then the info. The following code can be cut and pasted into your R session ############################# ### start R ### create a plot on device 2 (which can be determined by dev.cur()) plot(1:10)
2003 Jun 03
winMenuAdd misbehaving?
Microsoft Windows R users, I am operating Windows 2000 (build2195) with R1.7. It may be pertinent that I am using a dual head screen with the initial RGui filing the entire area of both screens. When starting R I use the .First() function to add menu items to the RGui interface using winMenuAdd() and winMenuAddItem(). The menus do not display until the RGui window is physically manipulated in
2004 Apr 16
Pb on startup with R1.9.0
I'm using Rprofile file on R1.9.0 startup and inside I'm loading a personal Library which uses winMenuAdd() and I've got this error : Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "winMenuAdd" I hadn't this problem with others R versions. What Can I do now to avoid that? I'm using R1.9.0 under Win98. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Sep 18
Use of Apply to Change Values in Dataframe
I have a question about how apply() works for changing data values. I am using it to change NA values to zero, but the question applies to other value changing operations as well. If I have a dataframe "Dat" with columns "a", "b" and "c" and there are some NA values in every column: If I do: Dat$a[$a)] <- 0 then all the NA values are changed
2003 Feb 11
How "else" works
I have what is likely to be a simple question about the else keyword. The usage in the help pages is as follows: if(cond) cons.expr else alt.expr I would expect to be able to use it in the following way as well: if(cond){ cons.expr } else alt.expr This results a syntax error. Am I doing something wrong, or doesn't R support the spanning of the combination of if and else
2003 Apr 22
Weird Windows startup menu display problem in 1.7.0 (PR#2817)
Folks: Winnt; R1.7.0 (freshly installed) running under Rgui.exe.,MDI=yes. The following is repeatable: On startup, in my file, I use winMenuAdd() etc. to install some user menus. However, they do not appear when R GUI window opens. If I minimize and restore the window, the added menus now are present. The exact same procedure under 1.6.2 with exactly the same and
2002 May 24
Converting Character Strings into Object Names
Is there a function to convert character strings to object references. For example, I want to name sets of objects based on scenarios and the types of data being stored. So the scenarios might be something like c("a", "b", "c"), the types of data might have names like c("pass.trp", "trk.trp", "cmute.trp"), and I want to assign data to
2005 Apr 07
Zipping Rdata Files
Saving Rdata files in a zip archive form can in some cases save a considerable amount of disk space. R has the zip.file.extract function to extract files from zip archives, but appears not to have any corresponding function to save in zipped form. (At least I have not been able to find anything in the help files or through searching the mail archives.) The system function can be used to call gzip
2006 Mar 20
Platform independent dialogs & menus?
Dear list mates, Are {utils} dialog box functions, and winMenuAdd... functions used to change (e.g. Console) menus, platform dependent? I'm writing a script loaded with .First that provides first time users in a lab course with the ability to select, load, and change between what I called a 'session' (more specific save that focuses on the session object I defined rather than the
2004 Apr 06
how to learn R quickly?
i am new to R,so i post here to ask you how to learn R quickly? is there some usefull materials about using R. ps:though the manual is a good materials,but it is not the best for a newbie,i think. thank you !
2010 Feb 12
Selective load of .First() function just for Rgui.exe
Hi all, I have a .First <- function() {...} in the file. Through .First() I'm adding several menus to the GUI to access several functions I've been developing for own use. However, I also need to launch R scripts silently in a batch way, and in this case I get the error message: "Error in winMenuAdd(menuname, NULL, NULL): Menu functions can only be used in the
2008 Mar 05
ipf function in R
Hi I have a 3 x 2 contingency table: 10 20 30 40 50 60 I want to update the frequencies to new marginal totals: 100 130 40 80 110 I want to use the ipf (iterative proportional fitting) function which is apparently in the cat package. Can somebody please advice me how to input this data and invoke ipf in R to obtain an updated contingency table? Thanks. By the way I am quite new to R. -- Dr
2004 Jun 01
WinMenu's question
I am using the Windows menu functions below which will work on the first pass, but if I repeat the same script I cannot get the WinMenuAddItem to work. This is a problem if I change the menu structure and reread the source code I am forced to quit and restart Rgui. "" <- function(){ OS <- .Platform$OS.type GUI <- .Platform$GUI if (!(OS == "windows" &
2006 Mar 31
Segfault with too many menu items on Rgui
Hi all, In the CHANGES file for R-2.3.0alpha, there is the following statement: winMenuAdd() now has no limits on the number of menus or items, and names are now limited to 500 (not 50) bytes. However, I can reproducibly get a segfault using this (admittedly silly) example: for( i in 1:5) winMenuAdd(paste("Test", letters[i], sep="")) for(i in 1:5) for(j in 1:24)
2007 Apr 20
sequences extraction
Hello, I need to extract sequences from an ordered vector. For example, if a<-c(1,2,3,6,10,11,13) I need to get the followings 4 vectors (1,2,3),(6),(10,11),(13) Thank You -Bruno ------------------------------------------------------ Leggi GRATIS le tue mail con il telefonino i-mode? di Wind
2007 May 14
RFC: allow packages to advertise vignettes on Windows
Hello, The vignette concept, which started in Bioconductor, seems to be catching on. They are supported by R CMD build/check and documented in the Writing R Extensions manual. I think vignettes are a fantastic way to introduce new users to a package. However, getting new users to realize that a vignette is available can be challenging. For some time now, we have had a function in Biobase that
2004 Aug 05
R interface to Python (in Windows)
I put a copy of R 1.8.1 for Windows on our FTP site at: It should be there for a few days before it gets deleted. Benjamin Stabler Transportation Planning Analysis Unit Oregon Department of Transportation 555 13th Street NE, Suite 2 Salem, OR 97301 Ph: 503-986-4104 -----Original Message----- From: Peter Wilkinson [mailto:pwilkinson at]
2004 Apr 08
Why are Split and Tapply so slow with named vectors, why is a for loop faster than mapply
First, here's the problem I'm working on so you understand the context. I have a data frame of travel activity characteristics with 70,000+ records. These activities are identified by unique chain numbers. (Activities are part of trip chains.) There are 17,500 chains. I use the chain numbers as factors to split various data fields into lists of chain characteristics with each element of