similar to: polygon

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "polygon"

2011 Jun 16
Polygon question
Hi all, I have the following script which fills the values which are less than the mean of a given timeseries. If you look closely, the colored regions are "out of line". Any suggestions how I can rectify this? Thanks Muhammad # ----- #rm(list=ls()) x <- abs(rnorm(100)) tt <- 1:100 m <- mean(x) w <- which(x>=m) x1 <- x ; x2 <- x ; x3 <- x x1[w] <- m
2007 Nov 26
visualizing nucleotide sequence properties
Hi there, I am looking for R-packages that can help me visualize properties on nucleotide sequences. I want to display sequences in the 1-100K base range as lines and plot features above and below those lines. Any ideas would be welcome. Thanks, Bernd [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Feb 25
color area between two time-series via polygon()?
Hi all, I would like to color the area between two time-series. I tried it by using the polygon() function but I keeps drawing lines between beginning and end points. Is there another more appropriate function or how could I close the polygon at the end en the beginning of the time series (e.g., drawing a straight line)? The following doesn't plot a polygon between the two
2008 Aug 15
continuous coloring of a polygon
R2.7.1, WinXP Hi, I have a polygon inside a circle as follows: radius <- 3 x <- seq(-radius,radius,length=2000) y <- sqrt(radius^2-x^2) xx <- c(x,-x) yy <- c(y,-y) plot(xx,yy, xlim=c(-radius,radius),ylim=c(-radius,radius), type="l", ylab="", xlab="", axes=F) radius <- 2.7 x1 <- seq(-radius,radius,length=2000) y1 <- sqrt(radius^2-x1^2)
2009 Mar 13
malformed plot symbols in lattice pdf
Hi, I'm using panel.polygon inside a custom panel function to generate filled polygons for an xyplot. Everything is as expected until I specify a value < 1 for alpha to fill with a semi-transparent color and output to pdf. The plot symbols appear malformed. Am I doing something wrong here? Thanks, Mark Here is an example (pdfs are attached): library(lattice) ## example data
2008 Aug 28
Help with shading a polygon below a segment of a curve (normal distribution)
Dear R users, I still feel new to R so please apologize if I am doing something stupid here. My use of the polygon() function produces a result that I cannot comprehend: In a plot, I would like to shade the area below a normal distribution. However, I do not want the entire area to be shaded, but just the area on the right side of a vertical line that I draw through the distribution (in
2006 Jun 07
Fw: Help needed using lattice for area plots lpolygon, xyplot.
I am trying to learn how to use the graphics from the lattice package ( and am very new to R). I am trying to replicate the example plot referenced below, by using the lattice xyplot & lpolygon to create panels. I get what appears to be the correct shape of the filled region, but cannot get the position to overlay properly. I have attempted with various settings of position. ( i.e.
2009 Jun 25
grid.polygon() + color gradient
Hi, I wonder whether there is a way to generate a polygon (a triangle in my case) with color gradient using grid.polygon() in package grid? I tried something like library(grid) grid.polygon(x=c(0, 0.5, 1), y=c(0.5, 1, 0.5), gp=gpar(col=NA, fill=colorRampPalette(c("green", "lightgray"), space="Lab")(200))) But am only
2009 Dec 02
polygon graph
Hi all, I have a matrix dd with dates and data. i WANT to create a grpah with shade between the line and the zero axis. I?m trying to use polygon but something doesn? t work Imagine. I want to plot g<-read.table("dd.txt", col.names=c("fecha","DP")) g$fecha <- as.Date(g$fecha, format="%d/%m/%Y") t<-g$fecha st<-length(g$DP)
2010 Aug 04
help with using grid.polygon()
Hi, I'm trying to use grid.polygon() to plot several polygons at once, with a view to putting coloured polygons beneath a curve. I'm struggling just to get the grid.polygon to plot anything # PLOT SOME POINTS x <- 1:100 y <- 1:100*0.5 + 3 plot(x, y, pch = ".") # PLOT 2 POLYGONS library(grid) grid.polygon(x = c(20, 20, 40, 40, 40, 40, 60, 60), y =
2011 Nov 18
How to fill irregular polygons with patterns?
Hi, I'm looking the best way to fill irregular polygons with patterns, Something like the function grid.pattern do, but my case is with irregular polygons. Whit this script I can get it, but I'm looking for an "elegant" solution.. library(grid) grid.polygon(x=c(0.2, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 0.8, 0.2), y=c(0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7,0.7), gp=gpar(fill="grey",
2006 Oct 02
xyplot Graphic Help
I have the following graphic where I drop unused factors in the x axis, however I cannot get the first point on the second panel. It seems shifted. Any ideas? The example is below: data <- data.frame( Room=as.factor(c(132,132,132,132,132,132,132,132,132,196,196)),
2012 Jul 10
how can I show the xlab and ylab information while using layout
hi R-users: I want to draw three plot into one figure by layout and the script has been shown below. But I find R does not show the xlab and ylab information completely as shown the figure attached. How can I midify the script.? thank you . xxlab<-paste(cpmd," (",ro,"%)",sep=" ") yylab<-paste(rfmd," (",co,"%)",sep=" ")
2009 May 31
Bug in truncgof package?
Dear R-helpers, I was testing the truncgof CRAN package, found something that looked like a bug, and did my job: contacted the maintainer. But he did not reply, so I am resending my query here. I installed package truncgof and run the example for function ad.test. I got the following output: set.seed(123) treshold <- 10 xc <- rlnorm(100, 2, 2) # complete sample xt <- xc[xc >=
2007 Mar 07
How to open more windows to make more graphs at once!
Dear R users, I have a data frame (test) including five columns of upper (numeric), lower (numeric), observed (numeric), best_sim (numeric) and stname (factor with 80 levels, each level with different length). Now I would like to write a short program to draw one graph as follow for each level of stname but I would like also to draw each time 12 graphs for the 12 levels of stname in the same
2004 Jun 04
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to R and to CART so I hope my questions don't seem too stupid. 1.) My first question concerns the rpart() method. Which method does rpart use in order to get the best split - entropy impurity, Bayes error (min. error) or Gini index? Is there a way to make it use the entropy impurity? The second and third question concern the output of the printcp() function.
2005 Aug 08
vector vs array
Hi! OK, I'm trying to select some "useful outliers" from my dataset: I defined 11 "treshold" values (1 for each level of a variable (sampling site) as follows: tresholds<-function(x) { tapply(x,mm$NAME,FUN=mean ,simplify = T, na.rm=T)->med tapply(x,mm$NAME,FUN=sd ,simplify = T, na.rm=T)->standev standev+med } tresholds(mm$chl) Now I'd like to select
2004 Feb 26
my own function given to lapply
Hi It seems, I just miss something. I defined treshold <- function(pred) { if (pred < 0.5) pred <- 0 else pred <- 1 return(pred) } and want to use apply it on a vector sapply(mylist[,,3],threshold) but I get: Error in : Object "threshold" not found thanks for help cheers chris -- Christoph Lehmann <christoph.lehmann at>
2004 Jul 19
why won't rq draw lines?
I've been trying to draw quantile linear regression lines across a scatterplot of my data using attach(forrq) plot(PREGNANT,DAY8,xlab="pregnant EPDS",ylab="postnatal EPDS",cex=.5) taus <- c(.05,.1,.25,.75,.9,.95) xx <- seq(min(PREGNANT),max(PREGNANT),100) for(tau in taus){ f <- coef(rq(DAY8~PREGNANT,tau=tau)) yy <-
2013 Mar 20
highlight overlapping region of two densities
Hi all. I would like to highlight overlapping regions of two densities and I could not find a way to do it. Here is the sample code: myd <- c(2,4,5, 4,3,2,2,3,3,3,2,3,3,4,2,4,3,3,3,2,2.5, 2, 3,3, 2.3, 3, 3, 2, 3) myd1 <- myd-2 plot(range(density(myd)$x, density(myd1)$x), range(density(myd)$y, density(myd1)$y), type = "n") lines(density(myd), col=1, lwd=4)