similar to: Histogram ploting

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2010 Oct 20
histograms resulting from call to soil.texture
Hello, Using the dataset below I produce a soil.texture plot (R code for this included at the end). One will notice I have plotted the points based on whether or not they are in a region called 'upstream' or 'downstream'. I'm curious if there is a way to somehow extract counts of the number of points (red points and blue points) falling within each classification (e.g. silty
2004 Nov 01
ms access --> mysql --> R in Linux
I am trying to use some ms access databases in R (version 1.9.1 or 2.0 on a Debian system). In searching the net for promising software to do this, I found mdbtools. Mdbtools claims the ability to convert schemas and tables in MS Access to MySQL and other databases. I'm wondering if anyone in the R community has tried using this software to use
2013 Jun 12
Question on Simple Repeated Loops
Dear R-User, Appreciate any helps. It looks simple, but I don't have a clue. Given that I have a dataframe of tree population with three variables: sp=species , d0=initial_size grow=growth increment from initial size per year How can I calculate the future growth increment of each tree for the next 3 years. The following Rscript was written, #---------- a0 <-
2011 Mar 03
Ploting Histogram with Y axis is percentage of sample for each bin
I'm trying to do something very simple... I wan to plot a histogram where the y axis represent the percentage of the total sample that each bin represents. I know how to plot a histogram with the counts and density... but can't find anything that gives me perenct of sample on the y axis. Any help is appriciated Below is the script I'm working with par(mfrow=c(1,2))
2007 Aug 05
Any "special interest" in R/pic interface?
Hi Folks, I'm wondering if there are people out there who would be interested in what would be involved in developing an interface between R graphics and the 'pic' language. Explanation; 'pic' has been part of the Unix 'troff' typesetting suite since very early days (1970s), and also of the GNU troff: 'groff'. Its function is to act as a preprocessor,
2010 Jun 18
ploting dots with quentiles I am going to plot my data set like this, with means and 25% & 75% quentiles. I've tried "boxplot", but the output is not what I want. Should I use other functions? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help
2008 Aug 07
Problems using hetcor (polycor)
Sorry if this post should be long but I tried to give you a piece of my data to reproduce my error message using hetcor: Fehler in result$rho : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Zus?tzlich: Warning messages: 1: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) : 1 row with zero marginal removed 2: In polychor(x, y, ML = ML, std.err = std.err) : the table has fewer than 2 rows Error in
2012 Jul 31
No subject
Emscripten is an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler. It takes LLVM bitcode - which can be generated from C/C++, using llvm-gcc or clang, or any other language that can be converted into LLVM - and compiles that into JavaScript, which can be run on the web (or anywhere else JavaScript can run). I was able to successfully build libogg, libvorbis and libvorbis examples using this tool and generate valid
2007 Oct 15
Need help ploting time series(2)
hi: Yesterday I post a message about hoy to plot a time series, but someone told me to post more information about the file so here it is: the file was read using read.table and the name is list. When I use str(list) it tells the following variables: YEAR int: 2003,2003,2003....2004 MONTH int:1,1,1,1,.... DAY:int 1,1,1,... STATE: factor with 51 levels. SALES: int (sales per day) The reason why
2008 Dec 18
Ploting 3D cylinder in RGL
Dear all, I would like to draw a 3-D horizontal cylinder preferably in RGL device (because this gives the look from different angles). Basic idea is from Below is the description exactly what I want to do. Please see at figure 18.6, 1st plot. Here it is an confidence ellipsoid. Suppose now you put another 4 same ellipsoids on top
2008 Feb 08
Checking for linearity by ploting residuals against predicted values (lme)?
En innebygd og tegnsett-uspesifisert tekst ble skilt ut... Navn: ikke tilgjengelig Nettadresse:
2009 May 21
Need help on ploting Histograms
this is the command i made for a normal distribution, but when i try to plot the histograms, i dont know why the bars don't stick on the line... nsamples<-1000 sampsize<-15 Samples<-matrix(rnorm(nsamples*sampsize,0,1),nrow=nsamples) a<-apply(Samples,1,var) NC14<-a*14 x<-0:40 plot(x,dchisq(x,14),type='h') hist(NC14,freq=F,add=T) -- View this message in context:
2009 Oct 12
function: ploting an igraph object within lattice
Hi, I would like to be able to develop a function to plot an igraph object with lattice (trellis type displays will be usefull for grouping etc). Anyway, I mostly feeble Igraph requires that you convert two columns of data two an igraph object and to be able to plot the graph...I have tried a very, very simplistic (if not naive) approach and surprise, surprise, it didn't work. First of all,
2011 Dec 13
Problem with ploting fitted values
Hello! I have such a problem... Estimated a model based on common data (you can find it in R library), and I wanted to plot the orginal values with the estimated one. Unfortunately I can only see the original values. Below is the code with data library: / library(forecast) data(AirPassengers) AP <- AirPassengers class(AP) start(AP) end(AP) frequency(AP) lgAP <- log(AP) t<-2:length(AP)
2005 Mar 11
Ploting a function of two arguments
Hi, I've written a function: myfun <- function(x, y) { // blah blah } and I want to graph it. My plan is to use persp(), and my question is: how do I create the array of values? One possibility is: x <- seq(0, 10, by=.1) y <- seq(0, 10, by=.1) inputs <- <somehow create an array of x,y pairs> outputs <- apply(A, c(1,2), myfun) The "inputs" array would
2007 Oct 15
Need help ploting time series
Hi: I been having a lot of trouble trying to plot multiple time series on the same plot. What I want to do is the following: I have a table with sales per day on different states and what i would like to do is plot time series for all the diferents states in the same plot (divided in small squares, not all the time series together) so I can visualize the data; but I do not know how to do this, im
2007 Jul 27
heatmap and phylogram / dendogram ploting problem
Hi, I have trouble with the heatmap function (package stats). The row labels are wrongly ordered and don't correspond to the Rowv dendrogram. I know there is a bug with the heatmap fonction. Emmanuel Paradis ( )suggested a modification to fix it but in my case the row labels are still wrongly ordered. Heatmaps with 2 phylograms have
2012 Jan 06
Please help!! How do I set graphical parameters for ploting ctree()
I'm trying to understand how to set graphical parameters for trees created with the party package.  For example take the following code:   library(party)     data(airquality)     airq <- subset(airquality, !     airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq,                    controls = ctree_control(maxsurrogate = 3))     plot(airct)   My problem is, I've got a ctree that has
2001 Nov 15
ploting axes plaxes ?
I used in previous versions of R (R 1.1) to plot axes on projections of factorial coordinates using the function plaxes. This doesn't exist any more. Why this change ? No alternative ? --------------- Charles RAUX, Laboratoire d'Economie des Transports CNRS-Universit? Lumi?re Lyon 2-ENTPE email : charles.raux at
2002 Jun 07
Ploting betas and p-values together
Hi all, I have a data frame consisting of extracted results from a moving regression. Next, I want to write a function that pick up the desired coefficient columns and plots them on one page (about=5). Additionaly, the plots should display the corresponding p-values. As for the coefficients alone, it works fine. The problems arise when I try to add the values of p-values as lines. An example: