Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "labels in cluster pam plot"
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
try this
MYdata <- read.csv2("data.txt",dec='.')
cluster.pam = pam(MYdata,10)
filenameclu = paste("clusters", ".txt")
write.table(cluster.pam$clustering, file=filenameclu,sep=",")
2017-08-17 10:28 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever <s.atasever at gmail.com>:
> Dear Authorized Sir / Madam,
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
Sorry, I never use pam. In the help, you can see that pam require a
dataframe OR a dissimilarity matrix. If diss=FALSE then "euclidean" was use.So,
I interpret that a matrix of dissimilarity is generated automatically.
Problems may be in your data. Indeed
pam(ruspini, 4)$diss
write a dissimilaty matrix
wite NULL
2017-08-17 16:03 GMT+02:00 Sema Atasever
2017 Aug 17
PAM Clustering
Dear Germano,
Thank you for your fast reply,
In the above code, *MYData *is the actual data set.
Do not we need to convert *MYData to *the dissimilarity matrix using
*pam(as.dist(**MYData**), k = 10, diss = TRUE*)* code line?*
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 2:58 PM, Germano Rossi <germano.rossi at gmail.com>
> try this
> MYdata <-
2006 Mar 23
kmeans Clustering
Dear WizaRds,
My goal is to program the VS-KM algorithm by Brusco and Cradit 01 and I have
come to a complete stop in my efforts. Maybe anybody is willing to follow my
thoughts and offer some help.
In a first step, I want to use a single variable for the partitioning process.
As the center-matrix I use the objects that belong to the cluster I found with
the hierarchial Ward algorithm. Then,
2016 Mar 06
GSOC-2016 Project : Clustering of search results
On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 7:17 AM, James Aylett <james-xapian at tartarus.org>
> On Sat, Mar 05, 2016 at 10:58:43PM +0530, Richhiey Thomas wrote:
> K-Means or something related certainly seems like a viable approach,
> so what you'll need to do is to come up with a proposal of how you'd
> implement this in Xapian (either with reference to the previous work,
2010 Apr 05
Agnes in Cluster Package and index.G1 in the clusterSim package questions
Dear R Users:
I am new to R and I am trying to do a cluster analysis on a
single continuous variable using the Agnes [Agglomerative Nesting (Hierarchical
Clustering) ] in the Package ‘cluster’. I was able to apply this clustering method to
my data:
ward1 <- Agnes(balances, diss= FALSE, metric =
"euclidean", stand = TRUE, method = "ward", keep.diss
=TRUE, keep.data =
2004 Jul 15
color scale to label a plot
Hello R-helpers
I want to put a color scale in a plot:
I've got an xy plot where the values of the response (z=f(x,y)) is symbolically given by colors (like heat or rainbow color scale)
I would like to put such a scale with apprpriates labels in the plot, so as to facilitate the interpretation (like in a finite elements result plot)
How is taht possible?
2006 May 08
finding centroids of clusters created with hclust
Can someone point me to documentation or ideas on how to calculate the
centroids of clusters identified with hclust ?
I would like to be able to chose the number of clusters (in the style of
cutree) and then get the centroids of these clusters.
This seems like a quite obvious task to me, but I haven't been able to
put my hands on a relevant command.
Thank you,
2003 Sep 16
Interfacing C++ , MysQL and R
After a presentation of some statistical analysis of process datas, (where the few R possibilities I was able to show made quite a big impression), I was asked if it was possible to program a statistical application which could be used directly by the end user.
Such an application would include a userfriendly interface (developped in C++), a db , a core statistical program, standard
2003 Jul 15
How to read in data
I'm new to R and in the process of testing it
My first question: I fail to read in my data (ANSI toto.txt file, tab separated)
> test <-read.table("toto.txt")
Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file `toto.txt'
> test <-
2005 Jan 04
scree plot
Is there an easy way to add to the scree-plot labels to each value pertaining to the cumulative proportion of explained variance?
Thanks and a happy new year
Anne Piotet
Tel: +41 79 359 83 32 (mobile)
Email: anne.piotet@m-td.com
M-TD Modelling and Technology Development
2008 Mar 08
Elbow criterion plots for determining k in hierarchical clustering
Hi There,
I'm working on some cluster analyses on a large data-set using hclust with
Wards method and Manhattan (city block) distance measures. I've created
dendrograms to illustrate the clustering criteria, but would like to create
a plot to examine for the classic elbow criterion to use in determining the
best number of clusters. Ideally I'd like to plot percent variance
2016 Mar 14
GSOC-2016 Project : Clustering of search results
On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 02:09:13AM +0530, Richhiey Thomas wrote:
> The way the paper has been written I guess is the main source of your
> confusion. Let me provide a paper that explains this same concept in a way
> that is easier to understand. I was confused by eq (3) that you mentioned
> too. Here it is :
> http://www.sau.ac.in/~vivek/softcomp/clustering%20PSO+K-means.pdf
2014 Jun 30
How to combine/join/merge etc PCA and Cluster?
Hello everybody,
I Would like to get some help to plot together, Principal Components
Analysis (PCA) and clusters.
I am handling environmental data from 25 locations spread across 5
different ecosystems.When grouped into 5 clusters, locations from different
ecosystems are arranged in the same group.
So, I want to plot together PCA and Clusters, in a such way that locations
belonging to the same
2004 Jul 02
Reading and treating multiple files....
Dear R helpers,
this is a question connex to the subject of reading large data-sets
- I have a large db (MySQL) ~80'000 records for each year / 120 variates
from which I extract relevant info to be treated in R (no problem)
Now each record in my db represents an experimental unit; moreover I will get - in a few days- a set of separate files(one for each records....~80'000 files pro
2012 Nov 26
cluster analysis error - mclust package
I am following instructions online for cluster analysis using the mclust
package, and keep getting errors.
These are the instructions (there is no sample dataset unfortunately):
# Model Based Clustering
fit <- Mclust(mydata)
plot(fit, mydata) # plot results
print(fit) # display the best model
This is what I did and the error I
2012 Feb 23
Advice on exploration of sub-clusters in hierarchical dendrogram
Dear R user,
I am a biochemist/bioinformatician, at the moment working on protein
clusterings by conformation similarity.
I only started seriously working with R about a couple of months ago.
I have been able so far to read my way through tutorials and set-up my
hierarchical clusterings. My problem is that I cannot find a way to obtain
information on the rooting of specific nodes, i.e. of
2004 Dec 22
RE ordering levels
Sorry, sorry....
of course
will do the job
My excuses to all
PS I will meditate the following saying
"la parole est d'argent et le silence est d'or"
Anne Piotet
Tel: +41 79 359 83 32 (mobile)
Email: anne.piotet@m-td.com
2004 Jul 13
table lookup n R
Hello R helpers!
I looked but did not find a table-lookup R-utility. I could use a loop to do the job (old FORTRAN/C habits die hard) but if I have a big table in which I have to search for the values corresponding to a vector, I end up logically with a double loop.
Is there already such a utility? Otherwise, is there a way without loops?
Thanks as always
2005 Jan 06
library vcd for R rw2001
Is there an upgrate of the vcd library (visualisation of categorical data) for the latest R version?
Trying to download it from CRAN I get
URL /data/WWW/ftp/pub/R/bin/windows/contrib/r-release/vcd_0.1-3.4.zip was not found on this server.
googling it, I found it for instance on
but trying to install it gave me the message