similar to: fit.contrast or some other for interactions and stratified

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "fit.contrast or some other for interactions and stratified"

2005 Feb 20
Treatment-Contrast Interactions
Hello all, (Apologies in advance if my terminology is incorrect, I'm relatively new to R and statistics). I have data from a factorial design with two treatments (CRF-23), and I'm trying to compute treatment-contrast interactions through analysis of variance. I can't figure out how to do contrasts properly, despite reading the help for "C" and "contrasts"
2012 Oct 14
Problems with coxph and survfit in a stratified model, with interactions
First, here is your message as it appears on R-help. On 10/14/2012 05:00 AM, wrote: > I?m trying to set up proportional hazard model that is stratified with > respect to covariate 1 and has an interaction between covariate 1 and > another variable, covariate 2. Both variables are categorical. In the > following, I try to illustrate the two problems that
2012 Oct 13
Problems with coxph and survfit in a stratified model with interactions
I?m trying to set up proportional hazard model that is stratified with respect to covariate 1 and has an interaction between covariate 1 and another variable, covariate 2. Both variables are categorical. In the following, I try to illustrate the two problems that I?ve encountered, using the lung dataset. The first problem is the warning: To me, it seems that there are too many dummies
2001 Oct 23
summary of aov fit on a contrast basis
Hello, In a book (David W. Stockburger, "Multivariate Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications", chapter 12 "Contrasts, Special and Otherwise", available online at I've found some examples of doing analysis of variance on a contrast basis. I attach my solution (in R, the book uses SPSS) to this problem. Am I computing the
2002 Sep 11
Contrasts with interactions
Dear All, I'm not sure of the interpretation of interactions with contrasts. Can anyone help? I do an ANCOVA, dryweight is covariate, block and treatment are factors, c4 the response variable. model<-aov(log(c4+1)~dryweight+treatment+block+treatment:block) summary(model); Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) dryweight 1 3.947 3.947 6.6268 0.01076 *
2007 Feb 14
se.contrast confusion
Hello, I've got what I'd expect to be a pretty simple issue: I fit an aov object using multiple error strata, and would like some significance tests for the contrasts I specified. In this contrived example, I model some test score as the interaction of a subject's gender and two emotion variables (angry, happy, neutral), measured at entry to the experiment (entry) and later
2007 Jun 22
interaction contrast
Hello, R experts, Sorry for asking this question again since I really want a help! I have a two-factor experiment data and like to calculate estimates of interation contrasts say factor A has levels of a1, a2, and B has levels of b1, b2, b3, b4, and b5 with 3 replicates. I am not sure the constrast estimate I got is right using the script below:
2007 Jul 03
how to calculate interaction contrast
Hello, R experts, Sorry for asking this question again since I really want a help! I have a two-factor experiment data and like to calculate estimates of interation contrasts say factor A has levels of a1, a2, and B has levels of b1, b2, b3, b4, and b5 with 3 replicates. I am not sure the constrast estimate I got is right using the script below:
2007 Oct 09
fit.contrast and interaction terms
Dear R-users, I want to fit a linear model with Y as response variable and X a categorical variable (with 4 categories), with the aim of comparing the basal category of X (category=1) with category 4. Unfortunately, there is another categorical variable with 2 categories which interact with x and I have to include it, so my model is s "reg3: Y=x*x3". Using fit.contrast to make the
2008 Dec 11
How to generate a prediction equation for a stratified survival model that was fitted by cph() in Design package
Dear all, I used cph() function from Frank harrell's Design package to create a survival model, then used functions 'Function' and 'sascode' to generate prediction equation based on the saved survival model. But it failed. I included a stratified variable in the model. If I removed the stratification, they were working well. Does that mean that function 'Function'
2010 Apr 04
calculating an interaction statistic from stratified data
Dear R community, I have data on beta&standard error (for the main effect of variable x), stratified by sex for my dataset. I wish to calculate the sex-interaction effect (as beta&se) from these two stratified datasets. Is there a package to do this? If not, any advice how to do it manually? Thank you very much and best regards, Georg. ************************ Georg Ehret, JHU,
2011 Aug 17
contrast package with interactions in gls model
Hi! I try to explain the efffect of (1) forest where i took samples's soils (* Lugar*: categorical variable with three levels), (2) nitrogen addition treatments (*Tra*: categorical variable with two levels) on total carbon concentration's soil samples (*C: *continue* *variable) during four months of sampling (*Time:* categorical and ordered variable with four levels). I fitted the
2002 May 30
se.contrast: matrix contrast.obj doesn't work as documented (PR#1613)
The man page for se.contrast, when describing the contrast.obj parameter, states that "Multiple contrasts should be specified by a matrix as returned by contrasts." When doing an unbalanced single factor ANOVA, using a contrast.obj as returned by contrasts results in the following error from qr.qty when se.contrast is called: Error in qr.qty(object$qr, contrast) : qr and y must have
2005 Mar 10
contrast matrix for aov
How do we specify a contrast interaction matrix for an ANOVA model? We have a two-factor, repeated measures design, with Cue Direction (2) x Brain Hemisphere(2) Each of these has 2 levels, 'left' and 'right', so it's a simple 2x2 design matrix. We have 8 subjects in each cell (a balanced design) and we want to specify the interaction contrast so that: CueLeft>CueRght
2009 Mar 01
SPSS repeated interaction contrast in R
dear all, i'm trying to reproduce an spss-anova in R. It is an 2x3x3 repeated measures desingn with repeated contrasts. In R i've coded a contrast matrix for all factors and made a split in the aov summary - but I can't get the repeated interaction contrasts. The output from SPSS looks like this: TaskSw * CongNow * CongBefore: SS df Mean Square F Sig. 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 2
2017 Oct 22
Syntax for fit.contrast
> On Oct 22, 2017, at 6:04 AM, Sorkin, John <jsorkin at> wrote: > > I have a model (run with glm) that has a factor, type. Type has two levels, "general" and "regional". I am trying to get estimates (and SEs) for the model with type="general" and type ="regional" using fit.contrast ?fit.contrast No documentation for
2003 Nov 21
what does this mean in R-1.8.1 release notes?
what does this mean in R-1.8.1 release notes? o median() no longer `works' for odd-length factor variables.
2009 Mar 28
stratified variables in a cox regression
>Hello, I am hoping for assistance in regards to examining the contribution of stratified variables in a cox regression. A previous post by Terry Therneau noted that "That is the point of a strata; you are declaring a variable to NOT be proportional hazards, and thus there is no single "hazard ratio" that describes it". Given this purpose of stratification, in the
2017 Oct 22
Syntax for fit.contrast
I have a model (run with glm) that has a factor, type. Type has two levels, "general" and "regional". I am trying to get estimates (and SEs) for the model with type="general" and type ="regional" using fit.contrast but I can't get the syntax of the coefficients to use in fit.contrast correct. I hope someone can show me how to use fit.contrast, or some
2003 Oct 08
Contrast specified with C() - R vs S-Plus problem
Hi, For a n-level factor, I'd like to specify the first contrast and have the remaining n-2 constructed automatically so that the set is orthogonal. I then test the contrasts with summary.lm(anova-object). In S-Plus, the following works: >y.anova <- aov( y ~ C(CO2,c(1,0,-1)) ) >summary.lm(y.anova) In R, it fails with the following error: >levels(CO2) [1]