Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "fit.contrast or some other for interactions and stratified"
2005 Feb 20
Treatment-Contrast Interactions
Hello all,
(Apologies in advance if my terminology is incorrect, I'm relatively new
to R and statistics).
I have data from a factorial design with two treatments (CRF-23), and
I'm trying to compute treatment-contrast interactions through analysis
of variance. I can't figure out how to do contrasts properly, despite
reading the help for "C" and "contrasts"
2012 Oct 14
Problems with coxph and survfit in a stratified model, with interactions
First, here is your message as it appears on R-help.
On 10/14/2012 05:00 AM, r-help-request@r-project.org wrote:
> I?m trying to set up proportional hazard model that is stratified with
> respect to covariate 1 and has an interaction between covariate 1 and
> another variable, covariate 2. Both variables are categorical. In the
> following, I try to illustrate the two problems that
2012 Oct 13
Problems with coxph and survfit in a stratified model with interactions
I?m trying to set up proportional hazard model that is stratified with
respect to covariate 1 and has an interaction between covariate 1 and
another variable, covariate 2. Both variables are categorical. In the
following, I try to illustrate the two problems that I?ve encountered, using
the lung dataset.
The first problem is the warning:
To me, it seems that there are too many dummies
2001 Oct 23
summary of aov fit on a contrast basis
In a book (David W. Stockburger, "Multivariate Statistics: Concepts,
Models, and Applications", chapter 12 "Contrasts, Special and
Otherwise", available online at http://www.psychstat.smsu.edu/multibook)
I've found some examples of doing analysis of variance on a contrast
I attach my solution (in R, the book uses SPSS) to this problem.
Am I computing the
2002 Sep 11
Contrasts with interactions
Dear All,
I'm not sure of the interpretation of interactions with contrasts. Can anyone help?
I do an ANCOVA, dryweight is covariate, block and treatment are factors, c4 the response variable.
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
dryweight 1 3.947 3.947 6.6268 0.01076 *
2007 Feb 14
se.contrast confusion
I've got what I'd expect to be a pretty simple issue: I fit an aov object
using multiple error strata, and would like some significance tests for the
contrasts I specified.
In this contrived example, I model some test score as the interaction of a
subject's gender and two emotion variables (angry, happy, neutral), measured
at entry to the experiment (entry) and later
2007 Jun 22
interaction contrast
Hello, R experts,
Sorry for asking this question again since I really want a help!
I have a two-factor experiment data and like to calculate estimates of
interation contrasts say factor A has levels of a1, a2, and B has
levels of b1, b2, b3, b4, and b5 with 3 replicates. I am not sure the
constrast estimate I got is right using the script below:
2007 Jul 03
how to calculate interaction contrast
Hello, R experts,
Sorry for asking this question again since I really want a help!
I have a two-factor experiment data and like to calculate estimates of
interation contrasts say factor A has levels of a1, a2, and B has
levels of b1, b2, b3, b4, and b5 with 3 replicates. I am not sure the
constrast estimate I got is right using the script below:
2007 Oct 09
fit.contrast and interaction terms
Dear R-users,
I want to fit a linear model with Y as response variable and X a categorical variable (with 4 categories), with the aim of comparing the basal category of X (category=1) with category 4. Unfortunately, there is another categorical variable with 2 categories which interact with x and I have to include it, so my model is s "reg3: Y=x*x3". Using fit.contrast to make the
2008 Dec 11
How to generate a prediction equation for a stratified survival model that was fitted by cph() in Design package
Dear all,
I used cph() function from Frank harrell's Design package to create a
survival model, then used functions 'Function' and 'sascode' to generate
prediction equation based on the saved survival model. But it failed. I
included a stratified variable in the model. If I removed the
stratification, they were working well. Does that mean that function
2010 Apr 04
calculating an interaction statistic from stratified data
Dear R community,
I have data on beta&standard error (for the main effect of variable x),
stratified by sex for my dataset. I wish to calculate the sex-interaction
effect (as beta&se) from these two stratified datasets. Is there a package
to do this? If not, any advice how to do it manually?
Thank you very much and best regards, Georg.
Georg Ehret, JHU,
2011 Aug 17
contrast package with interactions in gls model
I try to explain the efffect of (1) forest where i took samples's soils (*
Lugar*: categorical variable with three levels), (2) nitrogen addition
treatments (*Tra*: categorical variable with two levels) on total carbon
concentration's soil samples (*C: *continue* *variable) during four months
of sampling (*Time:* categorical and ordered variable with four levels).
I fitted the
2002 May 30
se.contrast: matrix contrast.obj doesn't work as documented (PR#1613)
The man page for se.contrast, when describing the contrast.obj
parameter, states that "Multiple contrasts should be specified
by a matrix as returned by contrasts."
When doing an unbalanced single factor ANOVA, using a contrast.obj
as returned by contrasts results in the following error from
qr.qty when se.contrast is called:
Error in qr.qty(object$qr, contrast) : qr and y must have
2005 Mar 10
contrast matrix for aov
How do we specify a contrast interaction matrix for an ANOVA model?
We have a two-factor, repeated measures design, with
Cue Direction (2) x Brain Hemisphere(2)
Each of these has 2 levels, 'left' and 'right', so it's a simple 2x2 design
matrix. We have 8 subjects in each cell (a balanced design) and we want to
specify the interaction contrast so that:
2009 Mar 01
SPSS repeated interaction contrast in R
dear all,
i'm trying to reproduce an spss-anova in R.
It is an 2x3x3 repeated measures desingn with repeated contrasts.
In R i've coded a contrast matrix for all factors and made a
split in the aov summary - but I can't get the repeated interaction contrasts.
The output from SPSS looks like this:
TaskSw * CongNow * CongBefore: SS df Mean Square F Sig.
1 vs. 2 1 vs. 2 1 vs. 2
2017 Oct 22
Syntax for fit.contrast
> On Oct 22, 2017, at 6:04 AM, Sorkin, John <jsorkin at som.umaryland.edu> wrote:
> I have a model (run with glm) that has a factor, type. Type has two levels, "general" and "regional". I am trying to get estimates (and SEs) for the model with type="general" and type ="regional" using fit.contrast
No documentation for
2003 Nov 21
what does this mean in R-1.8.1 release notes?
what does this mean in R-1.8.1 release notes?
o median() no longer `works' for odd-length factor variables.
2009 Mar 28
stratified variables in a cox regression
I am hoping for assistance in regards to examining the contribution
of stratified variables in a cox regression. A previous post by Terry
Therneau noted that "That is the point of a strata; you are declaring
a variable to NOT be proportional hazards, and thus there is no
single "hazard ratio" that describes it". Given this purpose of
stratification, in the
2017 Oct 22
Syntax for fit.contrast
I have a model (run with glm) that has a factor, type. Type has two levels, "general" and "regional". I am trying to get estimates (and SEs) for the model with type="general" and type ="regional" using fit.contrast but I can't get the syntax of the coefficients to use in fit.contrast correct. I hope someone can show me how to use fit.contrast, or some
2003 Oct 08
Contrast specified with C() - R vs S-Plus problem
For a n-level factor, I'd like to specify the first contrast and have
the remaining n-2 constructed automatically so that the set is
orthogonal. I then test the contrasts with summary.lm(anova-object).
In S-Plus, the following works:
>y.anova <- aov( y ~ C(CO2,c(1,0,-1)) )
In R, it fails with the following error: