Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Can't seem to finish a randomForest.... Just goes and goes!"
2004 Apr 05
Can't seem to finish a randomForest.... Just goes and goe s!
When you have fairly large data, _do not use the formula interface_, as a
couple of copies of the data would be made. Try simply:
Myforest.rf <- randomForest(Mydata[, -46], Mydata[,46],
ntrees=100, mtry=7)
[Note that you don't need to set proximity (not proximities) or importance
to FALSE, as that's the default already.]
You might also want to use
2004 Apr 03
Re: R-help Digest, Vol 14, Issue 3
At 12:01 03/04/04 +0200, you wrote:
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>From: solares at unsl.edu.ar
>Precedence: list
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
>Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2004 12:47:48 -0300 (ART)
>Message-ID: <50155. at inter17.unsl.edu.ar>
>Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
>Subject: [R] convert
2005 Oct 27
Repost: Examples of "classwt", "strata", and "sampsize" i n randomForest?
"classwt" in the current version of the randomForest package doesn't work
too well. (It's what was in version 3.x of the original Fortran code by
Breiman and Cutler, not the one in the new Fortran code.) I'd advise
against using it.
"sampsize" and "strata" can be use in conjunction. If "strata" is not
specified, the class labels will be used.
2004 Apr 23
Extracting the MSE and % Variance from RandomForest
Several ways:
1. Read ?randomForest, especially the `Value' section.
2. Look at str(myforest.rf).
3. Look at print.randomForest.
If the forest has 100 trees, then the mse and rsq are vectors with 100
elements each, the i-th element being the mse (or rsq) of the forest
consisting of the first i trees. So the last element is the mse (or rsq) of
the whole forest.
> From: David
2007 Apr 29
randomForest gives different results for formula call v. x, y methods. Why?
Just out of curiosity, I took the default "iris" example in the RF
but seeing the admonition against using the formula interface for large data
sets, I wanted to play around a bit to see how the various options affected
the output. Found something interesting I couldn't find documentation for...
Just like the example...
> set.seed(12) # to be sure I have
2011 Oct 14
Party package: varimp(..., conditional=TRUE) error: term 1 would require 9e+12 columns
I would like to build a forest of regression trees to see how well some
covariates predict a response variable and to examine the importance of the
covariates. I have a small number of covariates (8) and large number of
records (27368). The response and all of the covariates are continuous
A cursory examination of the covariates does not suggest they are correlated
in a simple fashion
2007 Jan 28
help with RandomForest classwt option
Hello there,
I am working on an extremely unbalanced two class classification problems. I
wanna use "classwt" with "down sampling" together. By checking the rfNews()
in R, it looks that classwt is not working yet. Then I looked at the
software from Salford. I did not find the down sampling option. I am
wondering if you have any experience to deal with this problem. Do you
2005 Oct 27
Repost: Examples of "classwt", "strata", and "sampsize" in randomForest?
Sorry for the repost, but I've really been looking, and can't find any
syntax direction on this issue...
Just browsing the documentation, and searching the list came up short... I
have some unbalanced data and was wondering if, in a "0" v "1"
classification forest, some combo of these options might yield better
predictions when the proportion of one class is low (less
2010 May 25
Need Help! Poor performance about randomForest for large data
Hi, dears,
I am processing some data with 60 columns, and 286,730 rows.
Most columns are numerical value, and some columns are categorical value.
It turns out that: when ntree sets to the default value (500), it says "can
not allocate a vector of 1.1 GB size"; And when I set ntree to be a very
small number like 10, it will run for hours.
I use the (x,y) rather than the (formula,data).
2005 Nov 07
R seems to "stall" after several hours on a long series of analyses... where to start?
Not sure where to even start on this.... I'm hoping there's some debugging I
can do...
I have a loop that cycles through several different data sets (same
structure, different info), performing randomForest growth and
predictions... saving out the predictions for later study...
I get about 5 hours in (9%... of the planned iterations.. yikes!) and R just
This happens in
2018 Jan 17
Random Forests
Buenas tardes a todos. El paquete randomForest tiene la función
treesize, que es el nº de nodos. Me dan valores realmente elevados (en
torno a 1000), y eso me parece extraño. ¿sabéis si es así?
Dr Manuel Mendoza
Department of Biogeography and Global Change
National Museum of Natural History (MNCN)
Spanish Scientific Council (CSIC)
C/ Serrano 115bis, 28006 MADRID
2018 Jan 20
Random Forests
Gracias Carlos y Javier, ntrees es el nº de árboles y treesize sus
respectivos tamaños (nº de nodos)
ntree: Number of trees to grow. This should not be set to too small ......
treesize: Size of trees (number of nodes) in and ensemble.
Puse 1000 árboles (ntree=1000), si, pero la función treesize te da el
nº de nodos:
treesize(RFfit, terminal=TRUE) me da un vector de 1000 elementos (uno
2005 Nov 07
R seems to "stall" after several hours on a long series o f analyses... where to start?
You can test if the problem is accumulation in memory registers, which is
certainly what this sounds like. Just do a loop over a reasonably small
number of iterations and store or print the time between each iteration. If
memory accumulation it will run optimally for the first few iterations,
after which the time will increase noticeably (essentially exponentially,
hence ultimately freezes up). If
2015 Aug 22
sprintf error: "only 100 arguments allowed"
I'm trying to apply a function defined in the VW R docs, that attemps to
convert a data.table object to Vowpal Wabbit format. In the process i'm
getting the error in printf mentioned in the subject.
The original function is here:
Below there is a small example that reproduces the error. The function
works great with
2018 Jan 20
Paquete pdp
Buenas. El Paquete pdp es muy fácil de usar, pero cuando se lo aplico
a mis datos me da:
Error in eval(stats::getCall(object)$data) : object 'x.data' not found.
Os copio abajo un ejemplo de aplicación a un RF. El mio es de un
boosted regression trees (paquete gbm). No sé si esa puede ser la
razón del error. En el paquete pdp no especifica que sea solo para RF,
aunque en los
2015 Aug 26
sprintf error: "only 100 arguments allowed"
Wouldn't it make sense to have this in the man page?
The 8192-byte limitation for 'fmt' is mentioned but not this one.
On 08/25/2015 02:08 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:
> From the sources:
> #define MAXNARGS 100
> /* ^^^ not entirely arbitrary, but strongly linked to
> allowing %$1 to %$99 !*/
> On 22/08/2015 04:21, Martin
2018 Jan 20
Random Forests
Si, Carlos. Yo hago lo mismo, pero esos mismos numeritos salen enormes.
> treesize(RFfit)
[1] 4304 4302 4311 4319 4343 4298 4298 4311 4349 4327 4331 4317
4294 4321 4283 4362
[17] 4300 4330 4266 4331 4308 4352 4294 4315 4372 4349 4331 4347
4329 4348 4298 4335
[33] 4346 4396 4345 4313 4293 4276 4353 4272 4304 4325 4317 4336
4308 4351 4374 4324
[49] 4386 4359 4311 4346 4300
2018 Jan 22
Random Forests
Muchas gracias Carlos, como siempre.
Es raro que se me pasase. En su momento miré todos los argumentos del
RF, como hago siempre, pero ese lo había olvidado. La verdad es que
funcionaba estupendamente, pero me parecía extraño. Aunque dado que
los RF no sobreajustan, no hay problema con que sus árboles sean todo
lo grandes que quieras. Lo he testado con una base de datos externa y
2008 Jul 22
randomForest Tutorial
I am new to R and I'd like to use the randomForest package for my thesis
(identifying important variables for more detailed analysis with other
software). I have found extremely well written and helpful information on
the usage of R.
Unfortunately it seems to be very difficult to find similarly detailed
tutorials for randomForest, and I just can't get it work with the
information on
2023 Mar 19
ver el código de randomForest
No se muy bien si es esto lo que preguntas, pero el código de todos los scripts está en el fichero:
On Sun, 19 Mar 2023 04:35:44 +0100
Manuel Mendoza <mmendoza en fulbrightmail.org> wrote:
> Buenos días, ¿cómo podría ver el código con el que el paquete randomForest
> hace el random forest?