Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "don't stop when error occurs"
2010 Aug 18
Plotting K-means clustering results on an MDS
Hello All,
I'm having some trouble figuring out what the clearest way to plot my
k-means clustering result on an my existing MDS.
First I performed MDS on my distance matrix (note: I performed k-means on
the MDS coordinates because applying a euclidean distance measure to my raw
data would have been inappropriate)
I then figured out what would be my optimum
2013 Mar 13
Empty cluster / segfault using vanilla kmeans with version 2.15.2
here is a working reproducible example which crashes R using kmeans or
gives empty clusters using the nstart option with R 15.2.
either we got empty always clusters and or, after some further commands
an segfault.
Detlef Groth
[R] Empty
2011 Apr 06
Help in kmeans
Hi All,
I was using the following command for performing kmeans for Iris dataset.
This was giving proper results for me. But, in my application we generate
the R commands dynamically and there was a requirement that the column names
will be sent instead of column indices to the R commands.Hence, to
incorporate this, i tried using the R
2003 Jun 05
kmeans (again)
Regarding a previous question concerning the kmeans function I've tried the
same example and I also get a strange result (at least according to what is
said in the help of the function kmeans). Apparently, the function is
disregarding the initial cluster centers one gives it. According to the help
of the function:
centers: Either the number of clusters or a set of initial cluster
2008 Jun 18
[LLVMdev] JIT bug?
I see sth that to me looks like a JIT bug. The program is the KMeans benchmark
from the STAMP benchmark suite (http://stamp.stanford.edu).
Overwrite ./common/Defines.common.mk with the attached files to make CC/LD
in ./kmeans, for
./kmeans -m40 -n40 -t0.00001 -i inputs/random-n65536-d32-c16.txt -p 1 :
make -f Makefile.seq clean
CC='llvm-gcc' LD='llvm-gcc
2013 Jun 24
K-means results understanding!!!
Dear members.
I am having problems to understand the kmeans- results in R. I am applying
kmeans-algorithms to my big data file, and it is producing the results of
the clusters.
Q1) Does anybody knows how to find out in which cluster (I have fixed
numberofclusters = 5 ) which data have been used?
(kmeans.results <- kmeans(mydata,centers =5, iter.max= 1000, nstart =10000))
Q2) When I
2004 May 11
AW: Probleme with Kmeans...
Sorry, to solve your question I had tried:
Error: empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers
But when I run this a second time it will be ok.
It seems, that kmeans has problems to initialize good starting points, because of the random choose of these starting initial points.
With kmeans(data,k,centers=c(...) the problem can be solved.
2006 Apr 07
cclust causes R to crash when using manhattan kmeans
Dear R users,
When I run the following code, R crashes:
x <- matrix(c(0,0,0,1.5,1,-1), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
cclust(x, centers=x[2:3,], dist="manhattan", method="kmeans")
While this works:
cclust(x, centers=x[2:3,], dist="euclidean", method="kmeans")
I'm posting this here because I am not sure if it is a bug.
I've been searching
2006 Jul 09
distance in kmeans algorithm?
Is it possible to choose the distance in the kmeans algorithm?
I have m vectors of n components and I want to cluster them using kmeans
algorithm but I want to use the Mahalanobis distance or another distance.
How can I do it in R?
If I use kmeans, I have no option to choose the distance.
Thanks in advance,
2008 Jun 19
[LLVMdev] JIT bug?
Are you really running the JIT? IT seems like you are just using the
static compiler.
Unless the code is using some idiom that we happen to miss badly, it's
uncommon to see this kind of performance issue. What's the
optimization level you are building the benchmark at? Anyway, please
file a bug about the performance issues. If the source code is freely
available, someone can
2003 Apr 14
kmeans clustering
I am using kmeans to cluster a dataset.
I test this example:
> data<-matrix(scan("data100.txt"),100,37,byrow=T)
(my dataset is 100 rows and 37 columns--clustering rows)
> c1<-kmeans(data,3,20)
> c1
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3
[38] 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
2012 Aug 28
K-Means clustering Algorithm
I was wondering if there was an R equivalent to the two phased approach that
MATLAB uses in performing the Kmeans algorithm. If not is there away that I
can determine if the kmeans in R and the kmeans in MATLAB are essentially
giving me the same clustering information within a small amount of error?
View this message in context:
2013 Jul 26
variación en los resultados de k medias (Alfredo Alvarez)
Buen día, no sé si estoy utilizando bien la lista, es la primera vez. Si lo
hago mal me corrigen por favor.
Sobre tu comentario Pedro, muchas gracias. Lo qeu entiendo con tu
sugerencia de set.seed es qeu de esa forma fijas los resultados, pero no
estoy seguro si otra agrupación funcione mejor. Es decir me interesa un
método de agrupación que genere la "mejor" agrupación y como los
2012 Feb 27
kmeans: how to retrieve clusters
I'd like to classify data with kmeans algorithm. In my case, I should get 2
clusters in output. Here is my data
colCandInd colCandMed
1 82 2950.5
2 83 1831.5
3 1192 2899.0
4 1193 2103.5
The first cluster is the two first lines
the 2nd cluster is the two last lines
Here is the code:
x = colCandList$colCandInd
y = colCandList$colCandMed
m = matrix(c(x, y),
2009 Jul 20
I'm playing around with the 'bigmemory' package, and I have finally
managed to create some really big matrices. However, only now I
realize that there may not be functions made for what I want to do
with the matrices...
I would like to perform a cluster analysis based on a big.matrix.
Googling around I have found indications that a certain
kmeans.big.matrix() function should
2006 Mar 20
plot and validation in clustering
Hi there,
I use function "kmeans" and "clara" to cluster one flow cytometry
dataset. By using function "plot", the clusters got from "clara" can be
graphed, while "kmeans" not. How can I get the plot of the clusters of
And, I hope to compare the two methods "kmeans" and "clara", or in other
word, I
2010 May 05
custom metric for dist for use with hclust/kmeans
Hi guys,
I've been using the kmeans and hclust functions for some time now and
was wondering if I could specify a custom metric when passing my data
frame into hclust as a distance matrix. Actually, kmeans doesn't even
take a distance matrix; it takes the data frame directly. I was
wondering if there's a way or if there's a package that lets you
create distance matrices from
2003 Jun 06
Kmeans again
Dear helpers
I'm sorry to insist but I still think there is something wrong with the function kmeans. For instance, let's try the same small example:
> dados<-matrix(c(-1,0,2,2.5,7,9,0,3,0,6,1,4),6,2)
I will choose observations 3 and 4 for initial centers and just one iteration. The results are
> A<-kmeans(dados,dados[c(3,4),],1)
> A
[1] 1 1 1 1 2 2
2005 Jun 14
KMEANS output...
Using R 2.1.0 on Windows
2 questions:
1. Is there a way to parse the output from kmeans within R?
2. If the answer to 1. is convoluted or impossible, how do you save the
output from kmeans in a plain text file for further processing outside R?
> ktx<-kmeans(x,12, nstart = 200)
I would like to parse ktx within R to extract cluster sizes, sum-of-squares
values, etc., OR save ktx in
2008 May 09
K-Means Clustering
I am hoping you can help me with a question concerning kmeans clustering
in R. I am working with the following data-set (abbreviated):
BMW Ford Infiniti Jeep Lexus Chrysler Mercedes Saab Porsche
[1,] 6 8 2 8 4 5 4 4 7 7
[2,] 8 7 4 6 4 1 6 7 8 5
[3,] 8 2 4