Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "GCV UBRE score in GAM models"
2003 May 16
glm and gam confidence intervals
How can I obtain the values of confidence intervals from gam anf glm
Thanks in advance
David Nogu?s Bravo
Functional Ecology and Biodiversity Department
Pyrenean Institute of Ecology
Spanish Research Council
Av. Monta?ana 1005
Zaragoza - CP 50059
976716030 - 976716019 (fax)
2003 Jun 10
binomial GAM ROC
Im a beginner on R and I would like how to develop a ROC statistic to
evaluate a GAM model with a binomial distribution (Im using mgcv package)
Thanks in advance
David Nogu?s Bravo
Functional Ecology and Biodiversity Department
Pyrenean Institute of Ecology
Spanish Research Council
Av. Monta?ana 1005
Zaragoza - CP 50059
976716030 - 976716019 (fax)
2004 Dec 01
Dear R-users:
Im trying (using gam package) to develop a stepwise analysis. My gam
object contains five pedictor variables (a,b,c,d,e,f). I define the
step.gam(gamobject, scope=list("a"= ~s(a,4), "b"= ~s(b,4), "c"= ~s(c,4),
"d"= ~s(d,4), "e"= ~s(e,4), "f"= ~s(f,4)))
However, the result shows a formula containing the whole
2003 Mar 19
graspeR problem
Hi everybody
Im triying to develop a GAM using GraspeR, but i have found some problem
in grasp.model
I always obtain same error:
Error in "[.data.frame"(XXX, , c(1, sX)) :
invalid subscript type
The data are a vector for response and a vector for predictors. They
must be data.frame?
David Nogu?s Bravo
Functional Ecology and Biodiversity
2009 Mar 31
CV and GCV for finding smoothness parameter
I received an assignment that I have to do in R, but I'm absolutely not very
good at it.
The task is the following:
To do this, we also get the following pieces of code (not in correct order):
I'm terrible at this and I'm completely stuck. The model I chose can be
found in here:
2006 Dec 04
GAM model selection and dropping terms based on GCV
I have a question regarding model selection and dropping of terms for GAMs fitted with package mgcv. I am following the approach suggested in Wood (2001), Wood and Augustin (2002).
I fitted a saturated model, and I find from the plots that for two of the covariates,
1. The confidence interval includes 0 almost everywhere
2. The degrees of freedom are NOT close to 1
3. The partial
2007 Jun 22
two basic question regarding model selection in GAM
Qusetion #1
Model selection in GAM can be done by using:
1. step.gam {gam} : A directional stepwise search
2. gam {mgcv} : Smoothness estimation using GCV or UBRE/AIC criterion
Suppose my model starts with a additive model (linear part + spline part).
Using gam() {mgcv} i got estimated degrees of freedom(edf) for the smoothing
splines. Now I want to use the functional form of my model
2008 Aug 20
GAM-binomial logit link
Dear all,
I'm using a binomial distribution with a logit link function to fit a GAM model. I have 2 questions about it.
First i am not sure if i've chosen the most adequate distribution. I don't have presence/absence data (0/1) but I do have a rate which values vary between 0 and 1. This means the response variable is continuous even if within a limited interval. Should i use
2002 Sep 10
Hat values for generalized additive models
Would anyone be able to provide insight for the following question, please?
Setting: estimation of prediction intervals for age-period-cohort models
using GAMs (rate ~ s(age,period))
Method: bootstrap (Davison and Hinkley, 1997)
Issue: standardisation of the residuals for resampling requires an
adjustment using the diagonals of the hat matrix.
Is there a simple way to get the hat values out of a
2004 Jan 19
Relative risk using GAM
I am a new user of R. I am trying to fit gam model with our air pollution data. I used Foreign package to call data from SPSS and used MGCV package to fit gam. The following are the steps I used:
> dust<- read.spss("a:dust9600jan.sav")
> c<-gam(MRESPALL~s(DUSTM)+s(TEMP)+s(RH),family=poisson,data=dust)
> summary(c)
Family: poisson
Link function: log
2008 Mar 31
unexpected GAM result - at least for me!
I am afraid i am not understanding something very fundamental.... and does not matter how much i am looking into the book "Generalized Additive Models" of S. Wood i still don't understand my result.
I am trying to model presence / absence (presence = 1, absence = 0) of a species using some lidar metrics (i have 4 of these). I am using different models and such .... and when i
2003 Jun 04
Dear all,
I've now spent a couple of days trying to learn R and, in particular, the
gam() function, and I now have a few questions and reflections regarding
the latter. Maybe these things are implemented in some way that I'm not yet
aware of or have perhaps been decided by the R community to not be what's
wanted. Of course, my lack of complete theoretical understanding of what
2004 Jun 03
Problem with mgcv PACKAGES file format?
Hello All,
I'm getting this error (Version: 1.9.0-1 on a debian system)
> update.packages("mgcv")
trying URL `ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/cran/src/contrib/PACKAGES'
ftp data connection made, file length 169516 bytes
opened URL
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2002 Nov 13
Comparing GAM objects using ANOVA
Is it possible to compare two GAM objects created with the gam() function from the mgcv package. I use a slightly modified version of anova.glm() named anova.gam(), modified from John Fox (2002). It often gives me some aberant responses, especially with "F" test. I use a quasibinomial model and scale (dispersion) is calculated and used in the calculation of the F value. Does someone
2005 Sep 26
p-level in packages mgcv and gam
I am fairly new to GAM and started using package mgcv. I like the
fact that optimal smoothing is automatically used (i.e. df are not
determined a priori but calculated by the gam procedure).
But the mgcv manual warns that p-level for the smooth can be
underestimated when df are estimated by the model. Most of the time
my p-levels are so small that even doubling them would not result
2008 Feb 14
GCV in lm.ridge (MASS) (PR#10755)
Full_Name: Andrew Robinson
Version: 2.6.2 Patched (2008-02-12 r44439)
OS: FreeBSD 6.3-RC1
Submission from: (NULL) (
I believe that the computation for GCV is incorrect in the lm.ridge function in
>From lm.ridge:
GCV <- colSums((Y - X %*% coef)^2)/
(n - colSums(matrix(d^2/div, dx)))^2
The denominator does not tally with the formula on p. 141 of Ripley's
2012 Aug 08
mgcv and gamm4: REML, GCV, and AIC
I've been using gamm4 to build GAMMs for exploring environmental influences on genetic ancestry. Things have gone well and I have 2 very straightforward questions:
1. I've used method=REML. Am I correct that this is an alternative method for estimating the smooth functions in GAMMs rather than GCV that is often used for GAMs? I've read up on REML and it makes sense, but I'm
2013 Apr 27
Selecting ridge regression coefficients for minimum GCV
Hi all,
I have run a ridge regression as follows:
Then I enter :
select(reg) and it returns: modified HKB estimator is 19.3409
modified L-W estimator is 36.18617
smallest value of GCV at 10
I think it means that it is advisable to
2007 Apr 08
Relative GCV - poisson and negbin GAMs (mgcv)
I am using gam in mgcv (1.3-22) and trying to use gcv to help with model selection. However, I'm a little confused by the process of assessing GCV scores based on their magnitude (or on relative changes in magnitude).
Differences in GCV scores often seem "obvious" with my poisson gams but with negative binomial, the decision seems less clear.
My data represent a similar pattern as
2008 Aug 23
Error message in termplot
I am trying to plot the following gam with termplot but keep getting the
error message:
Error in order(xx) : unimplemented type 'list' in 'orderVector1'
Is there anyway I can rectify this to get my parametric coefficients
Family: binomial
Link function: logit
fgha$pa ~ s(fgha$wspd) + fgha$depth + fgha$slha +