Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Gelman-Rubin Convergence test"
2004 Feb 12
How do you create a "MCMC" object?
I have been running a Gibbs Sampler to estimate levels of efficiency in the
Louisiana Shrimp Industry. I created a matrix (samp) where I stored the
results of each iteration for 86 variables. I run 10,000 iterations. So, the
matrix samp is 10,000 x 86. I want to use the gelman-rubin test to check for
convergence. To do that, I need at least two chains. If I run second chain
with different starting
2004 Feb 05
rgamma question
I was trying to generate random numbers with a gamma distribution. In R the
function is:
rgamma(n, shape, rate = 1, scale = 1/rate). My question is that if
X~gamma(alpha, beta) and I want to generate one random number where do I
plug alpha and beta in rgamma? and, what is the meaning and use of rate?
Thanks for your attention,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Apr 18
MCMCpack gelman.plot and gelman.diag
A question. When I run gelman.diag and gelman.plot
with mcmc lists obtained from MCMCregress, the results are following.
> post.R <- MCMCregress(Size~Age+Status, data = data, burnin = 5000, mcmc = 100000,
+ thin = 10, verbose = FALSE, beta.start = NA, sigma2.start = NA,
+ b0 = 0, B0 = 0, nu = 0.001, delta = 0.001)
> post1.R <- MCMCregress(Size~Age+Status, data
2011 Mar 17
Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostics via coda package
I'm trying to run diagnostics on MCMC analysis (fitting a log-linear
model to rates data). I'm getting an error message when trying
Gelman-Rubin shrink factor plot:
Error in chol.default(W) :
the leading minor of order 2 is not positive definite
I take it that somewhere, somehow a matrix is singular, but how can
that be remedied?
My code:
A log on Bayesian statistics, stochastic cost frontier, montecarl o markov chains, bayesian P-values
2004 Feb 17
A log on Bayesian statistics, stochastic cost frontier, montecarl o markov chains, bayesian P-values
Dear friends,
Over the past weeks, I have been asking a lot of questions about how to
use R in Bayesian analysis. I am brand new to R, but I am very pleased with
it. I started with winbugs but I found winbugs to be a limited software, not
bad but has several limitations. By contrast, R allows the analyst to tackle
any problem with a huge set of tools for any kind of analysis. I love R. In
2004 Feb 11
gelman.diag question
Dear Friends,
I am trying to use the gelman-rubin convergence test. I generated a matrix
samp[10,000x86] with the gibbs sampler. the test requires the creation of
"mcmc" objects. Since I don't know how to define samp as a "mcmc" object, I
tried to create one mcmc object by means of the mcmc() function. With this
function I tried to create a mcmc object dul from samp but I
2012 Oct 03
calculating gelman diagnostic for mice object
I am using -mice- for multiple imputation and would like to use the gelman
diagnostic in -coda- to assess the convergence of my imputations. However,
gelman.diag requires an mcmc list as input. van Buuren and
Groothuis-Oudshoorn (2011) recommend running mice step-by-step to assess
convergence (e.g. imp2 <- mice.mids(imp1, maxit = 3, print = FALSE) ) but
this creates mids objects. How can I
2010 May 28
Gelman 2006 half-Cauchy distribution
I am trying to recreate the right graph on page 524 of Gelman's 2006
paper "Prior distributions for variance parameters in hierarchical
models" in Bayesian Analysis, 3, 515-533. I am only interested, however,
in recreating the portion of the graph for the overlain prior density
for the half-Cauchy with scale 25 and not the posterior distribution.
However, when I try:
2011 Feb 24
MCMCpack combining chains
Deal all, as MCMClogit does not allow for the specification of several chains, I have run my model 3 times with different random number seeds and differently dispersed multivariate normal priors.
For example:
res1 = MCMClogit(y~x,b0=0,B0=0.001,data=mydat, burnin=500, mcmc=5500, seed=1234, thin=5)
res2 = MCMClogit(y~x,b0=1,B0=0.01,data=mydat, burnin=500, mcmc=5500, seed=5678, thin=5)
res3 =
2013 Mar 28
problem with plots with short example.
i am having problem running my own data. yesterday it was working just fine. today it is not. this is the code i was using as an example to follow. this code ALSO worked just fine yesterday, and is no longer working at all. i suspect it is a problem with either my computer or the software, at this point. if THIS won't even run.... something is wrong.
i can assure you this isn't
2011 Jun 09
Resources for utilizing multiple processors
I know of some various methods out there to utilize multiple processors but
am not sure what the best solution would be. First some things to note:
I'm running dependent simulations, so direct parallel coding is out
(multicore, doSnow, etc).
I'm on Windows, and don't know C. I don't plan on learning C or any of the
*nix languages.
My main concern deals with Multiple
2011 Nov 18
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
Hi all, following is my R -code and shows the error given below
> n <- 100
> k<-2
> x1 <-c(1, 3);x2 <- c(2,5)
> X <- matrix(c(0,0), nrow = 2, ncol = n)
> for(i in 1:k)
+ X[i, ] <- mh1.epidemic(n,x1[i],x2[i])
Error in X[i, ] <- mh1.epidemic(n,x1[i],x2[i]):
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
> psi <-t(apply(X, c(1,2),
2011 Dec 16
java installation failure
Openjdk and ibm java versions have failed to install, all reporting a
bad elf, e.g.
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
strings: '/lib/libc.so.6': No such file
2005 Jun 23
urgent TEQL problem
OK, I spammed the mailing list recently, but I will be fired if I can''t
solve the problem today. (just kidding, but I did waste lots of time on
it :( )
The common configuration for teql is for two computers connected
directly with two links. My topology is a little different: one link is
connected directly, but the other is connected through a gateway. My
problem is teql can''t
2003 Aug 10
Support for Bayesian statistics in R
I'm just starting to learn to use R, and although I'm seeing lots of
functions aimed at doing orthodox statistical analyses, I don't see the
same for Bayesian analyses. What support does R have for Bayesian
2004 Apr 19
New package: mcgibbsit, an MCMC run length diagnostic
Package: mcgibbsit
Title: Warnes and Raftery's MCGibbsit MCMC diagnostic
Version: 1.0
Author: Gregory R. Warnes <gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com>
mcgibbsit provides an implementation of Warnes & Raftery's MCGibbsit
run-length diagnostic for a set of (not-necessarily independent) MCMC
sampers. It combines the estimate error-bounding approach of Raftery
2004 Apr 19
New package: mcgibbsit, an MCMC run length diagnostic
Package: mcgibbsit
Title: Warnes and Raftery's MCGibbsit MCMC diagnostic
Version: 1.0
Author: Gregory R. Warnes <gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com>
mcgibbsit provides an implementation of Warnes & Raftery's MCGibbsit
run-length diagnostic for a set of (not-necessarily independent) MCMC
sampers. It combines the estimate error-bounding approach of Raftery
2005 Apr 28
riwish() problem
R users-
In moving from R 2.0.0 to R 2.1.0 in Windows, I have encountered a problem
with the "riwish" command in the package "MCMCpack". I've searched the
documentation and can't seem to figure it out. For example:
Define a matrix:
> lam <- matrix(c(.00233,-.00057,-.00057,.00190),2,2)
and then use the riwish command to generate a random inverse-Wishart
1999 Aug 14
leaps and bounds
Dear friends. On the Bayesian averaging homepage http://www.research.att.com/~volinsky/bma.html I found
some S code some of which perhaps may run in R. There was a call to an algorithm possibly within S but not supported by R 64.1: "leaps and bounds". I guess it is a minimization step. Can anyone clarify the algorithm and perhaps even give a pointer to some code ?
I guess this may be
2011 Jan 31
Rubin's rules of multiple imputation
Hello all, if I have multiple imputed data sets, is there a command or
function in R in any package you know of to combine those, I know one common
MI approach is rubins rules, is there a way to do this using his rules or
others? I know theres ways, like using Amelia from Gary King's website to
create the imputed data sets, but how to make them into one or combine them
for analysis.