similar to: concurrency errors adding to a keyed index

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "concurrency errors adding to a keyed index"

2007 Feb 25
Ferret 0.11.0-rc1
Hey folks, Sorry for cross posting like this but this is an important announcement for all Ferret users. ** Description ** Firstly for those who don''t know, Ferret is a full-text search library which makes adding search to your application a breeze. It''s much faster than MySQL full-text search as well most other search libraries out there. It allows you to do Boolean (+ruby +
2007 Nov 10
Ferret-talk Digest, Vol 25, Issue 3
Thanks Stuart. I thought I had read somewhere that rebuild_index built the index in a different location and then swapped it, but after looking at the code (in local_index.rb) this doesn''t appear to be the case. That might explain why the ferret server crashes sometimes when a search takes place during a reindex. I wouldn''t be doing exactly the same thing as this but
2006 Oct 03
newbie question
Hi, I''m new to using ferret (and fairly new to ruby/rails) and I''m having a problem I can''t fathom. Sorry for the long post ... I have a test which passes require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret require ''test/unit'' class CompanyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_index puts ''running
2006 Oct 03
newbie question
Hi, I''m new to using ferret (and fairly new to ruby/rails) and I''m having a problem I can''t fathom. Sorry for the long post ... I have a test which passes require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret require ''test/unit'' class CompanyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_index puts ''running
2019 May 14
[Announce] Samba 4.10.3, 4.9.8 and 4.8.12 Security Releases Available
Release Announcements --------------------- These are a security releases in order to address the following defect: o CVE-2018-16860 (Samba AD DC S4U2Self/S4U2Proxy unkeyed checksum) ======= Details ======= o CVE-2018-16860: The checksum validation in the S4U2Self handler in the embedded Heimdal KDC did not first confirm that the checksum was keyed, allowing replacement of the
2019 May 14
[Announce] Samba 4.10.3, 4.9.8 and 4.8.12 Security Releases Available
Release Announcements --------------------- These are a security releases in order to address the following defect: o CVE-2018-16860 (Samba AD DC S4U2Self/S4U2Proxy unkeyed checksum) ======= Details ======= o CVE-2018-16860: The checksum validation in the S4U2Self handler in the embedded Heimdal KDC did not first confirm that the checksum was keyed, allowing replacement of the
2007 Mar 12
index.rb:384 [BUG]
Hi folks, I''ve working and playing with acts_as_ferret and follow this fantastic tutorial: When I try to implement the field storage tip, it crash. So, I try to make it via script/console: 1. I have a simple model called Articles: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields =>
2006 Sep 26
concurrency / #search_each problem / segfault
Hello everyone, I was stress-testing my application (running on Rails via FastCGI) by letting two concurrent users (not human .. an app called ''siege'') a) save an Article and b) search for all Articles. I am searching via Article.ferret_index.search_each( ..) do |doc_id,score| doc = index[doc_id] .. end and writing via Article.ferret_index <<
2007 Jan 01
Possible Bug when Creating Indexes
I''m running: ferret (0.10.9) ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i386-mswin32] on Windows XP(SP2) When I create an index as follows: field_infos = => :yes, :term_vector => :no, :index => :yes) field_infos.add_field(:id, :index => :untokenized) field_infos.add_field(:subject) field_infos.add_field(:author) field_infos.add_field(:tags, :store => :no) index =
2006 Nov 23
Two repeatable crash bugs in Ferret proper
Hi guys! Been reading this list for a while. I have two repeatable Ferret crash bugs, both seg faults. 1. The first bug appears to seg fault Ferret when you use quotes in a search argument (eg ''file_name:"file name"'') 2. The second bug appears to seg fault Ferret when you attempt to index text with very long tokens (above 256 chars). It may have something to do with
2007 Jan 23
making acts_as_ferret thread safe?
Hi I get a synchronize error (see below) when I run a lib script with script/runner. The script updates a status field in a model object that is indexed and searchable within the script/server (mongrel) process. $ script/runner -e production ''load "lib/billing/credit_subscribers.rb"'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.1.6/lib/commands/runner.rb:27: IOError (IOError)
2006 Sep 25
Odd indexing issue
Hey Dave, I just contributed $100 to the ferret donation box. My project is earning no money yet (but hopefully will), for now I hope this helps you out and covers me for asking stupid questions ;). To get a distance sorted output, I am passing an array of the id field from a ferret search through to mysql in a custom select statement. SELECT ... id IN (#{ids.join(",")}) This has
2006 Sep 05
No matches
The following script creates a search index and then searches it. I get no results? Where am I going wrong? Thanks. -----------BEGIN SCRIPT---------------- require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' include Ferret path = ''/tmp/myindex'' field_infos = field_infos.add_field(:name, :store => :yes, :index => :yes)
2007 Mar 21
Cannot delete for id of type Array
Hello list, I have a little weird error when deleting documents from the index. I''m using the following code. ferret_index = => FERRET_INDEX_PATH) query =, "#{_fk_file_id}") ferret_index.search_each(query) do | id | ferret_index.delete(id) end And I get the following error Cannot delete for id of
2007 Feb 27
segfault in ferret 0.11.0
Hi, Just downloaded the new ferret 0.11. I''m on OSX btw. I get this error everytime I run my unit tests: Loaded suite ferret_updater_unit_test Started E/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/erb.rb:504: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i686-darwin8.7.1] Abort trap When I revert back to 10.14 I dont get this error. When I comment out the line:{:path =>
2006 Sep 23
TermQuery problem
Hi, Using the 0.10.4 gem under ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i686-linux], I get different results with a TermQuery and a search string. Namely, using a search string seems to always work whereas using a TermQuery often doesn''t return any entries. For example: > x=@i[450][:message_id] => "9e7db9110509070759732b21c4 at" >
2006 Apr 19
Ferret EOFError creating index
I''ve been messing around with Ferret (no punn intended). After spending some time testing it out (indexing to file), I decided to index about 10% of the data I want to eventually index. It took several hours to complete the index on my local machine, but it was created without any problems and after optimising it the searches returned results at the sort of speed I was expecting. I
2007 Feb 16
term vector blues
I have a lot of crashes when I try to use term vectors. Here''s an example, which crashes pretty consistently. This problem seems to be somewhat sensitive to platform... people on other OS''s and ruby versions have reported no error. I have seen this with ferret 0.10.13 and 0.10.14 on debian stable using ruby 1.8.2, but I have observed the same problem on various other systems as
2006 Sep 18
Dynamic fields and AAF
Hi, I have a model which has properties, these are your standard name/value pairs, but also have attributes that affect how I want to store them in ferret. I was using 0.9.5 with 0.2 of aaf, which seemed fine, I just copied and pasted (yes, I know, ick) the to_doc method and added code to iterate though the properties that that model had, and add relavent fields to the document. It seems
2006 Jun 30
Substantial problems with write locking (and other flux)
I am having some great trouble keeping my Ferret indexer for ActiveRecord working. First the get_field_names disappears (now back), then I am collectig some major trouble with locking. Same thing here: exception 6 not handled: Could not obtain write lock when trying to write index A snippet like this just deadlocks retrying endlessly: begin @ferret_index << doc