Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "variance estimator for the cumulative incidence function"
2004 Oct 25
Question on bioconductor: reading affymetrix data
Hi everyone,
My purpose is to read a .CEL file into R.
The .CEL file was created from a .CAB by using DTT software found on
Affymetrix website
I read the .CEL file in R using ReadAffy as follows:
> d2=ReadAffy(widget=T)
and I complete the fields as required.
It does not complain. For example I could find the description:
> description(d2)
Experimenter name: BB
Laboratory: FFL
2011 Aug 16
cuminc() in cmprsk package for cumulative incidence
To use cuminc() from cmprsk package, if a subject has 2
events (both the event of interest and the event of competing risk),
should I create 2 observations for this subject in the dataset, one for
each event with different fstatus (1 and 2), or just 1 observation with
whatever event that happened first? My analysis objective is calculate
cumulative incidence for the event of interest.
2012 Nov 28
Numbers at risk below cumulative incidence function plot (plot.cuminc, cmprsk-package)
Dear R-community,
I would like to plot the numbers at risk for the different causes of failure at specific timepoints below a cumulative incidence function plot (plot.cuminc-function, cmprsk-package). For a Kaplan-Meier plot I know this is possible with the n.risk-argument in the survplot-function (rms-package), but to my knowledge no such readily-available functions are available for competing
2011 Jun 27
cumulative incidence plot vs survival plot
Hi, I am wondering if anyone can explain to me if cumulative incidence (CI) is
just "1 minus kaplan-Meier survival"? Under what circumstance, you should use
cumulative incidence vs KM survival? If the relationship is just CI =
1-survival, then what difference it makes to use one vs. the other?
And in R how I can draw a cumulative incidence plot. I know I can make a
2008 Dec 15
Cumulative Incidence : Gray's test
Hello everyone,
I am a very new user of R and I have a query about the cuminc function
in the package cmprsk. In particular I would like to verify that I am
interpreting the output correctly when we have a stratification
Hypothetical example:
group : fair hair, dark hair
fstatus: 1=Relapse, 2=TRM, 0=censored
strata: sex (M or F)
Our data would be split into:
Fair, male,
2013 Feb 05
Calculating Cumulative Incidence Function
I have a problem regarding calculation of Cumulative Incidence Function.
The event of interest is failure of bone-marrow transplantation, which may
occur due to relapse or death in remission. The data set that I have
consists of- lifetime variable, two indicator variables-one for relapse and
one for death in remission, and the other variables are donor type (having
3 categories), disease
2008 Dec 09
controlling axes in plot.cuminc (cmprsk library)
Dear R-help list members,
I am trying to create my own axes when plotting a cumulative incidence
curve using the plot.cuminc function in the CMPRSK library. The default
x-axis places tick marks and labels at 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 (my data has
an upper limit of 96), whereas I want them at my own specified locations.
Here is my example code:
2006 Aug 17
putting the mark for censored time on 1-KM curve or competing risk curve
Hi All,
I'm trying to figure out the cumulative incidence curve in R in some
limited time. I found in package "cmprsk", the command "plot.cuminc" can
get this curve. But I noticed that there is no mark for the censored
time there, comparing with the KM curve by "plot.survfit". Here are my
codes (attached is the data):
2008 Aug 22
Help on competing risk package cmprsk with time dependent covariate
Dear R users,
I d like to assess the effect of "treatment" covariate on a disease relapse risk with the package cmprsk.
However, the effect of this covariate on survival is time-dependent
(assessed with cox.zph): no significant effect during the first year of follow-up,
then after 1 year a favorable effect is observed on survival (step
function might be the correct way to say that ?).
2015 May 16
That 'make check-all' problem with the survival package
On Sat, May 16, 2015 8:04 AM BST Uwe Ligges wrote:
>Not sure why this goes to R-devel. You just could have asked the
>maintainer. Terry Therneau is aware of it and promised he will fix it.
The quickest fix is to add cmprsk to the recommended list , and that's is an R-devel issue.
>On 16.05.2015 07:22, Hin-Tak Leung wrote:
>> 'make
2013 Oct 18
crr question in library(cmprsk)
Hi all
I do not understand why I am getting the following error message. Can
anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance.
result1 <-crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1, failcode=1, cencode=0 )
one.pout1 = predict(result1,cov1,X=cbind(1,one.z1,one.z2))
Error: could not find function
2015 May 16
That 'make check-all' problem with the survival package
'make check-all' for current R has been showing this error in the middle
for a few months now - any thought on fixing this? I think cmprsk
should be either included in the recommended bundle, or
the survival vignette to not depend on it. Having 'make check-all' showing
glaring ERROR's for a few months seems to defeat the purpose of
doing any checking at all via 'make
2009 May 04
Nelson-Aalen estimator of cumulative hazard
I am computing the Nelson-Aalen (NA) estimate of baseline cumulative hazard in two different ways using the "survival" package. I am expecting that they should be identical. However, they are not. Their difference is a monotonically increasing with time. This difference is probably not large to make any impact in the application, but is annoyingly non-trivial for me to just
2011 Sep 05
SAS code in R
Dear all,
I was wondering if anyone can help? I am an R user but recently I have resorted to SAS to calculate the probability of the event (and the associated confidence interval) for the Cox model with combinations of risk factors. For example, suppose I have a Cox model with two binary variables, one for gender and one for treatment, I wish to calculate the probability of survival for the
2009 Mar 29
cmprsk- another survival-depedent package causes R crash
Dear Prof Gray and everyone,
As our package developers discussed about incompatibility between Design and survival packages, I faced another problem with cmprsk- a survival dependent packacge.
The problem is exactly similar to what happened to the Design package that when I just started running cuminc function, R was suddenly closed.
These incidents suggest that maybe many other survival
2006 Mar 07
breslow estimator for cumulative hazard function
Dear R-users,
I am checking the proportional hazard assumption of a cox model for a
given covariate, let say Z1, after adjusting for other relavent covariates
in the model. To this end, I fitted cox model stratified on the discrete
values of Z1 and try to get beslow estimator for the baseline cumulative
hazard function (H(t)) in each stratum. As far as i know, if the
proportionality assumption
2007 Jun 07
MITOOLS: Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : invalid 'envir' argument
R-users & helpers:
I am using Amelia, mitools and cmprsk to fit cumulative incidence curves
to multiply imputed datasets. The error message that I get
"Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : invalid 'envir' argument"
occurs when I try to fit models to the 50 imputed datasets using the
"with.imputationList" function of mitools. The problem seems to occur
2009 Feb 27
Competing risks adjusted for covariates
Dear R-users
Has anybody implemented a function/package that will compute an individual's risk of an event in the presence of competing risks, adjusted for the individual's covariates?
The only thing that seems to come close is the cuminc function from cmprsk package, but I would like to adjust for more than one covariate (it allows you to stratify by a single grouping vector).
2013 Feb 01
Cumulative Incidence Function and Pseudovalue
I want to write own R functions for cumulative incidence function and also
for the pseudovalue of the cumulative incidence function.
Can you help me?
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1997 Aug 04
R-beta: unix failure in windows R ?
I installed the RApril with all the warnings of a pre-beta version, but
had it quickly produce some beautiful graphs etc. Then, since I'm
interested in regression, I downloaded the S-plus package for Aalen's
additive regression model, and I got a fixed version for Windows/R
already by the next day, but when I tried
library(addreg) I got the error below.
Error in system(call, intern) :