similar to: border of a polygon in contour.kriging - geoR

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "border of a polygon in contour.kriging - geoR"

2006 Jan 05
Memory limitation in GeoR - Windows or R?
Dear Aaron, I am really a tool user and not a tool maker (actually an ecologist doing some biostatistics)... so, I take the liberty of sending a copy of this e-mail to the r-help list where capable computer persons and true statisticians may provide more relevant information and also to Paulo Ribeiro and Peter Diggle, the authors of geoR.. I really feel that your huge matrix cannot be
2010 Jan 07
kriging with geoR package
Hi all, I have to draw a map of microorganisms repartition in a sample. I use the "image" function of geoR package to build the map but there are three problems: 1) the legend is Horizontal (with or without vert.leg=TRUE) 2) I want to plot the position of organisms and level curves of density on the map but I don't find the script to insert these data on the map. 3)the grey range
2003 Jul 24
geoR size limit problem
Hi all, I tried to produce some kriged surfaces with geoR (latest version). The size of the grid should be around 900 x 650 cells (what I find is not a very big grid), and the number of points is around 2500. The command krige.conv stopped after arround 5 min saying it can not allocate a vector with around 1.5 billion units. Sounds reasonable. Is there a workaround? How would I partition the
2004 Jan 08
Using geoR krige.conv
Hi, I'm using the function krige.conv from package geoR but I'm getting a warning that I do not understand: Warning messages: 1: NaNs produced in: sqrt(variance) 2: NaNs produced in: sqrt(variance) I'm performimg an ordinary kriging with a log transform (lambda=0). Does anyone knows where this comes from ? Thanks and regards EJ
2010 Feb 17
Bayesian Block Kriging?
Hello, I'm interested in doing Bayesian kriging using R. I see that the package geoR has a function that will allow one to do this (krige.bayes). However, my data are not in the form of points, but rather they are blocks that represent spatial averages (i.e., the number of fishing hooks per month in a given lat x long square). I am therefore interested in treating the data as
2012 Oct 30
issues with krige function
Greetings all, Ran into a strange problem with the krige function from geoR. The problem that I am having is that while the krige function seems to work well, the resulting predicted values are all NAs. Given the size of the datasets I am working with can't attach it, but I can provide snippets of the datasets. > casedata station year month day obs mpe bias type
2008 Dec 04
Plotting a kriging on a map
Hi list, Well, this time I’ve a doubt with mapping generation. I was already able to read and plot shapefiles, plot point on this map. All this without any problems, but now I want to do something that I think, only Golden Software Surfer is capable of. I would like to plot a kriging result on the existing map (map script below). Well I looked for on the net, but I was not able to be sure of
2008 Jul 20
Indicator Kriging?
Hello All! I like to do some indicator kriging with R. So far I used geoR for simple and ordinary kriging. Does anybody know which package I should use? Thanks for your help! Sascha! -- Jetzt dabei sein: at gmx
2004 Jan 31
about contour - get contour coordinates - exclude area display
Dear all, I wonder about what could actually be possible with the function "contour": 1/ - the definition of contour lines is most often meaningless when the contours are drawn in areas where no real data points exist. It can however happen that irregular distributions lead to more or less irregular clouds of data points. Interpolations (eg: loess regression, GLM, etc...) are however
2011 Jan 06
Cross validation for Ordinary Kriging
ear ALL, The last part of my thesis analysis is the cross validation. Right now I am having difficulty using the cross validation of gstat. Below are my commands with the tsport_ace as the variable: nfold <- 3 part <- sample(1:nfold, 69, replace = TRUE) sel <- (part != 1) m.model <- x2[sel, ] m.valid <- x2[-sel, ] t<- fit.variogram(v,vgm(0.0437, "Exp", 26, 0)) cv69
2013 Apr 04
help with kriging interpolation
All, I am new to using R and know some basics. I wish to use kriging in R to do the following: given data Y =f(X1,X2,X3,.....,Xn) --1000+ irregular measured data set. I would like to be able to get a single value y given sinle input set (x1,x2,x3,...xn) A google search on this takes me lierally to the same example on involving analysis with soil sampling and I cannot figure out how to
2002 Apr 15
krige and polygon limit problem
Dear all, I'm new on R and this mailing list. We work on spatial rainfall estimation with R and Grass. We have a problem with the krige function from the sgeostat package. We would like to limit the estimated area with a polygon limit. I use a 50 points polygon to describe my work area. The krige function work quiet well without limit. But if I use this option I have the following error
2004 Mar 24
geoR - help for bayesian modelling
Hi, I am trying to do a bayesian prediction for soil pollution data above a certain threshold, using geoR. Everything is working fine until i am doing the krig.bayes. I tried to do the prediction on a grid 67 by 113 cells and my computer is freezing to death. At larger numbers of cells it tells me after a while that it reaches the max. memory of 511 Mb. My computer has only 512 Mb of RAM.
2010 Apr 07
kriging problem - very urgent
Hi everybody, I have a longitude vector and a latitude one. Associated to these coordinates, i have a matrix with some data at some coordinates but not all. Lon <- seq(136.025,144.975,0.05) Lat <- rev(seq(-66.975,-65.525,0.05)) dim(z) <- c(Lon,Lat) And i have tried to apply to these data a kriging function. But first i need to reshape these 3 variables to have a dataframe
2011 Apr 12
How to set the dimension of a matrix correctly?
Hi all, I use kriging to interpolate the precipitation from stations, but the map of this results show lots of stripes. (please see the attachment)I think there's something wrong with the setting of the dimension of this matrix, however, I have no idea how to know or test to see if this setting is correct or not.I've tried to switch the latitude and longitude, but still got the same
2011 Jan 05
Prediction error for Ordinary Kriging
Hi ALL, Can you please help me on how to determine the prediction error for ordinary kriging?Below are all the commands i used to generate the OK plot: rsa2 <- readShapeSpatial("residentialsa", CRS("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=39.66666666666666 +lon_0=-8.131906111111112 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs")) x2 <- readShapeSpatial("ptna2",
2003 Jun 26
krige in gstat() package
HI, I wonder does anyone have experience with doing sequential gaussian simulation with krige() function in gstat? I find it VERY slow compared to use krige() to achieve kriging function itself.. I wonder why, is that because it has to model the variogram, and do the kriging separately for each point to be simulated? so it would be N times slower to achieve the simulation than the kriging if
2008 Dec 10
exporting rast from R to GRASS
Hi, everybody! i created a imagem by kriging using geoR package. I imported points from GRASS("zn", after converted to geodata "zn_geo"), the border "zn_border" and a raster mask. Then i interpolated the points by kriging and created a raster image. Now, i need export this image back to GRASS to use it in the module r.mapcalc. I can't do it. I tried use
2008 Aug 18
GeoR model.control - defining covariates at prediction locations
Hi, Im using geoR and I'm trying to do some predictions, based on an external trend. I'm having some problems specifying my model.control, specifically how do I define my model, and also the source of the covariate data at the prediction locations? I am assuming that the covariate data at the prediction locations should be imported to a geodata object along with the prediction location
2002 Oct 16
Ordinary and simple kriging
I'm performing ordinary and simple kriging from a set of non-negative values: ><-krige.control(type.krige="sk",obj.model=my.variogram.model,beta=my.variogram.model$beta) >sk<-krige.conv(cadiz.geo,data=amostragem.cadiz$dia1.std,locations=as.matrix(cadiz.polygrid[,c(1,2)]), krige.conv: model with constant mean krige.conv: Kriging