similar to: UrlRewriter problem in components

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "UrlRewriter problem in components"

2006 Jan 09
testing UrlHelper in ActionMailer
Hi All, So I found a helpful web page that explained how I could use things like url_for in my mails: However, I can''t test them properly. The problem is that when I create a controller in my unit tests and pass it into the ActionMailer, it''s not a real controller, set up as a controller is when it is
2006 Jun 16
rake spec controller test output hideus.
Is there any way to change the output of rake spec fails? The errors are just totally over the top ugly and not helpful. First of all the ruby -Ilib line always comes before each test and I find it distracting. But if an error occurs on something that is not nil it just gives me the entire contents of that object and that is no small matter when the object is a HTTP request response. Here is
2008 Mar 06
facebook_url_rewriter not used in Publisher?
As per my last email, I''m generating links to our app outside of Facebook. Sorry for the onslaught of emails on this. I do link generation in Publisher based code as well. What I''m finding is that the Facebooker UrlRewriter doesn''t get used in Publisher. This makes sense if we assume that Publisher can be used outside of an HTTP request, and things like the
2006 Feb 27
Mapping '':action/:id/:controller/'' doesn''t work
Hello People, (I am not good at ROR yet. This post could be very lame.) I am going playing with routes.rb. Well, pretty much any combination of mapping works, a part from: map.connect '':action/:id/:controller/'' In this case, the request is routed; however, I get: --------------------------------------- Showing app/views/inputs/start.rhtml where line #8 raised: No url can be
2008 Jul 23
Link_to_remote object missing
Hello, I''m in troubles trying to use ''link_to_remote'' on Rails 2.1. Having this page: <h4>Editing project</h4> <% form_for(:project, :url => project_path(@project), :html => { :method => :put }) do |f| %> <p> Name <%= f.text_field :name %> Date <%= calendar_date_select :project, :target_date, :time =>
2007 Oct 01
View Spec - Misbehaving
I''m trying to write my first view spec; I''ve done some controller specs with integrated views, but thought that isolating the views for some of these tests might be nice. So I wrote this: > describe PlayerContainer, "show" do > > PARENT_ID = 12 > CHILD_NAME = ''Child Name'' > PARENT_NAME = ''Parent Name'' > >
2011 Jan 10
Can't use ActionDispatch::Request in Rails middleware because path_parameters get lost
Hi, I just encountered a bit of an issue where we call request.params of an ActionDispatch::Request inside a rack middleware right before a Rails 3.0.3 app. The issue is that the path_parameters never appear in the parameters hash if you call request.params before the rails app. It seems that that the requests.params method memoizes itself in "action_dispatch.request.parameters"
2006 Jan 10
Problem creating MockController
Hi there, I''m trying to create a mock controller to test the use of UrlHelper in ActionMailer. I''m trying this: require ''d:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.11.0/lib/action_controller'' # Re-raise errors caught by the controller. #class DiscussionsController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end class MockController < ActionController::Base def
2007 Sep 21
generating nested resource path
I have a nested resourced called attachments: (routes.rb) map.resources :content_campaigns do |content_campaigns| content_campaigns.resources :attachments, :member => { :download => :get} end But, I can''t seem to generate the new path after I create a new attachment: (attachments_controller.rb) format.xml { head :created, :location => attachment_url(@attachment) }
2005 Jun 22
HTTP_HOST in rails
Hi All, Rails 0.12.1 doesn''t seem to be able to handle requests that don''t provide the HTTP_HOST variable in my environment (apache2/fcgi). This isn''t really a huge deal in practice, but it points to an actual oversight in the code, or perhaps in my config. Thoughts? ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `+'' for nil:NilClass) on line #1 of
2011 Dec 02
Testing Views with Rails 3 and Rspec2 - Can't stub request.path_params[:controller]
I am stuck to test a specific view which contains a request.path_parameters[:controller] variable as the example below follows: <%=link_to "Store", admin_stores_url, { :id => "tab-3" ,:class => (admin_stores_path == ''/'' + request.path_parameters[:controller] && ''active'')} %> The rspec view test file: describe
2007 Jul 12
form_tag doesn't accept a string anymore in edge rails?
So, here''s the offending line. Note that I''m using edge rails. form_tag verifications_path(@user), :method => :post do verifications_path(@user) returns a string like "/users/3/ verifications". That eventually gets sent to url_for, which expects a hash. And then it blows up. It''s especially disconcerting since the documentation shows form_tag as
2007 Apr 07
Undefined Method 'rewrite' when calling link_to
Whenever I try to pass an options hash to the link_to method (or url_for, or button_to) I get this error: undefined method `rewrite'' for []:ActionController::Routing::PathSegment::Result The trace ends with /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.13.2/lib/action_controller/base.rb:522:in `url_for''
2007 Dec 20
Relative URL fix
Hi Facebookers, I have been working on a change to facebooker to allow facebook and non-facebook apps to exist on the same code-base. I modified the url rewriting in facebooker a bit so that it would continue to use the facebook relative url when needed but not prepend the facebook app name to controller paths that didn''t have anything to do with your facebook app. Here is the
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of Line_items. I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items. What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it, and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml and
2006 Apr 17
urls within components
When rendering component from application render_component ({contoller =>''component/controller'', action => ''SimpleAction''}, the call: url_for ({controller => ''component/controller'', action => ''SimpleAction''}) from that component produces /component/controller/SimpleAction. But if we go to that url, call: url_for
2008 May 24
link_to_remote, image_tag, mouseover is this possible?
Hi guys, I was wondering if you are able to have a link_to_remote, having an image_tag and the link_to_remote has a mouseover event that updates a div. Does the image_tag need the mouseover event? I currently have: <%= link_to_remote(image_tag(@p_image.public_filename(:thumb)), :update => "big_pic", :onmouseover => {:action => :color_change, :id =>})%>
2005 May 21
How can I get a post-Routing translated url_for?
Is there a way to ask the Route system what controller and action mapping will be used, given a hash containing :controller and :action? I am trying to generalize the case where there is a button bar (e.g. tabbed pages) having one image shown if you are presently visiting that page, and another shown if you are not presently visiting that page (e.g. an "active" and an
2008 Sep 24
caches_page :if not executing (but caches_action :if) does
Hi folks - Seeing a weird problem and would love some help. It''s documented in to be more readable. In short, I have a caches_page "action", :if => {stuff} but the :if is never being called - the action is just caching every time. (If I put a debugger call in the :if block, it never stops.) If I replace caches_page with caches_action, the if
2008 Mar 28
undefined method ''alias_method_chain''
Running Rails 2.0.2, I get this error: ./script/../config/../vendor/plugins/facebooker/lib/facebooker/rails/facebook_url_rewriting.rb:29: undefined method `alias_method_chain'' for ActionController::UrlRewriter:Class (NoMethodError) from /usr/local/rubygems/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27:in `gem_original_require'' from