Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Some more help needed..."
2003 Oct 12
Integration between R & latex
As an R absolute beginner and an expert (very old) statistician and latex user,
I'm interested in using R to produce AUTOMAGICALLY tables in latex format. I
mean I would like to have the means to build an R procedure generating **FROM
INSIDE** a table or a graph to be inserted directly into latex.
I've read http://hesweb1.med.virginia.edu/biostat/s/doc/summary.pdf where the
author speaks
2003 Oct 22
High frequency time-series
Having to collect hourly electricity loads and quarter-of-an-hour electricity production data for some years I think that the tidiest way of doing it is to resort to ts but I don't know how to define such a frequency starting from a set date.
Leafing through r-help mail archives I've found this *ALMOST* satisfactory message:
2003 Oct 14
Organized examples for newbyes
I'm learning R from scratch on my linux box, being deeply biased at work by those graphical programs, nice to look but often poor in content and almost generally limited, running under M$ Windows.
I wonder if someone out there can suggest to an absolute beginner as I am where to find a collection of examples of R-code (or Splus, as I understand) to play with in order to learn R quicker.
2003 Dec 07
A hint to start ESS-xemacs
I'm trying to use ESS & xemacs under debian linux testing and KDE.
My problem is that I didn't find any document in the internet explaining a
**step by step** session with R and xemacs.
The (wrong) procedure I follow (to no avail!) is:
1) I start R in a terminal window;
2) I start xemacs and open a file with the extension .R (test.R);
3) I issue M-x R RET and I can see an Rd new
2007 Dec 09
Setting the grid of a graph of timeseries
I have the following code
miedate <- yearmon((2006)+seq(0,23)/12)
tab <- zoo(cbind(A = c(79.47, 89.13, 84.86, 75.68, 72.82, 78.87, 93.46,
78.18, 82.46, 77.25, 80.95, 84.39, 81.7, 74.76, 65.29, 60.3,
66.59, 73.19, 92.39, 65.76, 77.45, 74.22, 101.36, 100.01), B = c(77.95,
76.73, 51.2, 51.86, 51.29, 49.45,
2004 Jan 01
Barplot errors in MASS script
Reading "Modern Applied Statististics with S" and trying the corresponding
examples both in the book and in ../lib/R/library/MASS/script, I'm now trying
chapter 4 plotting bars with the following code on a linux box with R 1.8.1:
options(echo=T, width=65, digits=5)
lung.deaths <- aggregate(ts.union(mdeaths, fdeaths), 1)
2003 Oct 17
Strange behaviour
As an absolute beginner I'm reading and practicing with the Verzani doc to learn R.
Now, being an expert latex user who wants to integrate graphical capabilities if R and latex, using the "Simple" library and the simple.scatterplot examples I had a go at:
1) Including the resulting graph into a doc.snw then compiled through sweave & latex;
2) Produce the graph in pdf format
2017 Dec 31
Draw Overlapping Circles with shaded tracks
Dear All:
Thank you very much for all of you.
I just have one more thing. Is there a way to fill the borders with small
dots, may be different sizes.
I tried to do it, but it looks ugly.
Here what I tried:
plot(0:10, 0:10, type="n",axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="") #### 0:5,
draw.circle(4,5,radius=3,border="#ff0000aa", lwd=75)
2003 Dec 23
What's "latex" for?
As an R absolute beginner when I update my R 1.8.1, after installing
the packages I see the various updated commands orderly running in a
table on the screen where, among other things, "latex" and "example"
are indicated.
1) Being an old user of latex what **exactly** the "latex" label on a
command mean and how, in what context, can it be used?
2) How can I see the
2005 Oct 21
make three plot to one plot
Dear all,
I want to make three plot below to only one plot together with legend,
how can I do that?
I have tried with matplot function but I did not succeed.
Thanks for your help.
Jan Sabee
test.five.x <- c(0.02,0.05,0.07,0.09,0.10,0.12,0.13,0.14,0.16,0.17,0.20,0.21,0.34,0.40)
test.five.y <- c(18,12,17,12,3,15,1,5,1,1,3,10,15,10)
plot(test.five.x, test.five.y,
2013 Feb 14
fill colour in grid
Dear all r-users,
I have this code below to draw two squares, small and big square. I would like to colour the small square with red and the big square with blue for example. I tried using polygon but fail. Thank you so much for your help.
par(mar=c(4,4,2,1.2),oma=c(0,0,0,0),xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
plot.window(xlim= c(0,8),
2003 Dec 30
Mistake with contour...
I'm reading Ripley-Venables "Modern Applied Statistics with S - Fourth edition" , at the same time trying the examples proposed in the book using R 1.8.1 under linux.
Now I'm trying the following code from the book (example code of spatial statistics at page 76) with R :
| data(topo) library("spatial") topo.loess<-loess(z ~ x * y, topo,
| degree= 2,span=0.25)
2009 Mar 23
matplot does not considere the parametre lend (PR#13619)
Full_Name: Christophe Genolini
Version: 2.8.1, but also 2.9
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
I am using matplot with the option lend="butt", but only the first line (the
black) is printed correctly :
> matplot(matrix(1:9,3),type="c",lwd=10,lty=1,lend="butt")
Gabor Grothendieck find the problem in matplot code:
the ... is passed to plot
2011 Jun 24
try to generate graph for each element of my list
Dear all,
I have the following problem. I have a List of time series dataframe.I'm
trying to produce specific graph for each element of my list. The code is:
This is my list:
Lista_import<-lapply(Lista_import, function(x){
x2<-subset(x, select=c("ANNO","DICHIARANTE","PARTNER", "quota"))
2008 Dec 07
custom panel help in lattice
I am having an issue with a custom panel for lattice. The problem
comes when I try passing a groups argument.
Here is the custom panel, a wrapper for smooth spline. I copied
panel.loess and replaced the loess arguments with smooth.spline().
[Note: I would like to use the cross-validation fitting properties of
2008 Dec 05
Trouble with gridBase and inset plots
Dear All,
I ma having a trouble in generating a figure containing 3 insets with
the gridBase package.
I always get an error message of the kind:
Error in gridPLT() : Figure region too small and/or viewport too large
No matter which parameters I choose. The plots works nicely with two
insets only, but when I try adding the third one, my troubles begin.
I am probably doing something wrong in the
2003 May 21
axis() default values for "lty", "lwd", and "col"
I would like to recommend a minor modification in axis() which I believe
can simplify the making of plots for publications. I am trying to define
default values for par() in order to make labels bigger and lines thicker,
so that the resulting plots look good when resized for publication
purposes. I ran into the following problem...
axis() does not use par() values as default for
2015 May 18
A "bug" in plot.dendrogram - can't plot lty with character color
The problem:
Once a dendrogram has a branch with both a line type AND a color (which is
a character color), the plot.dendrogram function will not plot and return
an error.
I say this is a bug because (I believe), we would like a dendrogram to be
able to use character colors, while also allowing control over line types.
This e-mail includes an example, and what I think a solution
2011 Apr 12
font and size times New Roman
I wonder how to change the font of
chart to Times New Roman and size 9.
plot(c(0,100,20),c(0,600,50), xlab= 'Idade(meses)', ylab="Peso(kg)",
type = "n", axes=F)
axis(1, pos=0, at=seq(0,100,20))
axis(2, pos=0, at=seq(0,600,100))
t<- seq(0,100,1)
2010 Apr 29
Request - adding recycled "lwd" parameter to polygon
Hello dear members of R-help and R-core mailing list,
I am not sure if this request is a "ticket" that should be filled somewhere
outside the mailing list. If so, I apologize for not doing and would like
to know where I should have filled it.
And to the subject matter:
I would like to use a command like this:
plot(c(1,8), 1:2, type="n")
polygon(1:7, c(2,1,2,NA,2,1,2),