similar to: problem with rm.impute of the Design library

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "problem with rm.impute of the Design library"

2009 Jun 01
LM/GLM can't find weights vector from within a function (PR#13735)
Full_Name: Alberto Gaidys Version: 2.9.0 OS: Mac OS X 10.5.7 Submission from: (NULL) ( When calling LM or GLM from within a function, R gives a message error that it can't find the specified weights object "Erro em eval(expr, envir, enclos) : objeto 'W' n?o encontrado" (Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'W' not found). The call from within
2009 Nov 09
Bug in all.equal() or in the plm package
Hi! I noticed that there is a (minor) bug either the command all.equal() or in the "plm" package. I demonstrate this using an example taken from the documentation of plm(): ====================================== R> data("Produc", package="plm") R> zz <- plm(log(gsp)~log(pcap)+log(pc)+log(emp)+unemp, + data=Produc,
2013 May 17
How could I see the source code of functions in an R package?
Hi, How could I see the source code of functions in an R package? If we type ?function_name , we will see documentations of the function_name. If we type function_name, is what returns just the source code? Could we just save it in an .R file and modify as we want? However, it seems that sometimes the source code is hidden (or stored elsewhere?) As an example, could we see the source
2007 Dec 06
correlation coefficient from qq plot
Hi, I am trying to figure out how to get the correlation coefficient for a QQ plot (residual plot). So to be more precise, I am creating the plot like this: qq.plot(rstudent(regrname), main = rformula, col=1) But want to also access (or compute) the correlation coefficient for that plot. Thanks, Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Sep 04
Attribute Length Error when Trying plm Regression
Hello, I am trying to run a fixed effects panel regression on data containing 5 columns and 1,494 rows. I read the data in as follows: >drugsXX<-read.csv(file="C:\\Folder\\vX.X\\Drugs\\drugsXX_panel.csv", head=TRUE, sep=",") Verified it read in correctly and had a good data.frame: >dim(drugsXX) [1] 1494 5 >drugs XX produce expected data with correct column
2003 Jul 03
Bug in plotting groupedData-objects
Dear Experts, May be the problem is still solved, however I tried to find the answer in the archives: I use: > R.version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status major 1 minor 7.1 year 2003 month 06 day 16
2002 Nov 07
Preferable contrasts?
Dear all, I'm working with Cox-regression, because data could be censored. But in this particular case not. Now I have a simple example: PRO and PRE are (0,1) coded. The response is not normal distributed. We are interested in a model which could describe interaction. But my results are depending strongly in the choose of the contrast option. It is clear that there is some dependence in
2002 Sep 23
R crash with internet2.dll
Hi, I'm using: platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status major 1 minor 5.1 year 2002 month 06 day 17 language R and I would like to apply: > update.packages() trying URL
2002 Oct 09
Summary: proc mixed vs. lme
Summary: proc mixed vs. lme The objective of this summary is to help people to get more familiar with the specification of random effects with proc mixed or lme. Very useful are the examples of Ramon Littell's book: "SAS System for Mixed Models (1996)" ( The same data set's are kindly made available by Douglas Bates in the
2002 Oct 09
proc mixed vs. lme
Dear All, Comparing linear mixed effect models in SAS and R, I found the following discrepancy: SAS R random statement random subj(program); random = ~ 1 | Subj -2*loglik 1420.8 1439.363 random effects variance(Intercept) 9.6033 9.604662
2005 Aug 05
Help, my RGui is speaking French!
Dear R-helpers, First of all I have nothing against the French language! But now my problem, yesterday I installed R 2.1.1 and I had to experience that my RGui is speaking French. My windows locals is French (Switzerland). I'm used to English and I want to reset my RGui to English. I was seeking for the solution in the archives, however not successfully. By the way the searchable archives
2011 Mar 02
*** caught segfault *** when using impute.knn (impute package)
hi, i am getting an error when calling the impute.knn function (see the screenshot below). what is the problem here and how can it be solved? screenshot: ################## *** caught segfault *** address 0x513c7b84, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: .Fortran("knnimp", x, ximp = x, p, n, imiss = imiss, irmiss, as.integer(k), double(p), double(n), integer(p),
2011 Jun 08
install the “impute” package in unix
Hi, I am trying to install the “impute” package in unix. but I get the following error message. I followed the following steps. Do you know what is causing this and how I can solve this problem? source("") biocLite("impute") Using R version 2.11.1, biocinstall version 2.6.10. Installing Bioconductor version 2.6 packages: [1]
2008 Oct 29
Help with impute.knn
ear all, This is my first time using this listserv and I am seeking help from the expert. OK, here is my question, I am trying to use impute.knn function in impute library and when I tested the sample code, I got the error as followingt: Here is the sample code: library(impute) data(khanmiss) khan.expr <- khanmiss[-1, -(1:2)] ## ## First example ## if(exists(".Random.seed"))
2011 Jun 23
Rms package - problems with fit.mult.impute
Hi! Does anyone know how to do the test for goodness of fit of a logistic model (in rms package) after running fit.mult.impute? I am using the rms and Hmisc packages to do a multiple imputation followed by a logistic regression model using lrm. Everything works fine until I try to run the test for goodness of fit: residuals(type=c("gof")) One needs to specify y=T and x=T in the fit. But
2008 Nov 26
multiple imputation with fit.mult.impute in Hmisc - how to replace NA with imputed value?
I am doing multiple imputation with Hmisc, and can't figure out how to replace the NA values with the imputed values. Here's a general ourline of the process: > set.seed(23) > library("mice") > library("Hmisc") > library("Design") > d <- read.table("DailyDataRaw_01.txt",header=T) > length(d);length(d[,1]) [1] 43 [1] 2666
2004 Jun 15
fit.mult.impute and quantile regression
I have a largish dataset (1025) with around .15 of the data missing at random overall, but more like .25 in the dependent variable. I am interested in modelling the data using quantile regression, but do not know how to do this with multiply imputed data (which is what the dataset seems to need). The original plan was to use qr (or whatever) from the quantreg package as the 'fitter'
2003 Jul 27
multiple imputation with fit.mult.impute in Hmisc
I have always avoided missing data by keeping my distance from the real world. But I have a student who is doing a study of real patients. We're trying to test regression models using multiple imputation. We did the following (roughly): f <- aregImpute(~ [list of 32 variables, separated by + signs], n.impute=20, defaultLinear=T, data=t1) # I read that 20 is better than the default of
2003 Jul 25
Difficulty replacing NAs using Hmisc aregImpute and Impute
Hello R experts I am using Hmisc aregImpute and Impute (following example on page 105 of The Hmisc and Design Libraries). *My end goal is to have NAs physically replaced in my dataframe. I have read the help pages and example in above sited pdf file, but to no avail. Here is example of what I did. Ph, my data frame, is attached. > xt <- aregImpute (~ q5 + q22rev02 + q28a, n.impute=10,
2010 Dec 02
problem with package rsm: running fit.mult.impute with cph
Hi all (and especially Frank), I'm trying to use x=T, y=T in order to run a validated stepwise cox regression in rsm, having multiply imputed using mice. I'm coding model.max<-fit.mult.impute(baseform,cph,miced2,dated.sexrisk2,x=T,y=T) baseform is baseform<-Surv(si.age,si=="Yes")~ + + excited + worried + intimate.friend + am.pill.times +