Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "diagnostic information in glm. How about N of missing observations?"
2005 Sep 21
controlling usage of digits & scientific notation in R plots; postscript margins
Dear R users:
I assigned students to make some graphs and I'm having trouble answering
some questions that they have. We are all working on R 2.1 on Fedora
Core Linux 4 systems.
1. In the plot, the axis is not labeled by "numbers", but rather
scientific notation like "-2e+08" or such. We realize that means
-200,000,000. We want to beautify the plot. We would rather
2005 Mar 01
Users in Ukraine & cyrillic support
Hello, everybody:
My friends in Ukraine are starting a research lab at a national
university and they asked what programs to use. I said "R" of course,
and they then asked me 'what support does it have for Cyrillic'?
i've done some snooping in the R website and all the references i find
to foreign languages concern c and fortran, not Ukrainian or Russian.
Since i'm an
2004 Mar 20
contrast lme and glmmPQL and getting additional results...
I have a longitudinal data analysis project. There are 10 observations
on each of 15 units, and I'm estimating this with randomly varying
intercepts along with an AR1 correction for the error terms within
units. There is no correlation across units. Blundering around in R
for a long time, I found that for linear/gaussian models, I can use
either the MASS method glmmPQL (thanks to
2004 Oct 11
Diagnosing trouble with R-2.0, Fedora Core 2, and Rcmdf
Greetings, R-help!
On 2 Fedora Core 2 Linux systems, i've completely erased the previous R
and all packages and then installed R-2.0 and installed fresh packages.
In using Rcmdr, I see some trouble and I wonder if other people see this
and if it is due to the tcl/tk, or R, or Rcmdr. (If readers have not
yet tried Rcmdr, I recommend it not just because of the GUI it provides,
but also
2005 Nov 17
Predicting and Plotting "hypothetical" values of factors
Last Friday, I noticed that it is difficult to work with regression
models in which there are factors. It is easier to do the old fashioned
thing of coding up "dummy" variables with 0-1 values. The predict
function's newdata argument is not suited to insertion of hypothetical
values for the factor, whereas it has no trouble with numeric variables.
For example, if one uses a
2004 Sep 30
polr (MASS) and lrm (Design) differences in tests of statistical signifcance
I'm running R-1.9.1 on Fedora Core 2 Linux.
I tested a proportional odds logistic regression with MASS's polr and
Design's lrm. Parameter estimates between the 2 are consistent, but the
standard errors are quite different, and the conclusions from the t and
Wald tests are dramatically different. I cranked the "abstol" argument
up quite a bit in the polr
2005 Apr 05
lists: removing elements, iterating over elements,
I'm writing R code to calculate Hierarchical Social Entropy, a diversity
index that Tucker Balch proposed. One article on this was published in
Autonomous Robots in 2000. You can find that and others through his web
page at Georgia Tech.
While I work on this, I realize (again) that I'm a C programmer
masquerading in R, and its really
2004 Sep 23
R glm
would you please help me with the following glm question?
for the R function glm, what I understand is: once you specify the
"family", then the link function is fixed.
My question is: is it possible I use, for example, "log" link function,
but the estimation approach for the guassian family?
Shuangge Ma, Ph.D.
2003 Oct 29
One inflated Poisson or Negative Binomal regression
I am interested in Poisson or (ideally) Negative Binomial regression
with an inflated number of 1 responses
I have seen JK Lindsey's fmr function in the gnlm library, which fits
zero inflated Poisson (ZIP) or zero inflated negative binomial
regression, but the help file states that for ' Poisson or related
distributions the mixture involves the zero category'.
I had thought
2004 Sep 21
Ever see a stata import problem like this?
Greetings Everybody:
I generated a 1.2MB dta file based on the general social survey with
Stata8 for linux. The file can be re-opened with Stata, but when I bring
it into R, it says all the values are missing for most of the variables.
This dataset is called "morgen.dta" and I dropped a copy online in case
you are interested
looks like this
2005 Sep 29
Select varying LS digits in long numbers?
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to find a neat solution to an apparently simple
problem, but one which turns out to be a bit more intricate
and tricky than one might expect.
Suppose I have numbers given to a large number of digits.
For example
where (though I don't know this beforehand) only the last
3 digits will be varying (and all 3 will vary).
What I want is, give a vector x of
2000 Aug 09
Trying to make plot of several time series in same graph
Dear Friends in R:
On RedHat linux, R-1.1, I've gotten far enough to create the graph that
shows on the screen with 3 lines, but I have some trouble. Here is the
way I created the three "overlaid" graphs:
data<-read.table("DataCulture0",header=T,as.is = TRUE)
tmp1<-plot(acquaint~T,type='l', ylim=c(0,1),ylab="average
2001 Apr 10
clear R-objects inside a function?
Using RedHat Linux 7.0, R-1.2.2, R-hdf5-1.2 library,
I want to load a dataset, do some stuff with it, then erase its objects,
get an other, repeat. My friend wrote a function which tried to clear
away all the objects. At the end, it uses rm() to remove objects. This
is the same way we do it interactively, from the R prompt:
testLoadSeveralHDF <- function(numFiles) {
for (i in
2001 Nov 28
Value lables, variable lables
I'm looking for an analogy to SPSS and "variable lable" and "value
lable" in R. I have a copy of S+4.0 and can't find any info in their
docs, and don't find it in R-intro either.
In SPSS, for each variable, there is a name like
and a variable lable (a longer descriptive string) like
Respondent ID
and for many of the values of other variables there are
2005 Nov 08
Need advice about models with ordinal input variables
Dear colleagues:
I've been storing up this question for a long time and apologize for the
length and verbosity of it. I am having trouble in consulting with
graduate students on their research projects. They are using surveys to
investigate the sources of voter behavior or attitudes. They have
predictors that are factors, some ordered, but I am never confident in
telling them what
2000 Aug 06
Trying to "pretty up" output from R job
Running R 1.1 on RedHat Linux 6.2.
I need to write a shell script that goes through a bunch of directories
of simulation output, creating summary files that have the mean and
standard deviation of the variables found in the data files in each
directory. I've got the R code doing almost the right thing. It reads
in data, then gets the mean and standard deviation for the numeric
2004 Mar 19
Beginners question
Dear list,
I've been messing around with coding functions in R and it just won't make
sense to me.
Running my analysis by hand on command line is fine and works but because
of the repetitive nature of the job I would like to code a function for it.
My problem:
I would like to read in data from a file in my current working dir.
so my code would look like:
myanalysis <-
2005 Jul 27
LyX and Sweave
>>>>> On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:12:41 +0200,
>>>>> Gorjanc Gregor (GG) wrote:
> Hello R-users!
> I have tried to use Sweave within LyX* and found two ways to accomplish
> this. I have attached LyX source file for both ways as well as generated
> PDFs.
I have copied Gregor's files at
for those who
2001 May 07
semi-parametric (partial linear?) regression
I just heard a talk about a semi-parametric model. I was quite excited
by the idea. This model is fitted
y= xB + g(z) + e
where x is a data matrix, B a column vector, z is another data matrix,
and g is a smooth model fitted by a Kernel Smoothing regression (I got
the idea any smoother would do as well).
The speaker said that when z is considered as a "control" variable, and
there is
2002 Feb 12
A couple of little R things I can't figure out (column percents, regression with lagged variables)
Simple usage questions that I ought to be able to figure on my own, but
1.I'm able to produce a cross tabulation table showing counts with
either table or xtabs. But I want column percentages for
interpretation, and it seems stupid to sit there with a calculator
figuring marginals and column percentages. How to make R do it after this:
> x <- c(1,3,1,3,1,3,1,3,4,4)