similar to: Summaries

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Summaries"

2003 Apr 02
vectorize an expression
Dear listers, I'm having a bad R day. I just can't think of the vectorized equivalent of: for (ii in 1:n) aa[ii] = bb[ii,cc[ii]] Any suggestion received with embarrassment and gratitude Simon Gatehouse CSIRO Exploration and Mining, Newbigin Close off Julius Ave North Ryde, NSW Mail: PO Box 136, North Ryde NSW 1670, Australia
2004 Jan 16
reference to objects
Hi, is there a way to reference to a data object without copying it? For example I have a huge matrix called dist and I want two objects obj1 and obj2 to have a memeber dist that points to the matrix, but I don't want, for memory reasons, to copy the matrix twice. As far as I understand the following code will generate three copies of my data: dist <- some_code_that_generates_data
2003 Nov 12
column extraction by name ?
I have a data frame (df) with colums x, y and z. e.g. df <- data.frame(x = sample(4), y = sample(4), z = sample(4)) I can extract column z by: df$z or df[3] I can also extract columns x,y by: df[1:2] or by df[-3]. Is it possible to extract x,y columns in a "symbolic" fashion i.e. by equivalent of df[-z] (which is illegal) ??? Or alternativeley, is there an equivalent of
2003 Dec 01
search site for R (
My search site,, has had several problems recently, all my fault, for which I apologize. But it now seems to be running reliably, on a new computer that is much faster than the old one. It uses htdig to permit search of the Rhelp mailing list, R documents, R functions, and various combinations of these. Search has several options, including Boolean search (with AND,
2003 Dec 04
get mean of several rows
Dear all! After hours of trying around, I gave up: I have a 2-dimensional array, and I know how to split it into its rows and how to get the mean for every row using 'sapply'. But what I want is to calculate the mean over the first n rows, and then the second n rows, etc., so that I get a vector like: v == mean1(row 1:5), mean2(row6:10),... (trivial, you might say. I find it rather
2003 Nov 10
Subsetting a list of vectors
Hi, I'm trying to subset a list which contains variable length vectors. What I want to do is extract (eg.) the 3rd item in each vector (with length >= 3). At the moment I'm using sapply(list.of.vectors, function(x) {x[3]}). The problem with this is that sapply returns a list of the same length of list.of.vectors so I end up with a whole lot of null entries from those vectors
2003 Dec 24
coding logic and syntax in R
Hello, I am a beginner in R programming and recently heard about this mailing list. Currently, I am trapped into a simple problem for which I just can't find a solution. I have a huge dataset (~81,000 observations) that has been analyzed and the final result is in the form of 0 and 1(one column). I need to write a code to process this column in a little complicated way. These 81,000
2003 Feb 07
My remark on libraries
Hi R community, These days, I am writing some functions to work with 2-ways frequency tables ; you know all this tuff about measures of association: Chisq and derived (phi, cramer's v), tau b, tau c, somer's d and so on. So I consider all those functions could be gathered in a single R file, as they are coherent and dealing with the same problem / objective (analysis of crosstables).
2002 Oct 02
Introduction of NA:s
Hello, I wonder if someone could help me with the following: I have generated 10 000 values from rnorm and now I want to randomly replace 500 of those with NA. The problem is that values indexed between 6-10,16-20,26-30.... only should be considered for replacement. Any suggestions? Patrik Waldmann -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing
2002 Dec 20
vectorizing test for equality
Dear R Help, I am trying to create a boolean vector that is TRUE whenever a particular value occurs in a numeric vector, and FALSE otherwise. For example, suppose that > y <- c(5, 2, 4, 3, 1) > y [1] 5 2 4 3 1 and suppose that I want to find where 3 occurs in y. Then, the following yields the solution: > y == 3 [1] FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE My problem arises when the
2005 Feb 18
Hosting a R Graph Gallery?
Dear R users, Following some of the recent questions and discussions about the R plotting abilities, it occurred to me again that it would be very valuable to have an R graph gallery. Eric Lecoutre made a very nice example in: It would be very useful to many beginners, but probably also advanced users of R, to have an
2005 Feb 15
special symobol / character
Hi all, Is it possible to add a permil (or per mille) symbol to an R plot (I couldn't find this symbol under demo(Hershey) or the plotmath information). In some ascii tables it is symbol no. 137. cheers, Matt. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Nov 18
Lexical Scoping: eval(expr,envir=)
Hi R-listers, I am trying to better undertand what we would call "functional paradigm" use of S/R to better map my programming activities in other languages. This little function is aimed to create an object (at the end end, it would have it's own class): -- myObject =function(){ list( a=1, foo=function(b) { cat("b:",b)
2002 Jun 20
Argument visible of addTaskCallback
Hello, I have a question about addTaskCallback It is said that the argument visible allows to know wether the result of the top-level evaluation was printed or not. Nevertheless, in the following example, I encountered a problem, as it seems not all printed objects are visible... Could someone tell me where is the tip? TIA
2004 Apr 27
parsing a data file
Hi, I need to parse a data file (output of a measuring device) of the following format: BEGIN RECORD [first record data] RECORD [second record data] RECORD [third record data] END Line breaks can (and do ;-() occur anywhere. White space behaves very much like TeX, eg it is not important whether there are one or more spaces or linebreaks as long as there is one of them. It is a text file, not
2004 Nov 09
2 invoking a function with multiple arguments
Hi users, I am not sure to understand the help page about --, args) args: a _list_ of arguments to the function call. The 'names' attribute of 'args' gives the argument names. -- If we take the following sample data: > ( Var1 Freq 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 1 5 5
2004 Jun 04
[Wish]: Add "..." argument to library function
Hello, I would find it very usefull to have the ability to load packages with options. Consider for example the SciViews package Philippe and me are working on. When loading on Windows, it automatically loads the associated GUI executable. It should be convenient to have an option not to load the exe but still have an access to the R functions of the package. For that, I think a simple change
2005 Mar 03
Need suggestions for plotting 3D plot
Hi Everybody, I am a newbie in R. I have a data in the form of a matrix which I want to make some 3D plots using R. There is some functions for instance hist() for 2D plots, but I cant find any function for 3D plots. Is there any function available in R for 3D plots? If so, is there any documention available on internet so that I can go through. With regards, Soumyadeep
2004 Sep 22
S4 methods and polymorophism
Hello R Power Users, There is a rather large introduction you may skip to go directly to my question about S4 classes. I am working on some toy code to help me get in through S4 classes. Doing this homework, I have some questions about S4 classes. I have carefully read available help and some additional material such as Robert Gentleman's slides and special attention to "Programming
2005 Jun 07
htlm3D made4
Hi, I would like to know if people have found the package made4 to load! I would like the .zip If you have the @ on internet to load it please give me it! Thanks a lot, Sabine --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]