similar to: 1.8.1. RMySQL Win2K Writing-Table Problem?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "1.8.1. RMySQL Win2K Writing-Table Problem?"

2002 Dec 18
A little problem handling logicals in RMySQL under R1.6.1
There is a little problem in handling logicals in RMySQL: # here is the MySQL connection > con <MySQLConnection:(1816,0)> # here is the data frame > print(a<-data.frame(x=c(TRUE,FALSE),y=c(FALSE,TRUE))) x y 1 TRUE FALSE 2 FALSE TRUE # as promised, the two data frame columns are identified as logicals and # the field types are set to tinyint > field.types <-
2003 Nov 24
RMySQL valid field names
I'm having some problems with valid field names when using RMySQL to interface R (version 1.7.0, under RedHat9.0), to MySQL (4.1.0-alpha). I think I've spotted the problem and a solution (which is working for me), but I wanted to share this with you as I may be missing something. (Note: I'm aware that this is an old R version, but I've checked the code of the lastest version of
2002 May 17
RMySQL/methods problem
I have a problem when using the RMySQL package and the methods package together (R version 1.5.0) I do : library(RMySQL); m<-dbManager('MySQL') con<-dbConnect(m); quickSQL(con, ' select blah blah..'); This works fine . However when I then do: library(methods); and then repeat my sql : quickSQL(con, ' select blah blah..'); I get the following error: Error in
2010 Mar 04
mysqlWriteTable . error in your SQL syntax?
Hi, Can somebody advice on weird mysqlWriteTable bug. > mysqlWriteTable(conn, 'comparison',design2, row.names = F, overwrite=T) Error in mysqlExecStatement(conn, statement, ...) : RS-DBI driver: (could not run statement: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"condition"
2002 Mar 20
RMySQL integer range bug (PR#1400)
Full_Name: Matthias Piksa Version: 1.4.1 OS: Redhat 7.1 2.96-85 Submission from: (NULL) ( There is a bug when retrieving values out of MySQL (3.23.36) which are of type UNSIGNED INTEGER(10). The values can vary between 0 and 2^32 but R only accepts those below 2^31-1. Anything above goes as 2^31-1. thats what one gets: print(quickSQL(con,"select ip_dst from iphdr where
2010 Jan 25
RMySQL Append data.frame to table
I have a data.frame obj with 5 columns whose colnames match the fields in my "contact" table. The only other field my MySQL table has is an id field which is the PK and is set to auto increment. I'd like to load this data.frame using something like: dbWriteTable(con, "contact", dat, append=TRUE) However, I get this error: Error in mysqlExecStatement(conn, statement,
2002 Aug 09
RMySQL fetch defaults to N=500?
It appears that fetch() gets only the first 500 rows by default. I don't see this in the documentation, but timeinfo <- fetch(rs) gets only 500 rows where timeinfo <- fetch(rs,n=-1) gets (correctly) 736 for the same query. Is this an undocumented feature? I played with this data for an alarming amount of time before I realized that I was missing a third of the data. I
2004 Sep 22
RMySQL and Blob
Dear R experts, Does RMySQL package handle Blob datatype in a MySQL database? Blob can represent an image, a sound or some other large and complex binary objects. In an article published by R-database special interest group, named "A common database interface (DBI)" (updated June 2003), it's mentioned in "open issues and limitations" that "We need to carefully plan
2002 Oct 16
Database newbee problem...
Hi all, This is a potentially very stupid question about MySQL <-> R interaction, but I have not been able to solve it. I'm just trying to connect R to my MySQL databse, and gets this: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: methods > m <- dbDriver("MySQL") > con <- dbConnect(m,group="testdb") Process R segmentation fault at Wed Oct 16 07:04:30
2002 Sep 12
DBI / MySQL problems
Hi. I frequently use RMySQL package to interface R with MySQL databases. I was having a try with package DBI and I got the following error: > library(RMySQL) > library(DBI) > drv <- dbDriver("MySQL") > ch <- dbConnect(drv, dbname="mydb", user="myuser", password="mypasswd") > ibm <- dbGetQuery(ch,"select * from table where
2003 Jul 15
dbApply (R newbee)
I am trying to use R interfaced with MySQL. Present goal is that R should calculate the 85% quantile of AvgSpeed for each LinieID. Looking through documentation of the RMySQL Package, I guessed that dbApply would do the trick due to this example ## compute quanitiles for each network agent con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), group="vitalAnalysis") res <- dbSendQuery(con,
2002 Sep 13
R and database access
Hi, I am relatively new at R, but I would like to be able to directly access my MySQL and PostgreSQL databases from R. I have been looking around CRAN and searching through Google, however I am not sure what are the best options. I have seen DBI - not sure how this works Rdbi - not sure how this works Rdbi.PgSQL - can install, but fails on trying to load RODBC - cannot
2002 Sep 10
setGeneric(); R CMD check
1. Is it always the case that when defining generic functions in a package, the package needs to be installed as a binary package to avoid having the generic functions in the .GlobalEnv? 2. Defining a generic function in a "non-binary" package triggers a check warning $ R CMD check ... ... * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... WARNING Objects
2003 Oct 11
Problem in 'methods' package (PR#4525)
Full_Name: Fernando Henrique Ferraz Pereira da Rosa Version: 1.8.0 OS: Linux 2.4.21 Submission from: (NULL) ( After installing R 1.8.0, the R DBI interface stopped working. I tracked it down as a problem in the 'methods' package, that comes in the default installation. Somehow the function '.valueClassTest' which is defined on package 'methods',
2003 Mar 17
RMySQL Install Problem
Hey all, I asked my server administrator to install the RMySQL package for me however he was unable to and received the below errors. I searched the archives for some of the words in the error mesage but found no answers. Does anyone have any ideas what might be going wrong? This is R 1.6.2 on a linux box. Thanks, Fred > install.packages("RMySQL") trying URL
2003 Jul 17
line length limitation in ROracle
Hello everybody, I found that queries (send by "dbExecStatement" ) with more than 4000 characters length produces an error in ROracle (ver 0.3-3). Maybe there is a limitation of 4kB.... Is this a bug? If yes, is this problem solved in the latest version of ROracle (ver 0.5-0)? My system information: platform sparc-sun-solaris2.8 arch sparc os solaris2.8
2004 Aug 19
ROracle and vector elements
Hi there! Is ROracle available for Windows, please? I found a download site, but it's really for UNIX/Linux. Here is a "thought question", please: Why do the vector elements start at location 1 rather than zero, as C does? Thanks in advance! R Version 1.9.1 Windows Sincerely, Laura Holt mailto: lauraholt_983 at
2002 Aug 12
No subject
does anyone?add ROracle package on UNIX so far, does anyone know what the requirement for adding ROracle on UNIX, if I have my ORacle server on separate UNIX server, what I need to run install to install ROracle package thanks -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send
2003 Jan 17
DBI/ROracle for remote database connection ?
Hello, I have installed the ROracle and DBI packages, and I want to access an Oracle database that is not on the same machine as the one I am running R on. I can access the database remotely with perl DBI and Java JDBC. Does anyone know if this is possible using R DBI/ROracle ? I have looked through the documentation and also tried to guess at things which might work, but with no success. I
2003 Oct 01
installing DBI_0.1-6.tar.gz
Dear, I tried to install the DBI package in R-1.7.1, but this gave the following error: /volume1/scratch/jallemee/R/lib/R/bin/INSTALL: line 1: 1856 Done ( echo "options(save.image.defaults=${save_image_defaults})"; if test -s R_PROFILE.R; then cat R_PROFILE.R; fi; echo