Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "aov with Error and lme"
2003 Dec 02
lme: reproducing example
Dear R-community!
I still have the problem reproducing the following
example using lme.
factA <- factor(rep(c("a1","a2","a3"),rep(15,3)))
factB <- factor(rep(c("B1","B2","B3"),15))
Y[ 1: 9]<-c(56,52,48,57,54,46,55,51,51)
2013 Mar 25
a contrast question
Dear R People:
I have the following in a file:
resp factA factB
39.5 low B-
38.6 high B-
27.2 low B+
24.6 high B+
43.1 low B-
39.5 high B-
23.2 low B+
24.2 high B+
45.2 low B-
33.0 high B-
24.8 low B+
22.2 high B+
and I construct the data frame:
> collard.df <- read.table("collard.txt",header=TRUE)
> collard.aov <- aov(resp~factA*factB,data=collard.df)
2009 Sep 15
coefficients of aov results has less number of elements?
I run the following commands. 'A' has 3 levels and 'B' has 4 levels.
Should there be totally 3+4 = 7 coefficients (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3,
> a=3
> b=4
> n=1000
> A = rep(sapply(1:a,function(x){rep(x,n)}),b)
> B = as.vector(sapply(sapply(1:b, function(x){rep(x,n)}), function(x){rep(x,a)}))
> Y = A + B + rnorm(a*b*n)
> fr =
2007 Mar 09
Applying some equations over all unique combinations of 4 variables
#I have a data set that looks like this. A bit more
complicated actually with
# three factor levels but these calculations need to
be done on one factor at a
#I then have a set of different rates that are applied
#to it.
cata <- c( 1,1,6,1,1,2)
catb <- c( 1,2,3,4,5,6)
doga <- c(3,5,3,6,4, 0)
data1 <- data.frame(cata, catb, doga)
# start rates
2009 Oct 29
Removing & generating data by category
Dear R users,
Basically, from the following arbitrary data set:
a <-
> a
2003 Nov 16
SE of ANOVA (aov) with repeated measures and a bewtween-subject factor
I have data of the following design:
NSubj were measured at Baseline (visit 1) and at 3
following time points (visit 2, visit 3, visit 4).
There is or is not a treatment.
Most interesting is the question if there is a
difference in treatment between the results of visit 4
and baseline. (The other time points are also of
interest.) The level of significance is alpha=0.0179
(because of an
2003 Dec 17
TODO hardlink reporting problem - fixed?
On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, jw schultz <jw@pegasys.ws> wrote:
> OK, first pass on TODO complete.
This hardlink bug report is nearly 21 months old... So I took a look
at it using 2.5.7. See below.
> BUGS ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Fix hardlink reporting 2002/03/25
> (was: There seems
2013 Mar 12
big edge list to adjacency matrix
I have huge list of edges with weights.
a1 b1 w1
a2 b2 w2
a3 b3 w3
a1 b1 w4
a3 b1 w5
I have to convert it into 2 dim matrix
b1 b2 b3
a1 max(w1,w4) 0 0
a2 0 w2 0
a3 w5 0 w3
if edges repeated take the maximum weights. How do this efficiently without
using for loop? Any idea.
2011 May 30
Basic question about three factor Anova
Read the data using scan():
# a1 a2 a3 a4
# ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
# b1 b2 b3 b1 b2 b3 b1 b2 b3 b1 b2 b3
# --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
# c1:
# 4.1 4.6 3.7 4.9 5.2 4.7 5.0 6.1 5.5 3.9 4.4 3.7
# 4.3 4.9
2005 Mar 19
simple problem, but not for me
Hello, I'm new in R and I want to do one thing that is very easy in excel, however, I cant do it in R.
Suppose we have the data frame:
data<- data.frame(A=c("a1","a2","a3","a4","a5"))
I need to obtain another column in the same data frame (lets say B=c(b1,b2,b3,b4,b5) in the following way:
2011 Mar 05
Repeating the same calculation across multiple pairs of variables
Hi all,
I frequently encounter datasets that require me to repeat the same calculation across many variables. For example, given a dataset with total employment variables and manufacturing employment variables for the years 1990-2010, I might have to calculate manufacturing's share of total employment in each year. I find it cumbersome to have to manually define a share for each year and
2003 May 20
Extending %*%
I have lists of matrices stored in various ways. I'd like to extend
%*% to work on these. Is this possible, or should I create my own new
A simplified example would be as follows:
A <- list( A1, A2, A3)
B <- list( B1, B2, B3)
where A1,...,B3 are all matrices, and I'd like A %*% B to return
list( A1 %*% B1, A2 %*% B2, A3 %*% B3)
In the real case A and B are sometimes
2013 Apr 25
Decomposing a List
For some reason I am not managing to work out how to do this
(in principle) simple task!
As a result of applying strsplit() to a vector of character strings,
I have a long list L (N elements), where each element is a vector
of two character strings, like:
L[1] = c("A1","B1")
L[2] = c("A2","B2")
L[3] = c("A3","B3")
2005 Jun 03
rearrange data
Dear all:
I have this:
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3
And I want this
A1 E1
B1 E1
C1 E1
D1 E1
A2 E2
B2 E2
C2 E2
D2 E2
A3 E3
B3 E3
C3 E3
D3 E3
m<- matrix(1:15,nrow=3,byrow=T)
v<- unlist(list(t(m[,1:4])))
u<- rep(c(5,10,15),c(4,4,4))
This is the result I want but I would like to learn a simpler way to do it.
Any clue?
2013 Feb 07
Merging data in arrays
Dear All,
Here is a hypothetical sample (sorry for the clumsy code):
A1 <- matrix(1:5, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A2 <- matrix(6:10, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A3 <- matrix(11:15, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A4 <- matrix(16:20, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A5 <- matrix(21:25, nrow=5, ncol=1)
A6 <- matrix(26:30, nrow=5, ncol=1)
B1 <- matrix(c(A1, A2, A3), nrow=5, ncol=3)
B2 <- matrix(c(A2, A3, A4), nrow=5, ncol=3)
2012 Oct 18
summation coding
I would like to code the following in R: a1(b1+b2+b3) + a2(b1+b3+b4) +
a3(b1+b2+b4) + a4(b1+b2+b3)
or in summation notation: sum_{i=1, j\neq i}^{4} a_i * b_i
I realise this is the same as: sum_{i=1, j=1}^{4} a_i * b_i - sum_{i=j} a_i
* b_i
would appreciate some help.
Thank you.
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/summation-coding-tp4646678.html
Sent from the R
2010 Jan 03
Anova in 'car': "SSPE apparently deficient rank"
I have design with two repeated-measures factor, and no grouping
factor. I can analyze the dataset successfully in other software,
including my legacy DOS version BMDP, and R's 'aov' function. I would
like to use 'Anova' in 'car' in order to obtain the sphericity tests
and the H-F corrected p-values. I do not believe the data are truly
deficient in rank. I
2004 Jul 08
Getting elements of a matrix by a vector of column indice s
See if the following helps:
> m <- outer(letters[1:5], 1:4, paste, sep="")
> m
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] "a1" "a2" "a3" "a4"
[2,] "b1" "b2" "b3" "b4"
[3,] "c1" "c2" "c3" "c4"
[4,] "d1" "d2" "d3" "d4"
2005 Mar 23
nl regression with 8 parameters, help!
I'm doing a non linear regression with 8 parameters to be fitted:
First, I fitted my curve on my data by guessing the parameters'
2005 Aug 15
queer data set
I have a dataset that is basically structureless. Its dimension varies
from row to row and sep(s) are a mixture of tab and semi colon (;) and
example is
A1 B1 C1 X11;X12;X13
A2 B2 C2 X21;X22;X23;X24;X25
A3 B3 C3
A4 B4 C4 X41;X42;X43
A5 B5 C5 X51
etc., say. Note that a blank