similar to: RMySQL & couldn't find function ".valueClassTest"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "RMySQL & couldn't find function ".valueClassTest""

2003 Dec 11
SV: How to start RMySQL
Jeff, the tip on (at the bottom of the page) may help. Trond Rafoss -----Opprinnelig melding----- Fra: Jeff Lee [mailto:JLee at] Sendt: 10. desember 2003 23:34 Til: 'r-help at' Emne: [R] How to start RMySQL I am a newbie in R and want to use MySQL database. Here is what I have and done. R 1.8.0 mysql
2003 Nov 12
HI, I have been having trouble installing RMySQL under Redhat Linux 9.0. I am using R 1.8.0 and MySQL 4.0.13. MySQL is install in /opt/mysql. I try to install RMySQL using configure-args to specify the path of mysql but it does not work. Does any body have any suggestions. Thanks, Arend van der Veen The command that I am using is: # R CMD INSTALL
2003 Nov 17
\preformatted and $
Hi, I have been developing a package in R and have been working on documentation. I have a \details function that contains the following: \details{ some text \preformatted{ [my-section] user = apv host = } } When I run R CMD check I get an error while checking the manual. If I remove: \preformatted{ [my-section] user = apv host = } and replace it with [my-section]
2003 Dec 10
How to start RMySQL
I am a newbie in R and want to use MySQL database. Here is what I have and done. R 1.8.0 mysql 4.0.16 Both running in Windows XP. I download the from the internet and used the Packages installer in the RGui to install RMySQL. I also installed DBI packages. I ran the following and got the error. > mgr<-dbDriver("MySQL") Error in dbDriver("MySQL") :
2003 Nov 18
Hi, I have what should be a simple question. I would like to generate a histogram of x <- c("a","b","c","b","c","c") where the first bar to be labeled 'c' with height 3, second bar to be labeled 'b' with height 2 and third bar to be labeled 'a' with height 1. This should be an easy task in R but I think I
2003 Oct 19
Running RMySQL with SuSE 8.2?
Since there doesn't appear to be an RMySQL rpm for SuSE 8.*, does anyone know if the 7.3 version will work with the SuSE 8.2 rpms of R and DBI? The package installs without complaint, but when I try to run con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"),dbname="test") I get the error Error in dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL")) : couldn't find function
2003 Dec 02
Vector Assignments
Hi, I have simple R question. I have a vector x that contains real numbers. I would like to create another vector col that is the same length of x such that: if x[i] < 250 then col[i] = "red" else if x[i] < 500 then col[i] = "blue" else if x[i] < 750 then col[i] = "green" else col[i] = "black" for all i I am convinced that there is probably a
2006 Nov 13
segfault in RMySQL dbConnect error handling
Hi there. I see in a post from 2002 that you got the following problem with RMySQL: > con <- dbConnect(m) Process R segmentation fault at Wed Aug 28 08:21:11 2002 I have the same problem today: drv=dbDriver("MySQL") dbConnect(drv) # or with pretty much any other failing options Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00002b28d60c9fa0 in strlen () from
1998 Jan 26
R-beta: installing the R- rpm in RedHat 5.0 --trouble !!
Hello ! When I am trying to install the file "" on my RedHat 5.0 system I get the following message: is needed by r-base-0.61.1-2 Where is it possible to get this (preferably as an rpm) Regards Trond Rafoss Norwegian Institute of Crop Research Plant Protection Centre Fellesbygget
2003 Nov 20
Compile Packages under Windows and CHM
Hi, I have been developing a small package. It install under RedHat Linux 9.0 without a problem. However, I have a small problem under Windows XP. I am using R-1.8.0 on both systems and HTML Help Workshop 4.74.8702.0 on Windows XP. I created the package under Linux. When I try to install the package created under Linux in Windows XP using c:\rtest> rcmd install rtest I get the following
2003 Nov 24
Re: [RMySQL] unable to establish connection since R-1.8.0 upgrade
Hi Laurent, The issue is a very simple one to correct --- you only need to re-install RMySQL with the R version you're currently using. The issue is that the internal representation of objects in the methods package changed in 1.8.0, and thus packages that use S4 classes and methods and save their images (like RMySQL) and were installed prior to 1.8.0 need to be re-installed to be used with
2004 Mar 01
Hi, I have installed RODBC on FreeBSD 4.9 and I am using the PostgreSQL ODBC Driver that is distributed with unixODBC 2.2.8. I can access ODBC Data Sources from Open Office so I think that everything is properly installed. When I installed RODBC I had to set export LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib so that R could locate my ODBC manager. I do not have any problems opening database connections and qurey
2009 Feb 23
Segmentation Fault still exists
Hi All, Sorry to bother everyone again.Ofcourse Prof Ripley ,Yihui and Uwe had replied to my email.But this segmentation fault error was not solved.I agree with Prof Ripley,as he said my R and all other configurations,are very old.But what i don't understand is ,i was able to run analysis till few days before,and why suddenly this error. *The configuartions i use:---* *R-version * *>
2003 Oct 11
Problem in 'methods' package (PR#4525)
Full_Name: Fernando Henrique Ferraz Pereira da Rosa Version: 1.8.0 OS: Linux 2.4.21 Submission from: (NULL) ( After installing R 1.8.0, the R DBI interface stopped working. I tracked it down as a problem in the 'methods' package, that comes in the default installation. Somehow the function '.valueClassTest' which is defined on package 'methods',
2004 Apr 30
searching a vector
Hi, I have a integer vector x that contains a unique set of numbers: x <- c(1,2,4,6,8,10,12) Is there a simple test I can use to determine if an integer such as 6 is contained in x ? Thanks in advance for any help, Arend
2003 Oct 21
Patches for DBI/RMySQL "valueClass" problem?
According David Jame's response to my earlier question, there is a problem with setGeneric.setMethod in R 1.8.0 that affects DBI and RMySQL. Is there a fix for this? David Jame's refers to an 'R-patched version' but I haven't seen anything like this on CRAN. Would going back to an older version of R solve the problem? Thanks, Barnet Wagman "David James wrote:
2003 Oct 11
DBI Interface broken
Hi, I'm trying to use R's DBI interface but it appears to be broken. I am using R 1.8.0 on Linux, and have just installed DBI 0.1-6 through the command 'install.packages("DBI")'. Installation went fine, but now when I try to do a simple dbConnect(), it won't do anything besides complaining about an internal error: > library(DBI) > dbConnect(anything) Error
2007 Mar 21
RMySQL *was* working...
List, Last week with the help of Uwe and some other folks I was able to get RMySQL 0.5-7 compiled against R 2.4.1 and MySQL 5.0.27. It was working fine--I was able to send select queries to the db, put the results in a data frame, and so forth. Today, dbDriver() threw an error: > dbDriver(MySQL) Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for
2009 Sep 09
ROracle ubuntu64 issue
Hi, i have R on ubuntu64 i got ROracle database connection issues as seen below at a loss do to what next > library(ROracle) Loading required package: DBI > m <- dbDriver("Oracle") > con <- dbConnect(m, username="EPICEDF", password="ps39000b", dbname="EPICD2007", address="") Error in oraNewConnection(drv, ...) : unused
2009 Jan 10
Hi all- I am stumped. The code in A. returns errors at lines 14 and 15 and fails to load series1 and series2. However, in B., if temp1 and temp2 are called again (which returns a "Table exists" error; see lines 14-17 in B.) series1 and series2 load correctly. Any ideas? Also-I am open to any suggestions to improve the code as I am a horrific programmer. Thanks A. 1 >