similar to: xyplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "xyplot"

2005 Feb 07
Environment of a formula
Wise and merciful R-helpers: I want to equip a data frame with an attribute which specifies how to plot some of the columns. Up to now we have been doing this by giving the data frame a `formula' attribute, that can be passed to plot.formula. For example dat <- data.frame(x=1:100,y=runif(100),z=100:1) attr(dat, "plotme") <- (z ~ x) ...... ......
2003 Oct 20
controling x-labels in xyplot (lattice) when x is POSIX object
Hi, V1.8.0 seems to allow DateTimeClasses as the x argument in xyplots (lattice). For example: x <- seq.POSIXt(strptime("2003/01/01", format = "%Y/%m/%d"), strptime("2003/10/01", format = "%Y/%m/%d"), by = "month") y <- rnorm(length(x)) dat <- data.frame(x= x, y = y) xyplot(y ~ x, data = dat, type = "b")
2009 Jan 04
Lattice xyplot help please.
Hi - I am not R expert and I would appreciate your time if you can help me about my xyplot question. I would like to add text (p-value) in a 4 panels xyplot. I thought panel = function{} should work but I am not sure where I did it wrong. The error message from the following code is "Argument subscripts is missing with no default values" xyplot(GLG ~ PD | factor(TRT) , groups =
2009 Nov 27
layers in xYplot of Hmisc
In the "filled bands" part of xYplot of the Hmisc package, is there a way to have multiple bands with multiple lines? or does it just allow one for now? So I had an example bit ago had a made up line and CI, now if I wanted to make a second line with a CI filled in can I put them on the same plot? x<-seq(1,10,1) y<-seq(1,10,1) ci<-y*.10 ciupper<-y+ci
2002 Oct 30
Dear all, I tried to create a groupedData object, where the grouping factor is not ordered. Here ist the code: library(nlme) test<-groupedData(conc~Time|Subject,order.groups=F, > getGroups(test) Levels: 6 < 7 < 8 < 11 < 3 < 2 < 4 < 9 < 12 < 10 < 1 < 5 I still get an ordered factor. As always thanks for your help peter
2002 Oct 04
gnls from library nlme
Dear all, I am trying to gain some experience with the function gnls from the nlme package. I tried to model the Theophyline data by trying to model the presumed dependency of the clearance on the body weight. This is my function call of gnls: gnls(conc~SSfol(Dose,Time,lKe,lKa,lCl),data=Theoph, params=list(lKe~1,lKa~1,lCl~Wt),start=c(-2.4,0.46,-3.22,0.01)) That's been the result: Error
2002 Apr 09
readline editor
Dear all, I have a problem with the readline editor of R since it doesn't work. Setting ./configure --with-readline does not the fix the problem. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? Many thanks in advance! Peter Schlattmann -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2010 Jan 10
How to control spaces between axis, tick and label in xyplot or xYplot?
Dear R users, I encounter a problem regarding space control in xyplot. Basically, I want to control spaces between label, tick and axis. I remember there is a function called mgp in general plot. Is there a similar function for xyplot or xYplot? Below is my basic code: myplotkid<-xyplot(expected_offspringnumber~afr|decade,groups=SES,data1,
2002 Apr 17
No output from (lattice) xyplot called within loops
Hello >From the following script I received a grafic output when I called: - xyplot.test( 'green3' ) - call.xyplot.test( 'blue3' ) I did NOT receive a grafic output when I called: - loop.xyplot.test( 'red3' ) What's the Problem? NB: I am using R 1.4.1 on Linux. --------- START OF SCRIPT ---------------- n <- 1000 x <- seq( 1, n ) y <- rnorm( n )
2010 Feb 08
What is the equivalent function in R to xyplot in S?
Page 140 of MASS uses the function xyplot. But I don't find it in R. Is there a package that I should load to use xyplot. Or there is a function with a different name in R that does the same thing as xyplot in S. xyplot(Gas ~ Temp | Insul, whiteside, panel = function(x, y, ...) { panel.xyplot(x, y, ...) panel.lmline(x, y, ...) }, xlab = "Average external temperature (deg. C)", ylab
2004 Mar 26
xyplot inside a for loop problem
Hello everyone Could someone please explain me why are xyplot() calls inside a for loop unsuccessful? Calling plot() is OK but xyplot() just opens the graphics window and that is all. No error, no warning :-( The same xyplot() outside for loop works fine. --------------------------------------------------------- library(lattice) # OK: plot(1,2,type='p',main='standalone plot') #
2008 Nov 10
Labeling points with xYplot
Hello R-Users, I am trying to label points on an xYplot. I can label the points, but then I lose the error bars. I suspect that I should be using panel.xYplot rather than panel.xyplot, but that didn't work either... Can anybody help me out? Example code is below. First xYplot has error bars, second tries to label the points and the bars disappear. Thanks, John a=c(1:4)
2006 Jun 08
panel.abline and xyplot
Dear All, I am wondering on how to use the abline.xyplot with xyplot such that I will have different vertical lines for each panel. More sepcifically, suppose that the xyplot generates 4 panels defined by the combination of two binary variables: X_1 and X_2. i.e. xyplot(Y ~ Z | X_1*X_2, data = df) I want something like: abline(v = 5) if X_1=0 and X_2 = 0 abline(v =
2005 Jun 22
How to use expression in label with xYplot
Dear R-List, I want to use the label function (from Hmisc library) to allow for the names of my isotopes. library(Hmisc) library(lattice) library(grid) num <- c("78","137","129m") nom <- c("Ge","Cs","Te") df <- data.frame(GE78=seq(nom),CS137=seq(nom),TE129m=seq(nom)) if I use this function to create the labels : lab <-
2006 Dec 28
lattice xyplot: plot multiple lines with different colors
Hi everyone, I am using the lattice package to plot some simulation results, by using the function xyplot(). However, I cannot find a way to plot multiple lines within the same xyplot and to have each of the lines be drawn in a different color. This is what I am currently doing: xyplot(a + b + c ~ x, my_data, panel = panel.lines) but, of course, all lines are drawn in the same color. What
2008 Oct 23
I have an xyplot, I want to keep the format, but only show x or y
Good Morning, I am using xyplot to show two variables for a large number of subjects. Currently I am using xyplot(y~x|as.factor(ID), layout=c(7,9)) to give me a little plot of the x and y factors for each ID. The purpose of the plot is to let the PI quickly look through the data for irregularities. The good news is that they like the layout of the xyplot, but they don't want to have to
2007 Oct 09
lattice/xyplot: horizontal y-axis labels with scales(relation="free")
I would like to create an xyplot with varying y-axis limits and horizontal labels at the y-axis tickmarks. The following does not seem to work, although I think it should, going by the documentation for par. R version 2.5.1, Windows XP Prof. Thanks for a clue. Andreas Krause library(lattice) # axis labels for y-axis are horizontal xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species, data=iris) #
2005 Sep 25
xyplot main title question
When I use the xyplot function (lattice library) the titles are too long (i.e. part of the title are cut off). This fixes if I maximize the plot, but I would like the user of the program to not have to manually maximize the plotting window. I have tried to shrink the main title by using the "par(cex.main=.7)" before the xyplot function, but it seems any prior par options are ignored by
2007 Apr 20
xyplot: Combining 'subscripts' and 'allow.multiple=T'
Dear all, Consider this plot xyplot(Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width ~ Petal.Length | Species, data = iris, allow.multiple=T, outer=F, panel = function(x,y,...) { panel.xyplot(x,y,...) } ) I want to *add* some things to each panel and what I want to add involves using the data for each panel, so I try to take this subset of data out with subscripts:
2004 Jul 16
highlighting subset of point with xyplot (or Hmisc(xYplot))
Hello all, I am trying to use xyplot to give a six panel plot and to highlight only points (in any panel) that meet a certain criterion. With the plot command I would do something like: plot.default(filein$Site,filein$circ.conc) points(filein$Site,filein$circ.conc,type="p", pch=ifelse(filein$p.value<5e-02,19,21)) I had thought I could just stick in the pch line from above into