similar to: some error messages using arm cpu with Debian

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2003 Nov 07
error message using ARM cpu with Debian
I post this message on R-help mailing list but someone emailed me that I can get helped if I post this one on R-devel mailing list. I have a small handheld pc having ARM process as a CPU. I installed debian and installed R (R-1.7.0 base and core, help html, latex-help) using apt-get command. Everything worked great except for drawing even simple graphs x <- 1:10 plot(x) I got error
2001 Sep 21
R 1.3.1 fails 'make check' on arm in the Bessel example (PR#1097)
Debian tries to build its packages on a variety of platforms. The arm platform compiled 0.90.1 (the last Debian release before the Debian package required an Atlas library, something we no longer require) failed in 'make check'. The log snippet follows; I traced this to the example(Bessel) code. > matplot(nu, t(outer(xx,nu, besselI)), type = 'l', ylim = c(-50,200), +
2001 Sep 24
R-devel Digest V1 #314
R-devel Digest Monday, September 24 2001 Volume 01 : Number 314 In this issue: [Rd] R 1.3.1 fails 'make check' on arm in the Bessel example (PR#1097) [Rd] Bug list summary (automatic post) [Rd] (PR#1089) Can be closed See the end of the digest for information about r-devel-digest ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 21
2023 Aug 06
hist(..., log="y")
Sorry if this topic has been discussed earlier. Currently, hist(..., log="y") fails with > hist(rexp(1000, 1), log="y") Warning messages: 1: In plot.window(xlim, ylim, "", ...) : nonfinite axis=2 limits [GScale(-inf,2.59218,..); log=TRUE] -- corrected now 2: In title(main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...) : "log" is not a graphical
2023 Aug 06
hist(..., log="y")
hist() is designed so that the total area sums to 1. You should build you desired behavior using a barchart. ? David Sent from my iPhone > On Aug 5, 2023, at 11:50 PM, Ott Toomet <otoomet at> wrote: > > ?Sorry if this topic has been discussed earlier. > > Currently, hist(..., log="y") fails with > >> hist(rexp(1000, 1), log="y")
2009 Jul 17
log error for use on axis
Hi, I am new to R plot. I am trying to scale my y axis in log. When I do this I receive the following error Error in axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) : CreateAtVector [log-axis()]: axp[0] = 0 < 0! In addition: Warning messages: 1: In plot.window(...) : nonfinite axis limits [GScale(-inf,1.31772,2, .); log=1] 2: In axis(side = side, at = at, labels = labels, ...) :
2010 Jul 19
problems with plot()
I have a list of vectors of length 2, each representing a point in 2-space, and each of which I wish to plot on the current plot. In a loop, I assign the x and y coordinates of the current element of the list to variables 'x' and 'y' respectively, then make a call to plot as follows: par(new = TRUE) plot(x,y, xlim = c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1), xlab <- "x", ylab <-
2006 Mar 17
Adding axis limit to log-log plot
Dear All, I've tried to add axis limit ( e.g. ylim=c(0,50)) to the log-log plot, but it turn out to be error (see below). Any solution is much appreciated. > plot(maxsd$tph,maxsd$qdbh,log="xy",xlab="Stand density(trees per ha)",ylab="Quadratic mean dbh (cm)",ylim=c(0,50)) Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) : Infinite axis extents
2011 Nov 10
beanplot without log scale?
Is it possible to force beanplot not to use a log scale? I want to be able to create multiple beanplots of different data on the same specified y-axis. When I try to force a ylim, I get the following... > beanplot(reg5vel,ylim=(c(0,12000))) log="y" selected Warning message: In plot.window(xlim = c(0.5, 7.5), ylim = c(0, 12000), log = "y") : nonfinite axis limits
2002 Dec 11
Modified Bessel Function - 2nd kind
In order to fit a probability distribution proposed by Sichel [Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), Vol. 137, No. 1. (1974), pp. 25-34], I need a modified Bessel function of the 2nd kind. I notice that the base package of "R" only has modified Bessel functions of the 1st and 3rd kind. Does a modified Bessel function of the 2nd kind exist anywhere? Many
2009 Nov 18
error message; ylim + log="y"
Hi, I get a lot of error messages with this command, but I don't understand why; plot(c(),c(), xlim=c(1,10), ylim=c(0,10000), log="y") thanks for any help! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Nov 26
Existence of non-vectorised functions
Dear R-Group: Recently, I ran into a problem. I was using a function called "I.1", which evaluates the first-order modified Bessel function of the first kind, in the package "CircStats". This function is not vectorized, since it uses a couple of "if" conditions. However, when I called this function with a vector argument, I got no error/warning messages in
2002 Oct 17
underflow handling in besselK (PR#2179)
The besselK() function knows about overflows/underflows internally; there is a constant xmax_BESS_K in src/nmath/bessel.h (and referred to only in bessel_k.c), equal to 705.342, which is checked if expon.scaled is FALSE. (The equivalent number for bessel_i.c is 709, defined as exparg_BESS in bessel.h.) However, besselK(x) silently returns +Inf if x>705.342. This behavior is reasonable for
2004 Sep 15
Bessel function
Dear all Currently, I'm implementing the generalized hyperbolic distribution into Splus. Unfortunately the Bessel function is not implemented in Splus. In R the Bessel function does exist but it is an internal function and I'm not able to look at the code. Is there any possibility to see the code of the Bessel function in R or does anybody has an implementation of the Bessel function in
2007 Sep 09
format text help pages Windows
Dear list, Could someone enlighten me a bit on the exact format used for text help pages as I see them on Windows in the help/ folders of (compiled) package roots. When opening an example of these files in a text editor (?Bessel in GNU emacs), the file is displayed as follows: _^HB_^He_^Hs_^Hs_^He_^Hl_^H _^HF_^Hu_^Hn_^Hc_^Ht_^Hi_^Ho_^Hn_^Hs Bessel package:base
2002 Apr 19
FW: Problem compiling on HP-UX 10.20
Here is a copy of the last few lines in > x <- seq(3,500);yl <- c(-.3, .2) > plot(x,x, ylim = yl, ylab="",type='n', main = "Bessel Functions Y_nu(x)") > for(nu in nus){xx <- x[x > .6*nu]; lines(xx,besselY(xx,nu=nu), col = nu+2)} > legend(300,-.08, leg=paste("nu=",nus), col = nus+2, lwd=1) > > x <-
2000 Mar 06
A new way for an Alpha to fail
Previously I had managed to get R-0.99.0 to compile and pass the tests on a Debian Linux/Alpha 2.2 system by recompiling src/main/optim.c by hand omitting the -O2 flag. I just tried R-1.0.0 on a similarly configured machine, although not the same machine as before, and it compiled ok but failed the tests. This time it fails on bessel> x <- seq(0, 4, len = 501) bessel> plot(x, x, ylim
2005 Jan 27
computing roots of bessel function
I am not yet a R user but I will be soon. I am looking for the R command and syntax to compute the roots of Bessel function i.e. computing the z values that lead to Jnu(z)=0 where J is a Bessel function or order nu. May You help me ? thanks in advance. Dr Catherine COUTAND Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) umr Physiologie Int?grative de l'Arbre Fruitier et Forestier
2009 Nov 20
Bessel function with large index value
I am looking for a method of dealing with the modified Bessel function K_\nu(x) for large \nu. The besselK function implementation of this allows for dealing with large values of x by allowing for exponential scaling, but there is no facility for dealing with large \nu. What would work for me would be an lbesselK function in the manner of lgamma which returned the log of K_\nu(x) for large
2009 Mar 23
newton method
Hi R-users, Does R has a topic on newton's method? Thank you for the info.