similar to: Levelplot and NAs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Levelplot and NAs"

2001 Dec 05
Histograms per coding variable
Dear all I have a dataset that looks like: fr.wt site 1 4400 glen 2 235 glen 3 225 glen ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 82 550 glen 83 550 kom 84 550 kom ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 191 820 kom 192 2000 soet ' ' ' ' ' ' I need to do a series of histograms for each of the codes, levels or factors in
2003 Jan 30
Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman tests and Tukey HSD
Dear all Is there any way of doing a Tukey HSD post-hoc test after a Kruskal- Wallis or Friedman rank sum test (in the ctest package)? Thanks in advance, Albertus Dr. Albertus J. Smit Department of Botany University of Cape Town Private Bag Rondebosch 7700 South Africa Tel. +27 21 689 3032
2002 Sep 25
Re-ordering the order of lattice graphics panels
Dear all I have made some lattice graphs (bwplot(dead ~ treat | group,...). 'group' is a factor with three levels (Artemia larvae, Abalone larvae and Abalone spat), and the result is a graph with three panels corresponding to the levels in 'group', ordered in alphabetical order from bottom to top, as expected. How does one re-order the order in which the levels of
2002 Jul 16
dose.p in MASS
Dear all I need to obtain an estimate of the 50% lethal dose (LD50) from a logistic regression model obtained by applying the glm procedure to some binomial data. The model appears to fit the data very well. I used dope.p from MASS to try and find LD50. The following output appears: > dose.p(iso.glm.logit, cf = c(1,3), p = 1:3/4) Error in dose.p(iso.glm.logit, cf = c(1, 3), p = 1:3/4) :
2004 Apr 27
helps on levelplot
I'm a new user of levelplot, and are not familiar with the terminology very well. Is the bar alongside the levelplot indicating color or shade call "colorkey"? I have to adjust the size of its label, but couldn't make it so far. This is how I did: levelplot(z~x*y, grid, at=seq(0,1,by=0.1), colorkey=list(labels=list(cex=2))) But I got error message "Error in
2012 Jun 16
aligning axis labels in a colorkey from levelplot
R does a great job with the fine details regarding plots. e.g in the following: library(lattice) y <- -4:4/10 xyplot(y~1, las=1) the y axis is labelled with numbers -0.4, -0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 with the numbers aligned on the decimal point. How do I get the same behaviour in the colorkey of a levelplot? e.g. levelplot(matrix(y,3,3)) the numbers in the colorkey seem left-aligned, and
2011 Apr 06
Layout within levelplot from the lattice package
Hi, I'm a novice with levelplot and need some assistance! Basically, I want a window which contains 6 levelplots of equal size presented in 3 columns and 2 rows. I've tried to approach it two ways. The first way leads to this question: Is there any way to concatenate levelplots from a factor vertically as opposed to horizontally? I'd like to pair the levelplots by factor.2 on
2004 Feb 11
levelplot colorkey
Dear R'ers, I've scanned available documentation and the web, but I can't seem to figure out where I've gone wrong in adding numbers to scale the colorkey in levelplot (Lattice package). For example, levelplot(z, contour=T, labels=T, cuts=10, region=T,... colorkey=list(T, space="bottom", at=seq(0,2000,length=20),
2007 Oct 31
thicker axis in levelplot
Dear R-help community, I need to find out how to make the black axis line around my plot thicker in levelplot, I cannot find the correct command in ?levelplot or ?par - or if it is there I cannot get it to work - any help would be more that appreciated! Here's an example script - I would want the code for making the axis bordering the plot thicker: x<- seq(pi/4, 5*pi,length=100)
2006 Feb 12
contour lines for levelplot
Hi, I would like to add contour lines to a (trellis/lattice-) levelplot. Sure, there is the "contour=TRUE" argument, but this uses "cuts=..." (which is usually chosen very high for my plots. I guess cuts=99 is the best you can do (?)) for plotting the contour lines. Furthermore, I do not like the numbering of the contour lines this way. Therefore, I tried to add a
2002 Oct 31
ANOVAs per grouping variable
Dear all I have a question regarding repeating a series of nested ANOVAs. The model is: fit <- aov(response ~ treatment + plot/rep) Treatment has three levels, there are three plots and each plot has four replicates. Now, the experiment was also repeated six times during the year. Ideally I would have liked to include sampling time (month) as an additional factor in the analysis, but
2002 Jul 23
Comparing slopes of several linear models
Dear all I have the following data (a shortened extract shown; some replictates of time deleted) to which I fitted the linear model given below: time group mass 11 control 0.019 11 control 0.014 14 control 0.0306 14 control 0.0289 14 control 0.0236 17 control 0.0469 17 control 0.0709 11 five 0.0077 11 five
2012 Jan 06
Can levelplot colorkeys display a logarithmic scale evenly?
I'm using the {lattice} "levelplot" function to make a (more or less) 2-d histogram, and for the most part it's working fine with my data. However, I can't get the color key to do what I need. I can give it labels and custom cutoffs, but my cutoff lines (and hence my labels) aren't evenly spaced, instead they're more-or-less logarithmic, starting at
2004 Apr 19
SE for combined data
Dear all I have just had the question from a colleague. I know that it is not directly related to R (I will probably use R to do the analysis), but I hope someone can give us some insight: Thanks, AJ Smit I sampled populations of a seaweed in the intertidal in order to estimate the standing biomass of that seaweed at that site. Due to clumped distribution patterns, I chose a stratified
2007 Oct 23
Custom colourkey spacing in levelplot, contourplot
Dear R gurus, I have got stuck on how to customise the colorkey generated by levelplot and contourplot, in the lattice package. This best illustrated by an example: library(lattice) levelplot(volcano^20/1e45,at=c(0,0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10)) The reason for raising the volcano dataset to the 20th power is to create a dataset with a large vertical exaggeration - this is similar in nature to the data
2014 Jun 10
Como controlar la altura de "colorkey" en levelplot de RatserVis
Hola miembros de la lista, Estoy utilizando la función levelplot del paquete rasterVis para graficar un raster y quiero controlar la altura de la referencia de color (colorkey) del mapa, pero cuando cambio valores en el argumento "height" no parece provocar cambios. Alguna idea de por qué no está funcionando? > cobertura class : RasterLayer dimensions : 780, 1296, 1010880
2012 May 29
lattice: add a marginal histogram on top of the colorkey of a levelplot?
Lattice experts: Can you think of a way to produce a levelplot as below and then add a histogram of the z variable to the top margin of the plot that would sit on top of the color key? x <- seq(pi/4, 5 * pi, length.out = 100) y <- seq(pi/4, 5 * pi, length.out = 100) r <- as.vector(sqrt(outer(x^2, y^2, "+"))) grid <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y) grid$z <- cos(r^2) *
2008 May 11
positioning of color key in levelplot
Is there a way of positioning the color key in levelplot when the axes are on a categorical (rather than numerical) scale? I've put some sample code below. I need to add a secondary y axis to the right side of my plot but then the labels interfere with the color key (which is currently on the right side). Is there a way to shift the color key over a bit more to the right? I've tried
2010 Mar 25
3 levelplots and 1 colorbar
I want to create a simple plot containing three levelplots with one colorbar. I used the "Three levelplots" code below, but the third levelplot is drawn smaller than the first two. However, if I try the "Two levelplots" code below it works well. Can anybody tell me how could I draw three levelplots (of the same size) with one colorbar. Thanks in advance, Joaquin ### Three
2012 Dec 30
I have two questions; Do you know how to take out axes in a levelplot? Me doesn't work axes = FALSE And I would like to fix the values range of colorkey or legend from my rainbow col.regions, dou you know how can I fix this values independent of values database? Thanks and happy new year! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]