Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "cannot have a function argument named 'break'"
2003 Sep 16
help("print") seems truncated
Dear r-help -
I just noticed that in my R-1.7.1 on i386-pc-linux-gnu,
the page displayed by help("print") ends with the line
" ## Printing of factors illustrated for ex"
and then no more. It looks as though something got truncated
here. I think this is an R that I compiled from source off of
CRAN, but I can't quite remember.
- tom blackwell - u michigan
2003 May 05
null plotting symbol ?
I am calling plot() with argument pch as a vector of numeric
symbol codes, the same length as x and y. Is there some code
which produces no symbol - a blank - so that I can come back
with a second call to points() and fill in these locations
using a different fill color and a different symbol size ?
There's always a work-around, but both x and y are generated
on the fly by calls
2003 May 22
Plot observed vs. fitted values (weighted nls)
Dear WizaRds,
Given the experimental data,
weighted nls is applied,
wt.MM<- function(resp, time,A1,a1,A2,a2)
pred <- A1*exp(-a1*time)+A2*exp(-a2*time)
(resp - pred) / sqrt(pred)
cs.wt <- nls( ~ wt.MM(conc, time,A1,a1,A2,a2), data=csdata,
2004 Mar 15
Simple numeric
Regarding the flame, your might be interested in the following:
read.table(myfile, as.is=T)
which will interpret character columns as character rather
than factor and still reads in the numeric columns as numbers.
You can also specify specific columns such as as.is=3:4 if you
want columns 3 and 4 to be character but other character columns
to be factors.
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 11:04:08
2003 Oct 02
Query: weighting cells in histogram
I have the 'breaks' for the histogram ('hist') but I want weight the cells instead of using actual observations. I thought that using freq=FALSE implied that the numbers in 'x' were weights but this turned out to be wrong.
Any help and/or comment is very much appreciated.
M?rten Bjellerup
Doctoral Student in Economics
School of Management and Economics
2003 Oct 27
expanding factor with NA
I have a factor (with "n" observations and "k" levels), with only
"nobs" < n of the observations not missing. I would like to produce a
(n x k) model matrix with treatment contrasts for this factor, with
rows of NAs placeholding the missing observations. If I use
model.matrix() I get back a (nobs x k) matrix. Is there an easy way
to get the (n x k) without
2003 Nov 10
Memory issues..
Hi dear R-listers, I'm trying to fit a 3-level model using lme in R. My
sample size is about 2965 and 3 factors:
year (5 levels), ssize (4 levels), condition (2 levels).
When I issue the following command:
I got the following error:
Error in logLik.lmeStructInt(lmeSt, lmePars) :
2003 Oct 07
R-1.8.0 memory.limit()
Using R-1.8.0 (d/l and compiled on 2003-10-01) on WinXP, I seem to be
unable to determine the maximum memory allocated to R. The help still
says to use memory.limit(size=NA), but this returns the value NA.
In addition, I have set --max-mem-size=2G but I run out of memory
somewhere around 500Mb (which is why I am trying to find out how much
memory is allocated). I don't have any other programs
2003 Oct 15
Fw: SIMCA algorithm implementation
I have used PCA for data classification by visual examination of the 3D
scatter plot of the first 3 principal components. I now want to use the
results to predict the class for new data. I have used predict.princomp to
predict the scores and then visualise the results on a 3D scatter plot using
the rgl library. However, is there an R function that will fit the new data
to the class assignments
2003 Nov 20
file not found?
Hi R maintainers:
when I use
And I try to update the package "maps"
maps :
Version 2.0-9 in D:/rw1080/library
Version 2.0-10 on CRAN
Update (y/N)? y
The following message appears:
trying URL
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb") :
cannot open URL
2004 Mar 24
binding vectors or matrix using their names
Hello list,
I have two vectors x and x2:
and one vectors with their names :
I would like to cbind these two vectors using their names contained in the
vector my.names.
I can create a string with comma
and now, I just need a function to transform this string into a adequate
2003 Dec 18
mclust - clustering by spatial patterns
Dear All,
I have spatial data (presence/absence for 4000 squares) on 250 bird
species and would like to use a model-based clustering technique to
test for species associations. Is there any way of passing a
distance/correlation matrix to mclust as with hclust, rather than the
actual data? Or alternatively, is there a way of getting mclust to
handle binary data?
I'd appreciate any
2003 Oct 06
Apply and its friends
Forgive a very basic question...
I need to take two lists-of-lists, and apply a function to each pair of elements in the lists to return a single list...
For example
l1 <- list(1:5,6:10,2:15)
l2 <- list(1:8,4:12,1:19,4:20)
I could easily do an lapply across each of them, but is there a function that does a sort-of pairwise-apply across both together?
Does anybody know of a good
2002 Mar 14
Some users can't log in -- server shows username as "nobody"
Okay, this is a recurring problem that really has me frustrated.
I have a samba server that's using security=server. There are four people
who use it. It works fine for three of them, but the fourth one gets
endlessly prompted for his password and is never allowed to log in. All are
from NT 4.0 clients.
What's really puzzling is that when I look at the log at debug level 2, I
get the
2000 Aug 21
rect() question.
I have another rect question. If I want to make a lot of rectangular,
without borders, and without any spaces between them, how could I do it?
> plot(-1:1., -1:1., type = "n")
> rect(0,-1,1,1,col="red",lwd=0,border=F,xpd=T)
> rect(-1,-1,0,1,col="blue",lwd=0,border=F,xpd=T)
will produce two rectangular, but there is space between them. How
2003 Apr 22
Subject: Eliminate repeated components from a vector
X-Mailer: VM 7.00 under 21.4 (patch 6) "Common Lisp" XEmacs Lucid
Reply-To: fjmolina at lbl.gov
FCC: /home/f/.xemacs/mail/sent
Does anyone know how I can eliminate repeated elements from a vector?
2004 Jan 04
Analyzing dendograms??
I have used heatmap to visualize my microarray data. I have a matrix of
M-values. I do the following.
#The distance between the columns.
sampdist <- dist(t(matrix[,]), method="euclidean")
sclus <- hclust(sampdist, method="average")
#The distance between the rows.
genedist <- dist(matrix[,], method="euclidean")
gclus <- hclust(genedist,
2004 Feb 17
How to write efficient R code
I have been lurking in this list a while and searching in the archives to
find out how one learns to write fast R code. One solution seems to be to
write part of the code not in R but in C. However after finding a benchmark
article (http://www.sciviews.org/other/benchmark.htm) I have been more
interested in making the R code itself more efficient. I would like to find
more info about this. I have
2013 Mar 28
how to search a list that contains multiple dissimilar vectors?
Dear All,
This is a simple question, but I'm stumped about the simplest way to search a list object such as the following:
This randomish snippet:
n <- c(round(runif(round(runif(1,1,10),0),1,10),0))
alist <- new("list")
for (i in seq_along(n)) {
alist[[i]] <- c(round(runif(round(runif(1,1,10),0),1,10),0))
names(alist) <- sample(letters[1:length(n)])
2003 Nov 10
boot package question: sampling on factor, not row
Hi all:
I've been looking at the boot package to "bootstrap" sample my data in a particular way. I haven't figured out how to set this up using the boot() command and thus have resorted to trying to write my own script (although I'd prefer if I could get boot() to work for this problem!)
The dataset is set up in the following way:
ix(factor) value
1 5.73
1 6.99