similar to: barchart in lattice

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "barchart in lattice"

2003 Nov 04
line breaks in recode
Dear all, it seems to be that 'recode' can't handle any line breaks in its code. The following command causes no problem: datameta$smpid.r <- recode(datameta$smpid,"c(101,25,167,45,75)=25;c(104,51)=51") But if I type ... datameta$smpid.r <-recode(datameta$smpid, "c(101,25,167,45,75)=25; c(104,51)=51") ... the result is a syntax error.
2003 Nov 18
Problems installing lattice
Dear all, I am not able to install the lattice package. After finishing the installation, I got the following error massage: -------------------snip--------------------------- Delete downloaded files (y/N)? y Warning message: argument `lib' is missing: using /usr/local/lib/R/site-library in: install.packages("lattice") > library(lattice) Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc,
2005 Aug 03
Multilevel logistic regression using lmer vs glmmPQL vs. gllamm in Stata
Dear all, I am trying to replicate some multilevel models with binary outcomes using R's "lmer" and "glmmPQL" and Stata's gllmm, respectively. The data can be found at <>. The relevant Stata output can be found at <http://www.uni->. First, you will find the unconditional model,
2005 Aug 03
Multilevel logistic regression using lmer vs glmmPQL vs.gllamm in Stata
>On Wed, 3 Aug 2005, Bernd Weiss wrote: > >> I am trying to replicate some multilevel models with binary outcomes >> using R's "lmer" and "glmmPQL" and Stata's gllmm, respectively. > >That's not going to happen as they are not using the same criteria. the glmmPQL and lmer both use the PQL method to do it ,so can we get the same result by
2003 May 08
border of bars in lattice barchart
Hello! How to change a color (or linewidth) of border in lattice 'barchart'? I am trying barchart( (......) - my arguments panel=function(x,y,color,subscripts,groups,...) { panel.barchart(x=x,y=y,box.ratio=2,col=color,border=FALSE) })) or ... panel.barchart(x=x,y=y,box.ratio=2,col=color,border='transparent') ... or
2009 Feb 08
Using panel.grid in barchart
Hi all, I'm trying to do an example in Deepayan Sarkar's Lattice book. It involves making a barchart based on the Titanic dataset. I can get the barchart to plot fine; however, when I try to edit panel.grid, I get an error: > titan<-barchart(Class ~ Freq | Age + Sex, data =, groups=Survived, stack=TRUE, layout=c(4,1),
2008 Sep 16
Setting user colors in barchart
Dear R Users, I have a basis question regarding the use of color in the lattice package. I read the ?barchart help page and searched the R archives but could not understand how to do it. I just need to plot a barchart using specific colors for my groups, e.g. green and red instead of the default lattice colors. How do I do that? If I say: barchart(x ~ a_factor, groups=my_groups,
2006 Oct 28
What determines the order of rows in a lattice barchart?
Hi, What determines the order of the rows in a barchart? Cheers, Geoff. Here is my code, and the data follows. If I have z in alpha order, the barchart is in some order I can't determine. I originally tried rownames(twater)~twater$Cat, but the chart wasn't in rownames(twater) order either. library(lattice) twater<-read.csv("totalwater.csv",strip.white=T)
2010 Feb 05
lattice barchart using a time scale in x axis
I'm trying to produce a barchart plot with groups, in which each group is placed in a particular time scale in x-axis. If I use barchart directly it does not take the time scale. I've tried with xyplot and adding a panel.barchart, I have the bars in the right place, but not the three groups I'm trying to produce. I've tried defining panel and, but can't get it to
2009 Oct 12
Loading data to Trellis barchart plot.
Dear all, I have a question about loading the data to barchart plot. I know this could be a very easy question, but I just can not get my head around. What I need to do is to create a trellis plots barchart style (horizontal bar), with levels of one variable (ie. variable “colour” in my example) as ylab and frequency as xlab on each trellis plot. The trellis plots is separated based on
2007 Jul 10
Lattice: vertical barchart
barchart(Titanic, stack=F) produces a very nice horizontal barchart. Each panel has four groups of two bars. barchart(Titanic, stack=F, horizontal=F) doesn't produce the results I would have expected, as it produces this warning message: Warning message: y should be numeric in: bwplot.formula(x = as.formula(form), data = list(Class = c(1, And it results in each panel having 22 groups of
2006 Jan 25
panel function with barchart (lattice)
Folks at R help, I can't quite get the panel function to work the way I want within barchart. I guess I'm still not understanding how to piece together multiple panel arguments, especially when "groups" is specified. Example: I want to be able to add the value of "yield" to each section of each bar in this graph: barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley,
2010 Nov 30
Error bars in lattice barchart with groups
Dear R-users, i want to plot gene regulation data in a lattice barchart. To illustrate the problem i encounter, the following code uses the "barley"dataset: library(lattice) barley[["SD"]] <- 5 PLOT <- barchart(data=barley, yield~variety|site, groups=year,origin=0, as.table=TRUE, scales=list(x=list(relation="same", rot=30), y=list(alternating=3,tck=-1)),
2004 Feb 10
confidence-intervals in barchart
Hi R users, 1) How does one show confidence-intervals in a barchart and use rownames for labels on the y-axes? I have looked at "plotCI" in "gregmisc" package . But it does not seem to produce something like a barchart. The statistic, error, upper-bound, and lower-bound are in a dataframe. 2) How to show CI in a barchart either using the statistic and, either (a)
2007 Jun 22
Barchart legend position
I am using barchart to make charts for some data with a lot more functions and labels and such in the command. barchart(Freq ~ factor(HH), data = dataset1, group= year) So I have my data grouped by year and I get a legend at the top of graph, which is great cause I need the legend for the different years but it is a weird spot. So how can I manipulate the legend, ie. Move it, shrink it, do
2007 Feb 24
barchart (lattice) with text labels
I would like to place the value for each bar in barchart (lattice) at the top of each bar. Something like the following code produces. library(lattice) mypanelfunc <- function(x, y, ...) { panel.barchart(x, y, ...) panel.text(x, y, labels=as.character(round(x,2)), ...) } myprepanelfunc <- function(x, y, ...) list(xlim=c(0, max(x)+.1)) mydata <- expand.grid(a=factor(1:5),
2010 Apr 03
Export bug? Hist() vs. barchart().
Hi, If you want to export a single bar chart, this works: > png( "ET" ); > barchart( data[,"ET"] ) > quartz_off_screen 2 But if you want to export a few of them, this does not: > factorCols <- c("MR","ET"); > sapply( factorCols, function(x) { + png( x ); + barchart( data[, x] ); +; + } );
2008 Jun 26
Gettting barchart titles as numbers not characters
Hi, I wonder if you could help me with my barcharts, I am using the barchart function from the lattice library. I have data like this: Complex,Organisms,Percentage 130,0,50 130,1,10 130,2,20 130,3,15 130,4,5 133,0,10 133,1,15 133,2,20 133,3,50 133,4,5 I draw barcharts using this command...
2005 Jun 25
Confidence interval bars on Lattice barchart with groups
I am trying to add confidence (error) bars to lattice barcharts (and dotplots, and xyplots). I found this helpful message from Deepayan Sarkar and based teh code below on it: However, I can't get it to work with groups, as illustrated. I am sure I am missing something elementary, but I am unsure what. Using R 2.1.1 on various
2010 Jan 20
barchart with stacked and beside bars
Hi, Is there a way to stack bars in a barchart as well as "beside" bars for the same treatment? eg.... I have one barchart like this: bio<-matrix(c(10,23,9,25),nrow=2,byrow=T) ntreat<-c("n0","n96") colnames(bio)<-ntreat barplot(bio,beside=T) now i want a similar barchart but with stacked bars: