Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "expanding factor with NA"
2003 Jun 19
Fitting particular repeated measures model with lme()
I have a simulated data structure in which students are nested within
teachers, and with each student are associated two test scores. There
are 20 classrooms and 25 students per classroom, for a total of 500
students and two scores per student. Here are the first 10 lines of
my dataframe "d":
studid tchid Y time
1 1 1 -1.0833222 0
2 1 1
2002 Aug 29
lme() with known level-one variances
I have a meta-analysis problem in which I have fixed effects
regression coefficients (and estimated standard errors) from identical
models fit to different data sets. I would like to use these results
to create pooled estimated regression coefficients and estimated
standard errors for these pooled coefficients. In particular, I would
like to estimate the model
\beta_{i} = \mu +
2004 Jan 30
Measures of central tendency - mode
This seems too rudimentary to ask but for the life of me I cannot locate a readily easy method to compute the univariate mode. I know "mode" is not correct and "table" provides a reasonable count but I figured there would be an easy way to extract the value from the table after I do something like:
unfortunately it only returns the max
2003 Jan 02
random number generation
Can a single random number be generated in R? I have an exercise that wants
to simulate coin tosses, and I cannot seem to find a good example of the use
of random number generation in R. Any help?
Joshua Gramlich
Chicago, IL
2003 Jul 11
three short questions
Hi all;
This is my first message to the list, and I've got three "basic" questions:
How could I insert comments in a file with commands to be used as source in R?
Is it possible to quickly display a window with all the colors available in
colors()? How?
I'm displaying points, but they overlap, wether points() uses triangles,
bullets or whatever. Is it possible to change
2003 Jan 23
subset dataframe based on rows
I want to subset the dataframe based on certain values in a row.
for each row in my dataframe
if ANY one value of a particular set of columns satisfies cond
append a logical value true at the end of the row
append a false at the end of the row
in the end I want to be able to subset the whole data based on the
appended true or false value.
I could literally code like this, but I think
2003 Jul 22
Making a group membership matrix
Hi Helpers:
I have a factor object that has 314k entries of 39 land cover types.
(This object can be coerced to characters neatly should that be easier
to work with.)
> length(foo)
[1] 314482
> foo[1:10]
[1] Montane Chaparral Barren Red Fir Red Fir
[5] Red Fir Red Fir Red Fir Red Fir
[9] Red Fir Red Fir
39 Levels:
2003 May 30
Extracting Vectors from Lists of Lists Produced by Functions
If you found my subject heading to be confusing then I'm sure you'll enjoy
the example I've included below. I find the apply type functions to be
wonderful for avoiding loops but when I use them with existing functions, I
end up using loops anyway to extract the vectors I want. I would appreciate
it if someone could show me how to avoid these loops. Thanks.
2003 Mar 05
how to find the location of the first TRUE of a logical vector
without having to check the vector element by element? Thanks a lot!
Jason G. Liao, Ph.D.
Division of Biometrics
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
335 George Street, Suite 2200
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688
phone (732) 235-8611, fax (732) 235-9777
2002 Jul 02
mean and array
In general this is what "apply" does. In your example you could use
rowMeans(ar) as well, I think.
Reid Huntsinger
-----Original Message-----
From: Olivier Martin [mailto:olivier.martin at inrialpes.fr]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:55 AM
To: r-help
Subject: [R] mean and array
Hi all,
I have an array, one say ar, with 3 dimensions.
>200 3 4
I would like to
2002 Mar 05
newbie: remove column with low mean from a matrix
Dear all,
Sorry to bother you with one more newbie question.
I have a dataobject with several hundreds of columns. I want to remove
columns with a mean of the column values below a certain value:
> a<- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
> b<-c(2,4,6,8,10,12)
> c<- c(3,6,9,12,15,18)
> test<- as.matrix(cbind(a, b, c))
> mean(a)
[1] 3.5
> mean(b)
[1] 7
> mean(c)
[1] 10.5
Say the
2002 Oct 13
R process size growing in time...
Dear all,
I observed that the R process is growing in time (I was working with
the same session for two days, and the size reached 300 Mb). Explicit
calls to 'gc()' did show a trigger around 90 Mb but did not change
the RSS (while I remembered that my linux was nicely behaving before
and the process size was shrinking when R was freeing memory...). I
ended up saving the session, ending it
2003 Jun 25
within group variance of the coeficients in LME
Dear listers,
I can't find the variance or se of the coefficients in a multilevel model
using lme.
I want to calculate a Chi square test statistics for the variability of the
coefficients across levels. I have a simple 2-level problem, where I want to
check weather a certain covariate varies across level 2 units. Pinheiro
Bates suggest just looking at the intervals or doing a rather
2002 Jun 18
insert number in vector
Hello R-users,
I need to create a vector inserting an 1 after each value of another vector.
For example:
I need to create a vector with the values 2,1,3,1,4
Does anyone know how create this vector without loops (vec1 could have 1000
Thank you,
r-help mailing list -- Read
2002 Feb 28
R-plots with 'complex' axis-labelling
Hi there,
I want to create plots with some kind of 'complex' axis labelling of the form
$\dot{V}$ and integrate those plots into a LaTeX document. What is the best
way to go?
I've figured out, that the 'plotmath' commands are somewhat limited (at least
I wasn't able to get the $\dot{V}$ generated) and that plots with
'plotmath'-axes wouldn't export
2002 Sep 09
getting variable names into formulas
I have a dataframe with several hundred variables. I would like to
explore updates of some baseline lme fit by including each of some
subset of these variables, one at a time. For various reasons it is
inconvenient to rely on the positions of the numbered columns in the
dataframe. Here is what I want to do:
for(thisvar in vars){
2004 Oct 06
odd behavior of summary()$r.squared
I may be missing something obvious here, but consider the following simple
dataset simulating repeated measures on 5 individuals with pretty strong
between-individual variance.
Now consider the following two linear models that provide identical fitted
2005 May 27
plotting box plots on same x
I am trying to construct a graph of 6 box plots of blood pressures. I
want them to be on a single set of axis and I want the SBP to be ontop
of the DBP. I have an array bp with the data in it and I tried
boxplot(data.frame(a), main = "Blood Pressures", at=c(1,1,2,2,3,3),
2003 Jan 10
Thanks: Re: count levels per factor level
Dear Lockwood,
As you can see, I'm a beginner...
But thank you very much!
Quoting "J.R. Lockwood" <lockwood at rand.org>:
> how about
> buskartant$buskartant <- sapply( group.list, function(x)
> sum(!is.na(unique(x))) )
> OR
> buskartant$buskartant <- sapply( group.list, function(x)
> length(unique(x[!is.na(x)])) )
2004 Mar 23
R equivilant to RAND_MAX in C
I have some C code that I'm interfacing to R using the .C calling
interface. Currently the C code uses the rand() function from the GNU C
library to generate random numbers. Since I need the random numbers in a
range from 0 to a (where a is an integer) I use the RAND_MAX macro as
(int)(rand() * (float)(*nobs-1) / (RAND_MAX+1.0))
(taken from the rand() manpage)
However, since I have