similar to: AW: Query: IRR Confidence Intervals

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "AW: Query: IRR Confidence Intervals"

2003 Oct 17
Query: colouring graph
Hi! How can I fill with colors a portion of a graph (e.g.: I want fill in red the area within two confidence intervals)? Thank you very much Cristian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cristian Pattaro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unit of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics University of Verona Tel +39 045 8027668 fax +39 045 505357 cristian at
2004 Jul 23
Reading ASCII files
Dear all, I need to read an ASCII file with diffent length lines. This is what is contained in the file gene.txt: 1st line ID description snp_id genotype 2nd line 10003 Low rs152240 3rd line 10003 Moderate rs189011 TC 4th line 10004 Conservative rs152240 GC 5th line 10004 Bad rs154354 6th line 10013 Bad rs152240 7th line 10019 Conservative rs152240 AC etc... This is what I would like to obtain
2004 Oct 11
Hi! After installing R 2.0.0, I have problem with the "" as below: >"table") Error in"table") : could not find package 'file23525' >"mean") Error in"mean") : could not find package 'file23525' I have had the same problem with other request... What is
2004 May 25
Dear all, I have a surprising problem with the representation of frequencies in a histogram. Consider, for example, the R code: b<-rnorm(2000,3.5,0.3) hist(b,freq=F) When I plotted the histogram, I expected that values in the y-axis (the probability) varied between 0 and 1. Instead, they varied within the range 0-1.3. Have you got any suggestion for obtaining a correct graph with
2005 Aug 04
linkage disequilibrium
Dear all, I'm using the package "Genetics", and I'm interested in the computation of D' statistics for Linkage Disequilibrium, for which the LD() command has been realised. Unfortunately I don't find any reference on "how" the D' is computed by the LD() function. In the package documentation it is generally referred as "MLE" estimation, but
2004 Mar 17
Q: Odds Ratio
Dear all, is there a automatic method to obtain Odds Ratio estimates and their confidence intervals from a GLM Logistic model? Thanks Cristian ============================================= Cristian Pattaro ============================================= Unit of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics Department of Medicines and Public Health University of Verona
2004 May 04
Epidemiology Tools
Hi all, Please help on this. We will be teaching epidemiology using opensource software. What are R built-in functions or functions in available packages that are capable of doing these: a) Logistic regression (glm?) b) Conditional logistic regression c) Logistic regression with random effects d) Beta-binomial regression e) Poisson regression f) Weibull regression (eha?) g) Exponential
2006 May 06
Bug solved / Re: irr package exits (PR#8839)
Dear Profs. Ripley & Gamer, Thanks a lot for your prompt answer and your advice. Indeed, I managed to track the bug by launching R from the c-shell instead of the Mac GUI. In that case, after typing > library(irr) I obtained the following error message: > Erreur dans parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error at > 653: =3D "R > Erreur : unable to load R code in
2006 May 16
Cannot load irr package
The irr package seems to install correctly: > install.packages("irr") trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-tar' length 13848 bytes opened URL ================================================== downloaded 13Kb * Installing *source* package 'irr' ... ** R ** data ** help >>>
2005 Nov 30
calculating IRR (accounting) in R
I am trying to replace a spreadsheet model of a project justification with an R script. I can't seem to track down R functions to calculate Internal Rate of Return and NPV? Am I missing something? NPV doesn't seem so difficult to calculate (at least for a regular series) but I am struggling to identify how to solve for IRR in R. It would be sufficient if it worked for a regular
2007 Jun 11
epitools and R 2.5
At work after updating to R 2.5 I get an error using epitab from package epitools, when at home (R 2.4) I get no error. Could someone help me? Thanks Pietro Bulian Servizio di Onco-Ematologia Clinico-Sperimentale I.R.C.C.S. Centro di Riferimento Oncologico Via Franco Gallini 2 33081 Aviano (PN) - Italy phone: +39 0434 659 412 fax: +39 0434 659 409 e-mail: pbulian at (at work)
2010 Aug 03
How to extract ICC value from irr package?
Hi, all There are 62 samples in my data and I tested 3 times for each one, then I want to use ICC(intraclass correlation) from irr package to test the consistency among the tests. *combatexpdata_p[1:62] is the first text results and combatexpdata_p[63:124] * is the second one and *combatexpdata_p[125:186]* is the third. Here is the result:
2010 Aug 25
Secant Method Convergence (Method to replicate Excel XIRR/IRR)
Hi, I am new to R, and as a first exercise, I decided to try to implement an XIRR function using the secant method. I did a quick search and saw another posting that used the Bisection method but wanted to see if it was possible using the secant method. I would input a Cash Flow and Date vector as well as an initial guess. I hardcoded today's initial date so I could do checks in Excel.
2009 Feb 13
Write and Load functions from an external file
Hi All, Would be grateful,if anyone can answer my queries. I need to share code. For example, if I am working in C/C++, I would put some function declarations in .h files that you would include. In PHP, I would create files with the common functions in them and then "include()" them. So far, I haven't been able to figure out what the standard practice is in R. The two options
2006 Nov 10
Confidence interval for relative risk
The concrete problem is that I am refereeing a paper where a confidence interval is presented for the risk ratio and I do not find it credible. I show below my attempts to do this in R. The example is slightly changed from the authors'. I can obtain a confidence interval for the odds ratio from fisher.test of course === fisher.test example === > outcome <- matrix(c(500, 0, 500, 8),
2015 Apr 30
R CMD check and missing imports from base packages
On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Paul Gilbert <pgilbert902 at> wrote: > > As I recall, several packages mask the simulate generic in stats, if you > are looking for examples. > FWIW, here is a list of base* functions masked** by CRAN packages: Look at the long table in the end. simulate indeed comes up
2015 Apr 30
R CMD check and missing imports from base packages
>>>>> G?bor Cs?rdi <csardi.gabor at> >>>>> on Wed, 29 Apr 2015 23:07:09 -0400 writes: > On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 8:12 PM, Paul Gilbert <pgilbert902 at> wrote: >> >> As I recall, several packages mask the simulate generic in stats, if you >> are looking for examples. >> > FWIW,
2007 Oct 09
How to create something between a script and a package
(Before starting: I'm a total R noob so please bear with me in case of any error or faux pas). Hi, For a small project, I'm writing a few simple R functions and calling them from python (using RPy). I'm sharing the code with a couple of friends, using a subversion server. Now, I want something like a package, to be able to share functions between ourselves. Having read a few package
2006 Dec 04
beginning my R-learning
Hello, I'm just beginning to learn R. What books/online learning modules with datasets would you suggest? Thank you! Best wishes, Michael ____________________________________ Michael McCulloch Pine Street Clinic Pine Street Foundation 124 Pine Street, San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674 tel 415.407.1357 fax 415.485.1065 email: mm at web:
2007 Jul 31
Cox model with interaction
Dear R users, I am trying to fit a Cox model such as: Surv(time,event) ~ X1+X1:X2 or Surv(time,event) ~ X1*X2 -X2, This code is working with coxph but not with cph (nor with psm), and the error message is: Error in if (!length(fname) || !any(fname == zname)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE is required Any idea about the cause of the problem and how to manage it within the Design