Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Cbind warning message"
2003 May 28
Numbers that look equal, should be equal, but if() doesn't see as equal (repost with code included)
Apologies for sending the mail without any code. Apparently somewhere along
the way the .R attachments got filtered out. I have included the code below
as clean as possible. My original mail is below the code.
Thank you again for your time.
vincentize <- function(data, bins)
if ( length(data) < 2 )
stop("The data is really short. Is that ok?");
2003 Oct 15
is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
I think the thread ended up with several people (not only me)
feeling certain they didn't like `is.na<-` but with the
developers defending it and me not really understanding
Uwe Ligges was going to come up with an example of
`<- NA` going wrong (sorry Brian R, I mean behaving
unexpectedly), but never did, and I think the problem
has been fixed. It was apparently a problem with
2004 Feb 24
Accessing columns in data.frame using formula
I'm trying the hard way to use a formula, in a function, to specify the
names of several important columns in a data.frame. Maybe I'm just battling
to figure out the right search terms :-( This is on XP, R 1.8.1.
So, for instance,
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 congr V7 V8 V9 ok RT
1 1 1 960 520 1483 c 1 r r 1 760
2 1 2 1060 450 3753 c 1 r r 1 555
2004 Jun 16
subset(..., drop=TRUE) doesn't seem to work.
If I read ?subset, the workings of the argument drop (to me) seem to imply
equivalence of A and B (R 1.9.0):
dd <- data.frame(rt=rnorm(10), c=factor(gl(2,5)))
dd <- subset(dd, c==1)
dd$c <- dd$c[, drop=TRUE]
dd <- data.frame(rt=rnorm(10), c=factor(gl(2,5)))
dd <- subset(dd, c==1, drop=TRUE)
1 2
5 0
So to lose the second level of
2004 Aug 26
library(car) Anova() and Error-term in aov()
Dear all,
Type III SS time again. This case trying to reproduce some SPSS (type III)
data in R for a repeated measures anova with a betwSS factor included. As I
understand this list etc, if I want type III then I can do
Anova(lm.obj, type="III")
But for the repeated measures anova, I need to include an Error-term in the
aov() call (Psychology-guide from Jonathan Baron)
2003 May 27
Numbers that look equal, should be equal, but if() doesn't see as equal
After a lot of testing and debugging I'm falling silent in figuring out
what goes wrong in the following.
I'm implementing the Vincentizing procedure that Ratcliff (1979) described.
It's about calculating RT bins for any distribution of RT data. It boils
down to rank ordering your data, replicating each data point as many times
as you need bins and then splitting up the
2004 Apr 23
Sum Sq of SPSS and R different for repeated measures Anova
Dear all,
I'm still learning and transitioning from SPSS to R (1.9.0, winXP) and
today I have data from two repeated measures experiments. For each of the
subjects I've averaged for two within-SS factors (2 x 2, 4 means per
subjects). One experiment had 16 subjects, the other one 25 (between-SS
factor exp). So I have something like:
avg.cond <- read.table('data.txt') #
2003 Oct 09
is.na(v)<-b (was: Re: Beginner's query - segmentation fault)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard A. O'Keefe [mailto:ok at cs.otago.ac.nz]
> The very existence of an "is.na<-" which accepts a logical
> vector containing FALSE as well as TRUE ...
And don't forget this is not the only usage of is.na<-. In fact it is
designed to take any valid indexing value. For example:
> a<-1:10
2003 Oct 15
Subseting in a 3D array
I have a 3d array:
> dim(ib5km15.dbc)
[1] 190 241 19
and a set of positions to extract:
> ib5km.lincol.random[1:3,]
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 78 70
[2,] 29 213
[3,] 180 22
Geting the values of a 2D array
for that set of positions would
> ima <- ib5km15.dbc[,,1]
> ima[ib5km.lincol.random[1:10,]]
but don't find the way for the case
of the 3D array:
2003 Jun 03
(no subject)
I would like to know if it is possible to get printed output while a loop is taking place.
for(i in 1:10){
some long process
This will print the values of i only after the loop is finished, what I would like is to
see them when the process enters the i-th iteration to keep track of how the
program is running.
Thank you,
2004 Jun 10
Informal discussion group about R
I've started a "tribe" for discussing R and
sharing scripts. Tribe.net is one of the popular
on-line social communities, like "Friendster".
Visit and see if it is a forum that you find useful.
To join the "tribe" you will need to register with
I hope it will be of help to newbies, although I'm
new to R myself.
Here is the url:
2004 Jun 16
subset and lme
I'm puzzled by the following problem, which appears when
attempting to run an analysis on part of a dataset:
If I try:
csubset <- dat$Diagnosis==0
cont <- lme(fixed=cform,
random = ~1|StudyName,
Then I get:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "csubset" not found
But if I do
2004 Aug 03
basic questions: any place for them
I have two basic questions, and here they go, but I was wondering as
well where can I ask these basic questions without bothering you
I've used Splus and now I'm using R and there's some functions that I
can't simply find
that allows data.frames to be sort by a given col
(I saw the funtion sort but that's for vectors. and I can't believe I
2003 Oct 17
sub data frame by expression
Hi All,
I've the following data frame with 54 rows and 4 colums:
> x
Ratio Dose Time Batch
R.010mM.04h.NEW 0.02 010mM 04h NEW
R.010mM.04h.NEW.1 0.07 010mM 04h NEW
R.010mM.24h.NEW.2 0.06 010mM 24h NEW
R.010mM.04h.OLD 0.19 010mM 04h OLD
R.010mM.04h.OLD.1 0.49 010mM 04h OLD
R.100mM.24h.OLD 0.40 100mM 24h OLD
2004 May 17
Accessing data
I would like to access my data frame without one variable.
> colnames(x)
[1] "Besch" "Ang.m" "Arb.m" "i10" "Umsatz" "arbstd"
I can try x[,-1], but this variable must be called by it??s name.
does not work.
I could not found a solution of
2004 Oct 01
Reading multiple files into R
I want to read data from a number of files into R.
Reading individual files one by one requires writing enormous amount of
code that will look something like the following.
2004 Jul 21
How to sort TWO columns ?
Dear ALL,
I fear my question has already been answered many times before, but I
haven't fund that in archives...
I am working on spatial datasets and, in most arrays I'm handling, there are
two columns dedicated to (x,y)-coords.
For different reasons - notably to draw image() plots, I need to have these
two columns sorted in increasing order.
But sort() and order() seem to apply to
2004 Aug 03
How to select a whole column? Thanks!
Dear all,
I hope to remove a whole column from a data frame or matrix (> 2000
columns). All value in the column are same. The first thing is to
select those columns.
For instance, I hope to remove the V3~6 column, for all the value in
those colume is zero.
V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
1 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0 0 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 0 0 0
2004 Sep 16
FW: How do I insert a newline in my title in a plot?
yes I have tries, and nothing. It just shows the strings with the slashn,
just like i typed it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rashid Nassar [mailto:rnassar at duke.edu]
Sent: ÐÝì?ôç, 16 Óå?ôåìâñßïõ 2004 15:44
To: Christos Rodopoulos
Subject: Re: [R] How do I insert a newline in my title in a plot?
Have you not tried what you have already suggested:
title("this is a title\nIn 2