similar to: R] Re: Mandelbrot set and C code --

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "R] Re: Mandelbrot set and C code --"

2003 Oct 02
R] Re: Mandelbrot set and C code --
You need to install the tools needed to build packages from source. You can read about it in Q3.1 of R for Windows FAQ. Andy > -----Original Message----- > From: Rex Bryan Dell1700 [mailto:rexbryan1 at] > Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 12:15 PM > To: r-help at > Subject: [R] R] Re: Mandelbrot set and C code -- > > > Wizards... >
2010 Sep 24
why I could not reproduce the Mandelbrot plot demonstrated on R wiki
I am trying to reproduce the nice looking of Mandelbrot demonstrated by R wiki page by the following code: library(caTools) # external package providing write.gif function jet.colors = colorRampPalette(c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00",
2005 Oct 04
Animation of Mandelbrot Set
Hi, I was playing with Mandelbrot sets and come up with the following code, I thought I would share: library(fields) # for tim.colors library(caTools) # for write.gif m = 400 # grid size C = complex( real=rep(seq(-1.8,0.6, length.out=m), each=m ), imag=rep(seq(-1.2,1.2, length.out=m), m ) ) C = matrix(C,m,m) Z = 0 X = array(0, c(m,m,20)) for (k in 1:20) { Z =
2010 Oct 11
plotting Zipf and Zipf-Mandelbrot curves in R
Using R, I plotted a log-log plot of the frequencies in the Brown Corpus using plot(sort(file.tfl$f, decreasing=TRUE), xlab="rank", ylab="frequency", log="x,y") However, I would also like to add lines showing the curves for a Zipfian distribution and for Zipf-Mandelbrot. I have seen these in many articles that used R in creating graphs. Thank you! [[alternative HTML
2003 Sep 17
Fractals in R and having fun! (and more persp and color)
Well, I started playing with fractals in R, and wrote a function to generate de Mandelbrot set, which might be of interest to some people ########################################################################### # Mandelbrot set ########################################################################### mandelbrot <- function(x = c(-3.0, 1.0), # x coordinates y =
2003 Oct 20
Re: win.metafiles in linux and R
Dear all: Professor Ripley commented: > Note that libEMF's help page says > > It is also possible now to generate EMF files from PSTOEDIT > on POSIX > systems. Therefore, if your graphics code only outputs > PostScript, you > can now easily convert it to EMF. > > but that is only true on Windows (unfortunately). > Actually I have had some luck
2002 Dec 10
FW: Answers to "Problem with differences between S+ and R in parsing output tables with $"
To R-wizards: Thank you for your quick an insightful responses. I now have R running a translated version of S+ code for power calculations for non-normal data. This is from the Michael Crawley's new book Statistical Computing--An Introduction to Data Analysis using S-Plus. Peter Dalgaard corrected me on the issue of the $ operator not being a parser. It sure looked like an advanced Regex
2003 Jun 03
Rtips (was Re: ? building a database with a the great /cookbook
For me as a beginner a cookbook would be welcome. so many great code examples are posted into the help list, but finding these is quite difficult. I think it comes all down to the problem who is compiling / contributing and can judge what should go in. In this respect, Detlef Steuer (suggestion , might be a solution Frank >
2002 Dec 09
Problem with differences between S+ and R in parsing output tables with $
R-wizards I have successfully run with S+ a statistical power calculation for non-normal distributions as presented in M. Crawley?s new book.? When I tried the newest version of R on the same code, the $ parse statement doesn't seem to retrieve the appropriate number from a table. Note that some of the cosmetic differences in the two tables have to be dealt with by the parser. Any ideas
2009 Jun 24
[LLVMdev] New HLVM examples
HLVM is a garbage collected virtual machine built upon LLVM: The development of HLVM was described in a series of three OCaml Journal articles that turned out to be among our most popular. Consequently, we have decided to run another series of related articles that build upon this foundation in order to develop complete compilers. The first article
2017 Sep 29
Trouble when suppressing a portion of fast-math-transformations
Hi, Warren, Thanks for writing all of this up. In short, regarding your suggested solution: > 4. To fix this, I think that additional fast-math-flags are likely > needed in > > the IR. Instead of the following set: > > 'nnan' + 'ninf' + 'nsz' + 'arcp' + 'contract' > > something like this: > > 'reassoc' +
2011 Feb 04
vegan and sweave using xtable
Dear all, Using: library(vegan) data(BCI) mod <- radfit(BCI[1,]) mod RAD models, family poisson No. of species 93, total abundance 448 par1 par2 par3 Deviance AIC BIC Null 39.5261 315.4362 315.4362 Preemption 0.042797 21.8939 299.8041 302.3367 Lognormal 1.0687 1.0186 25.1528 305.0629 310.1281
2017 Sep 29
Trouble when suppressing a portion of fast-math-transformations
Hi all, In a mailing-list post last November: I raised some concerns that having the IR-level fast-math-flag 'fast' act as an "umbrella" to implicitly turn on all the lower-level fast-math-flags, causes some fundamental problems. Those fundamental problems are related to situations where a user wants to
2006 Aug 04
Proxy from Apache to local Lighttpd instance
Hello, I''m having a serious problem proxying from Apache (2.2) to local Lighttpd servers. I need this to run Rails instances on next to the regular part from Currently I get a working for only the first page, controllers do not work. I am quite desperate in getting this to work as it is the only way I can run Rails at our
2017 Nov 03
Mira el conjunto de mandelbrot en r cómo mola El 3 nov. 2017 4:20 PM, "eric" <ericconchamunoz en> escribió: > hola luis, podrias explicarte un poco mas ? que quieres decir con "obtener > fractales de una imagen" ? > > Puedes construir una imagen con fractales, pero
2006 Nov 09
Apache configuration
i TRY TO CONFIGURE APACHE FOR RUBY ON RAILS ON UNIX. BY THE FOLLOWING WAYl: Install FastCGI 1. wget 2. gunzip fcgi-2.4.0.tar.gz 3. tar -xvf fcgi-2.4.0.tar 4. cd fcgi-2.4.0 5. ./configure 6. make 7. make install 8. cd ../ Install mod_fcgid 1. cd ~ 2. wget 3. gunzip
2006 Aug 21
Puppet Cookbook
Hi all, I haven''t done much with it so far, but I now have an instance of MoinMoin up as a cookbook: It''s available over http or https, whichever you prefer. I''m going to do what I can to start adding cookbook recipes and I''d appreciate it if others would do the same. I also could help keeping the cookbook running well --
2006 Mar 22
n00b question
Total Ruby N00b here with a question about the Hibbs OnLamp tutorial. I''m trying to hook up to my cookbook database and I''m getting: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Recipe#index Mysql::Error: #42S02Table '''' doesn''t exist: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recipes RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. My thoughts: I think I''m not actually
2003 Jan 11
plotting and unplotting lines in R
I would like to plot and unplot a line to a graph using R's line command. This would allow for sequentially trying different plotted functions for a visual fit. Is there a way to do this? Rex
2003 Jan 15
Is R really an open source S+ ?
This is not a criticism. I'm just curious. Is there an effort to keep R comparable to S+? Or are the two languages diverging? I am doing what probably legions have done before me, and legions will after me...using R on examples from text books written with S+ code. Most of the time everything appears to be equivalent. And then there are amazing divergences in commands. For instance: S: