Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "r editors"
2003 Dec 06
I would like to increase the Precision of R by
increasing the Number of decimal places in
calcultaions. I get about 7 decimal places and would
like to have over 15. is the a means to inflence this?
Sylvie B. Forkusam
Eppelheimer Str.52/A2-5-2
69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: (0049)-06221/346913
Mobile: 0179-6816276
2003 Sep 30
can someone please help me.
I will give a simple example of my problem.
p <- function()
i <- 1
sr <- function(){
i<- sqrt(i)
This is just an example. My main problem is defining
i like a global variable which I can use in the sub-
and main functions without any complicated switches.
Thanks in advance.
Sylvie B.
2004 Jan 22
error message
Can someone please tell me what such an error message
could mean. i.e where a problem must have arised.
Error in uniroot(function(n) eval(p.body) - power,
c(2, 1e+07)) :
f() values at end points not of opposite sign
Thank you
Sylvie B. Forkusam
Eppelheimer Str.52/A2-5-2
69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: (0049)-06221/346913
Mobile: 0179-6816276
2003 Nov 20
can someone please help me.
I have a proplem reading a file with more that one
e.g I used the function:
p<-read.table(file="FILENAME ", header=TRUE,sep=";")
and later used the data.Frame() function.
It functions when the file has only a row of
When I insert the second row I get an error message.
How do I do this
2003 Nov 20
reading data rows
I have problems reading a file with more than one row
to carry out mathematical calculations
I have a a file of the form
mu1 mu2 alpha beta Wsigma sigmaA b r
25 15 .05 .05 22 3 .3 .5
30 20 .1 .2 22 .3 .3 .5
I intend to read one row , carry out the calculations
and then the next row with which I intend to do the
same calculations.
I do the following.
2006 Oct 18
Latex editor recommendations
This question is not oriented towards R, but is posted here because I
have the impression that there are at least some Latex users among the
contributors. The question is: What editors for Latex are to be
recommended? I have located one:
What other alternatives are there? I am (for the most part) using
Windows XP.
2004 Aug 25
Win-Edt and Sweave
Does anyone knows if there is any plugin for Sweave to run on WinEdt, or any
other windows Latex editor?
Many thanks,
2003 Mar 24
Scripting with an external editor
I've had time to return to the "external editor" project. The following
function does almost what I want, which is to allow an external editor to
feed command lines to R.
ext.editor<-function(editor) {
While the description of parse() indicates that it should parse input line by
line, the
2006 Mar 10
Linux editor like WinEdt?
Hi to all,
I initiate in R - Linux and I've some problems to find an editor with R
interface as like RWinEdt for WinEdt.
Anyone know one?
Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation.
Best regards
Ana Patricia Martins
Serviço Métodos Estatísticos
Departamento de Metodologia Estatística
Telef: 218 426 100 - Ext: 3210
2007 Jun 30
"R CMD INSTALL in R 2.5.1 (2007-06-27)"
I'm moving from R 2.2.1 (Winows XP) to R 2.5.1 and have problems with
installing "myfuncs", which worked OK in 2.2.1
# gives
installing to ''
---------- Making package myfuncs ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing R files
installing man source files
installing indices
installing help
2010 Nov 10
Installing R and an editor on a USB drive
I have adviced my students to install R and an editor on a USB drive for
working in the computer class. With R everything works fine following these
instructions: http://personal.bgsu.edu/~mrizzo/Rmisc/usbR.htm.
But several editors (e.g., Tinn-R and WinEdt) require administrator rights.
I have found out that Emacs (Vincent Goulet's Emacs for Windows Modified
2001 Nov 30
Script editor for R on Linux
Hi all,
Could you point me to a script editor in Linux that will allow me to a
somewhat easy pasting of section(s) of an R script or function into
R for execution? Something like WinEdt+RWinEdt macro in R for
(My time is a bit pressed. I haven't succeeded in my attempts to
install ESS for XEmacs. No doubt due to my confusion and lack of
competence. I am abandoning it for the
2002 Nov 24
Using XEmacs and ESS with R for MS/Windows
I've been working on a document describing the use of XEmacs and ESS with R
for Windows users, along with configuration files that are meant to make
things simple for Windows users. This was initially intended for my
students, but with recent discussions of Windows (and other) editors on the
the R-help list, I thought that I'd make the material more widely available.
The document
2002 Nov 24
Using XEmacs and ESS with R for MS/Windows
I've been working on a document describing the use of XEmacs and ESS with R
for Windows users, along with configuration files that are meant to make
things simple for Windows users. This was initially intended for my
students, but with recent discussions of Windows (and other) editors on the
the R-help list, I thought that I'd make the material more widely available.
The document
2008 Sep 12
Fw: Complex sampling survey _ Use of survey package
From: "Ahoussou Sylvie" <sylvie.ahoussou at antilles.inra.fr>
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:48 AM
To: "Thomas Lumley" <tlumley at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [R] Complex sampling survey _ Use of survey package
> Thanks for your answer
> I think I made a mistake when I recopied the 5 first rows of
2002 Nov 20
FW: using R under windows
I am used to using R under unix. I have a problem with R
under Windows-2000:
Suppose I have a plain text file code.r full of R code
that I want to source into R. My problem is that Windows
invisibly tacks ".txt" onto the end of the filename (the name
looks like code.r but it is really code.r.txt). How to get
windows to both allow me to call it code.r (for real! Not
2005 Apr 26
good editor for R sources ?
Dear all,
(Sorry if the question has already been answered.)
Could someone please suggest a good text editor for
writing R sources ?
(I know emacs exists ... but I find it a bit heavy).
I use crimson (http://www.crimsoneditor.com) which is
small and simple, but the R syntax seems not to be supported.
Thanks for any advice
2004 Nov 22
RWinEdt, other text editors and R2.01 a problem in pasting commands
Dear All,
In the last few days I started using the last version of R as I
encountered a problem with R1.9 and the use of RWinEdt, however the
problem shows with R2.01 as well. More precisely
1. I install R2.01 after removing old verions of R
2. I Install RWinEdt package versione RWinEdt_1.6-2 and
SWinRegistry_0.3-2 and everything seems fine
3. I recall the RWinEdt library (library(RWinEdt)) and
2003 Oct 11
how to seperate R's input and output screen?
Dear all
can anybady tell me how to seperate R's input and output screen?I mean
just like SAS or some others, the commands does not mixed with results.
thank you
2002 Jul 04
Script file editors for Windows - submit highlighted text?
I use S+, Stata, SAS and R depending on the weather... The
script file editors in S+, SAS and Stata all allow me to submit a
portion of a developing script file to the running process. In R I have
to use an external editor and either source the entire file or do lots
of copy-and-pasting. Are there any editors out there which interface
to R more closely and let me submit a section