Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Using the system command"
2004 Apr 21
Resizing a ListCtrl
Hi Guys,
I''m having serious troubles resizing a dialog with a ListCtrl. The ctrl
will not resize horizontally no matter what I''m doing. I''ve attached a
sample code below. Any help will be greatly appreciated, as I really
like wxRuby :)
I''ve also tried to copy from the example from listtest.rbw, but that
also doesn''t seem to work.
Another thing
2012 Jun 18
Changing many csv files using apply?
Dear all,
I have many csv files whose contents I want to change a bit en masse. So far, I've written code that can change them in a for loop, like so:
# Subset of files in the folder I want to change
subset = "somestring"
# Retrieve list of files to change
filelist = filelist[grep(subset, filelist)]
for(i in 1:length(filelist)){
2009 Feb 19
read.table : how to condition on error while opening file?
I'm using read.table in a loop, to read in multiple files. The problem
is that when a file is missing there is an error message and the loop is
broken; what I'd like to do is to test for the error and simply do
"next" instead of breaking the loop. Anybody knows how to do that?
filelist <- c("file1.txt", "file2.txt",
2003 Feb 12
Filelist caching
I've noticed every time someone does an rsync-request on my ftp-site
(which also provides rsync as mirror method), rsyncd creates a filelist.
This is a quite IO and CPU intensive procedure, especially for things
mirrors like FreeBSD with lots of little files.
I was wondering... is there a way to cache that filelist? Our mirrors
are updated once, or twice a day, it could speed up
2010 Feb 19
Plotting multiple table automatically
Hi All,
I have a slight issue getting R to plot a series of tables automatically.
Essentially I have a series of tables that I wish to plot. They are named
on_2, on_3 etc. based on the file name when they were read in. I have
filelist <- list.files() to give me list of the table names. I wish to plot
each table, so I was thinking along some kind of for loop as below:
for (i in 1:Number_Files)
2009 Mar 23
Looping of read.table and assignment
Dear all,
I am trying to read in and assign data from 50 tables in an automated fashion. I have the following code, which I created with the help of textbooks and the internet, but it only seems to read in the final data file over and over again. For example, when I type:> table_1951 I get the same values in the table as when I type> table_2000 despite the values in the source tables
2009 Mar 27
Assignment to variables fails to loop
Dear all,
I think I'm nearly there in writing R code which will read in files with two variable parts to the file name and then assigning these file names to objects, which also have two variable parts. I have got the code running without encountering errors, however, I receive 50+ of the same warnings:
1: In assign(paste("Fekete_", index$year, index$month, sep = ""),
2024 Nov 06
Using multiple dat files
"It seems therefore that there is no other way than read in individually >
100 weather tables using read.tables., right? Using file.choose() doesn't
change the work."
Yes. With that many files, file.choose() does not make sense. However, I
still do not understand what is the problem with using lapply() on the
character vector of file names with read.table() as you did in your
2007 Dec 26
scope of plugns
After more than one hour of countless tries, I ask myself a simple question :
On what items are plugins supposed to execute ?
I''ve tried to create a filelist plugin which, for a page, displays all
file in the same directory (a rather old school view of website, where
each directory contains an entry point).
But, whatever I try, my plugin code is never invoked, and my page
content is never
2011 Apr 23
rake spec fails where rake spec:(models|controllers|views) pass
I''m still trying to work into Ruby 1.9.2 and am now experiencing
something that makes no sense to me. Using rspec 1.3.2 and rspec-rails
1.3.4 with rails 2.3.11 on ruby 1.9.2-p180, when I
$ rake spec:models
they all pass. When I
$ rake spec:controllers
they all pass. When I
$ rake spec:views
they all pass. But when I
$ rake spec
I get
<path to
2009 Dec 28
accessing members of a data.frame
I have the following code
fileList <-list.files(path = ".", pattern = "[^a-z].txt$", all.files =
FALSE, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE)
for (x in 1:length(fileList)){
fileLines <- data.frame(read.table(fileList[x]))
the lines of the file all have the following format...
Can I access
2005 May 23
filelist caching optimization proposal
As a gentoo-user i frequently run the emerge sync command, which in turn does
a rsync with the mainserver. The 'problem' is that the portage directory tree
contains about 19.000 directories and 96.000 files. So building the filelist
takes a pretty long time, because of the many disk accesses that are
neccesary. On the server side the disk-io problem is probably less worse
2007 May 09
Including data when building an R package in windows
I've done this before, but when I tried the same thing this time, it didn't work.
I'm using R 2.4.1 on windows.
I have 6 data frames that I want to include in a package I am building. Instead of making users issue six different "data(...)" commands, I want to wrap them all up in one file so that users issue one "data(...)" command and have access to all six data
2009 Dec 30
seg-fault... but on what
I got the following after running succesfully through this loop 28 million
times... the loop opens text files in a directory and inserts line by line
into a database...
*** caught segfault ***
address 0xc0000010, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .getGeneric(f, where, package)
2: getGeneric("coerce", where = where)
3: as(obj, "integer")
2023 Dec 21
rsync over ssh fails with --files-from
On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 11:03?AM Kevin Korb via rsync <rsync at lists.samba.org>
> What is the error? I assume you know that with that syntax the
> filelist.txt is local rather than remote.
Yes, I do know it refers to the list of local files.
There is no error - it just hangs indefinitely until some timeout period.
This is what it looks like on the remote side:
2024 Nov 06
Using multiple dat files
Dear community
To import multiple .dat weather files I am using list.files().
I intend to use the R package ?ClimInd? to calculate different agroclimatic indicators.
Question: Is there another solution to import multiple .dat files so that I can select elements from the list, e.g. one specific weather file (example AAR_DailyWeather)?
# Import multiple .dat files weather data
filelist <-
2015 Oct 31
Example input data with example output using relative pathway in vignette of R package?
I'm putting together an R package. I would like to show example code in the
vignette, where example data files (included in the package) are used to
generate an (example) output file.
I read about using example data in Hadley Wickham's post (
http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/data.html), and believe I should keep my example
data as raw data, as it must be parsed to generate the output.
So, I
2023 Dec 20
rsync over ssh fails with --files-from
What is the error? I assume you know that with that syntax the
filelist.txt is local rather than remote.
On 12/20/23 09:50, Alex via rsync wrote:
> Hi, I've been using rsync on fedora over ssh to sync directories for
> decades, but suddenly having a problem with transferring multiple files
> at a time to one specific host using --files-from. I can't think of what
> might
2008 Jul 06
Lots of huge matrices, for-loops, speed
we have 80 text files with matrices. Each matrix represents a map (rows for
latitude and columns for longitude), the 80 maps represent steps in time. In
addition, we have a vector x of length 80. We would like to compute a
regression between matrices (response through time) and x and create maps
representing coefficients, r2 etc. Problem: the 80 matrices are of the size
4000 x 3500 and we
2023 Dec 21
rsync over ssh fails with --files-from
Can someone help me determine if these errors are normal or if this could
somehow be the cause? I've removed the last three columns for readability -
they were all zeros.
# column -t /proc/net/dev
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed
multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo
lo: 133093161 146045 0