similar to: How limits are set in a scales list

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "How limits are set in a scales list"

2013 Feb 15
lattice 3x3 plot: force common y-limits accross rows and align x-axes
Good afternoon, I would like to ask for help in controlling y-axis limits and labels in lattice doplots. Unfortunately, the problem is somewhat convoluted, please bear with the long explanation. I would like to create a 3x3 lattice of dotplots, say subject ~ count. The plot is conditioned on variables treatment and risk: subject ~ count | treatment + risk. In the experiment, not all subjects
2007 May 30
separate y-limits in xYplot panels
Hello, I would like to get the scales of y-axes dependent only on the data points in a particular panel. Have attached a test example below. When using 'relation="free"', it does not make the scales 'free', however when using 'relation="sliced"', I get a warning "Explicitly specified limits ignored in: limitsFromLimitlist(have.lim = have.ylim, lim
2006 Mar 09
Trellis - setting xlim or ylim by data range in whole column or row
Dear List-mates, I have been trying to set up a 4x8 trellis plot (that is, 4 columns, 8 rows), and would like to have the axis limits set based on the data range of rows (for ylim) and columns (for xlim). I've been using the call: foo<-xyplot(y~x|Epoch+Subject, type=c("l","r"), par.strip.text=list(cex=0.5), ...) and updating to see different effects of scale
2009 Jun 17
lattice: axis ticks, axis alignment and remove axis from plot
Hi there, I'm a bit confused concerning the axis tck setting in the lattice package as the ticks on left sided axis aren't drawn at all with the following setting: dados <- data.frame(varsep = factor(rep(1:2,10)), i = runif(20)) library(lattice) my.theme <- list( axis.components = list(left = list(tck = 1, pad1 = 1, pad2 = 2), top = list(tck = 0, pad1
2010 Aug 30
lattice: limits in reversed order with relation="same"
Hi everybody, I want an x-axis which has xlim=c(max, min) rather than xlim=c(min, max) in order to reflect the type of the process (cooling): library(lattice) myprepanel <- function(x,y,...) list(xlim=rev(range(x))) x <- rep(1:10, 100) z <- factor(sample(10, 1000, T)) y <- rnorm(1000, x, as.numeric(z)) xyplot(y~x|z, scales=list(x="free"), prepanel=myprepanel) This works
2013 Aug 09
Agrupar los terminos de la leyenda
Bueno, una pequeña vuelta de tuerca más usando ggplot.. Aunque no quedó tan limpio como el de Carlos (gran resolucion) tambien te sirve. Un saludo library(ggplot2) dec.df <- mat[mat$sol=="dec",] lim.df <- mat[mat$sol=="lim",] dol.df <- mat[mat$sol=="dol",] dec.dr<-qplot(dia,V5,sol,data=dec.df,color=con2,geom=c("line"),facets=.~sol) lim.dr
2012 Mar 28
xyplot lattice fine control of axes limits and thick marks (with log scale)
After a long and winding road (sorry but I'm a novice) I get to a final result which is quite close to what I need; nevertheless I would like to tweak a little further the xyplot so that I can get ***for each single panel defined by variable z*** a finer control over: -the x and y the limits: I would like to be the same for both axes; -the number of thick marks: again I would like to be same
2008 Oct 06
Lattice and Axis height
Hello, My plots consist of 2 rows, 1 column, many pages I've managed to selectively turn of strips for the bottom panel and roll my own strip for the top par.strip.text = list(lines = c(0,3),cex=0.6) I have my own custom prepanel function too. What i'd like to do is turn off the x-axis for the top panel (since on a given page the xlim is same for both top and bottom panel, but the
2013 Nov 16
Problema con el titulo de la leyenda en grafico con xyplot
Estimados, tengo un grafico al que debo anexar la leyenda en el costado derecho. Mi problema es que el titulo de la leyenda debe decir "Concentration (mM)" el que es muy largo y la ultima M sale cortada. No puedo abreviar la palabra porque justamente me rechazaron el grafico por que estaba abreviada esa palabra. Aqui pego el codigo con el que se hacen los graficos y anexo un archivo
2011 Mar 26
bwplot [lattice]: how to get different y-axis scales for each row?
Dear expeRts, How can I get ... (1) different y-axis scales for each row (2) while having the same y-axis scales for different columns? I coulnd't manage to do this with relation="free" [which gives (1) but not (2)]. I also tried relation="sliced", but it did not give the same y-axis scales within each row (see the fourth row). Further, it "separates" the
2004 Feb 10
lattice: scales beginning at zero with relation="free"
Is there an easy way to have scales beginning with zero and ending with the local maximum data value of each panel when using a lattice function with ``scales=list( relation="free" )''? Thanks. Wolfram
2003 Jun 05
Error when creating layouts with partly filled pages within lattice
Dear all, Please take my apologies if that has already been asked - at least I couldn't find it in the archives. When trying to specify a layout within library lattice, i.e. using xyplot, I get an error when the prepanel function tries to subscript the automatically generated x.limits. This seems to appear if the last page wouldn't be filled completely, i.e. there would be space left
2002 Jan 18
readline() to vector
Hi! I'm trying to use readline() to ask for xlim() and ylim() values for a subsequent plot. I'm doing: lim <- readline("Enter xlim and ylim values: ") then would like to use the values in lim for a plot: plot(etc, xlim=lim[1:2],ylim=lim[3:4]) The problem is that lim is a character,i.e., "10,20,-10,50" or "c(10,20,-10,50)" depending on the input to
2006 Sep 15
dotplot, dropping unused levels of 'y'
In dotplot, what's the best way to suppress the unused levels of 'y' on a per-panel basis? This is useful for the case that 'y' is a factor taking perhaps thousands of levels, but for a given panel, only a handfull of these levels ever present. Thanks, Ben
2010 May 25
segplot (latticeExtra)
Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble with 'scales="free"' in the segplot() function of latticeExtra. Say we need panels for each year, showing only those counties that are represented in each one: ---<--------------------cut here---------------start------------------->--- library(latticeExtra) data(USCancerRates) uscr.w <- subset(USCancerRates, state ==
2006 Oct 02
xyplot Graphic Help
I have the following graphic where I drop unused factors in the x axis, however I cannot get the first point on the second panel. It seems shifted. Any ideas? The example is below: data <- data.frame( Room=as.factor(c(132,132,132,132,132,132,132,132,132,196,196)),
2006 Jul 13
Corrupted Indexes - again...
I am still getting these in my maillog: Jul 13 07:39:38 dovecot: IMAP(breu at Corrupted index cache file /var/spool/mail/filer/storage// invalid record size Jul 13 09:35:03 dovecot: IMAP(breu at Corrupted index cache file /var/spool/mail/filer/storage// invalid record size
2005 Aug 24
histogram method for S4 class.
Hi, I'm trying to develop an histogram method for a class called "FLQuant" which is used by the package FLCore ( FLQuant is an extension to "array". There is an method that coerces flquant into a data.frame suitable for lattice plotting. The problem is that when I coerce the object and plot it after it works but if the method is
2005 Aug 24
histogram method for S4 class.
Hi, I'm trying to develop an histogram method for a class called "FLQuant" which is used by the package FLCore ( FLQuant is an extension to "array". There is an method that coerces flquant into a data.frame suitable for lattice plotting. The problem is that when I coerce the object and plot it after it works but if the method is
2010 Feb 14
lattice/ylim: how to fix ylim[1], but have ylim[2] dynamically calculated?
Hello, When drawing "barcharts", I find it not helpful if ylim[1] != 0 - bars for a quantity of 0, that do not show a length of 0 are quite non-intuitive. I have tried to study > library(lattice) > panel.barchart but am unable to figure out where ylim is taken care of and how one might fix ylim[1] to 0 for barcharts ... Can anyone point out how to tackle this? Thanks, Joh