similar to: Creating a new table from a set of constraints

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Creating a new table from a set of constraints"

2010 May 16
Box-Cox Transformation: Drastic differences when varying added constants
Dear experts, I tried to learn about Box-Cox-transformation but found the following thing: When I had to add a constant to make all values of the original variable positive, I found that the lambda estimates (box.cox.powers-function) differed dramatically depending on the specific constant chosen. In addition, the correlation between the transformed variable and the original were not 1 (as I
2011 Jan 23
Creating subsets of a matrix
Hello, Say I have 2 columns, bmi and gender, the first being all the values and the second being male or female. How would I subset this into males only and females only? I have searched these fora and read endlessly about select[] and split() functions but to no avail. Also the table is not ordered. bmi gender -> bmi gender + bmi gender 1 24.78 male
2006 Jul 18
Classification error rate increased by bagging - any ideas?
Hi, I'm analysing some anthropometric data on fifty odd skull bases. We know the gender of each skull, and we are trying to develop a predictor to identify the sex of unknown skulls. Rpart with cross-validation produces two models - one of which predicts gender for Males well, and Females poorly, and the other does the opposite (Females well, and Males poorly). In both cases the error
2008 May 02
Cant resolve Error Message
Hi, Im having trouble creating the following graph. Here is my code: library(plotrix) library(prettyR) female_improvement <-read.table("C://project/graphs/gender/breakdown/gender-improvement/female-improvement.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE) barp(rbind(rep(length(female_improvement$gender),2),freq(female_improvement$reason)[[1]]), ylab="22 Males participated in the
2004 May 16
Newbie Poisson regression question
Greetings. I'm getting started learning R, and I'm trying to reproduce some models I've done previously in SAS. I'm trying to fit simple Poisson regressions, and I keep getting impossible results: the models predict negative numbers of cases for many observations. The code for the models are: Female.model <- glm(Observed ~ Black + Other, family = poisson(link=log),
2002 Aug 02
extracting data from a dataframe
Hi everyone, Here's a question about extracting data from a dataframe: Let's say I've got a dataframe with two vectors, TEST and GENDER. GENDER contains a 1 for males and 2 for females. I want to separate the results of TEST by GENDER so I can compare their means. What's the most efficient way to do this with R? -Tim -- Tim Wilson | Visit Sibley online: | Check out:
2010 Jan 21
Simple effects with Design / rms ols() function
Hi everyone, I'm having some difficulty getting "simple effects" for the ols() function in the rms package. The example below illustrates my difficulty -- I'll be grateful for any help. #make up some data exD <- structure(list(Gender = structure(c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L), .Label = c("F", "M"), class = "factor"),
2006 Nov 25
Multiple Conditional Tranformations
Greetings, I'm learning R and I'm stuck on a basic concept: how to specify a logical condition once and then perform multiple transformations under that condition. The program below is simplified to demonstrate the goal. Its results are exactly what I want, but I would like to check the logical state of gender only once and create both (or any number of) scores at once.
2013 Nov 20
How to stop Kaplan-Meier curve at a time point
Hello R users I have a question with Kaplan-Meier Curve with respect to my research. We have done a retrospective study on fillings in the tooth and their survival in relation to the many influencing factors. We had a long follow-up time (upto 8yrs for some variables). However, we decided to stop the analysis at the 6year follow up time, so that we can have uniform follow-up time for all the
2010 Dec 09
hi have a question about merging.
this is the problem: load this R data frame over the internet and save it to your hard drive. please show how to save a dataset of males only (the variable male=1) to a new dataframe. Then do the same thing for females (male=0). Then show how to recombine the two datasets to belike the original one except that the female
2012 Dec 30
Odds Ratio and Logistic Regression
Dear All, I am learning the ropes about logistic regression in R. I found some interesting examples but I am a bit lost. I have several questions. 1) For instance, what is the difference between glm.out = glm(response ~ poverty + gender, family=binomial(logit), data=mydata) and glm.out = glm(response ~ poverty * gender,
2004 Aug 05
cross random effects (more information abuot the data)
Dear friends, I have asked last few days about cross-random effects using PQL, but I have not receive any answer because might my question was not clear. My question was about analysing the salamander mating data using PQL. This data contain cross-random effects for (male) and for (female). By opining MASS and lme library. I wrote this code sala.glmm <- glmmPQL(fixed=y~WSf*WSM,
2008 Apr 03
coding for categorical variables with unequal observations
Hi, I am doing multiple regression, and have several X variables that are categorical. I read that I can use dummy or contrast codes for that, but are there any special rules when there're unequal #observations in each groups (4 females vs 7 males in a "gender" variable)? Also, can R generate these codes for me? THanks.
2011 Mar 10
Fw: random sampling steps in R with replacement
Please note is with replacement From: taby gathoni <> To: R help <> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:53 AM Subject: [R] random sampling steps in R Dear all, Could someone assist me in random sampling steps/code in R? I have a main sample of 42 males and 165 females and I want to come up with about 1000 samples of 20 males and 20 females from
2012 Oct 13
Replace column values in R conditional on values from different column
Dear List, I am working on a stats project and have been stumped by the issue of replacing values in a column conditional on values from a different column. I searched the forum and google in general, and was able to put some code together, but it's not working the way it's supposed to... I appreciate any help you can offer! A detailed description of the issue, and the code I came up
2023 Nov 04
I need to create new variables based on two numeric variables and one dichotomize conditional category variables.
I might have factored the gender. I'm not sure it would in any way be quicker. But might be to some extent easier to develop variations of. And is sort of what factors should be doing... # make dummy data gender <- c("Male", "Female", "Male", "Female") WC <- c(70,60,75,65) TG <- c(0.9, 1.1, 1.2, 1.0) myDf <- data.frame( gender, WC, TG ) #
2004 May 27
Getting the same values of adjusted mean and standard errors as SAS
Hello, I am trying to get the same values for the adjusted means and standard errors using R that are given in SAS for the following data. The model is Measurement ~ Age + Gender + Group. I can get the adusted means at the mean age by using predict. I do not know how to get the appropriate standard errors at the adjusted means for Gender using values from predict. So I attempted to get them
2013 Jan 06
random effects model
Hi A.K Regarding my question on comparing normal/ obese/overweight with blood pressure change, I did finally as per the first suggestion of stacking the data and creating a normal category . This only gives me a obese not obese 14, but when I did with the wide format hoping to get a obese14,normal14,overweight 14 Vs hibp 21, i could not complete any of the models. This time I classified obese=1
2010 Oct 20
Please help: ANOVA with SS Type III for unequal sample sized data
Dear R experts, I'm beginner. My question about ANOVA for unequal sample sized data should be obsolete but I can not clarify it. I have a dataset from 23 males and 18 females. I measured one condition('cond') with 4 levels. So I'd like to see main effect of gender, cond and gender by cond interaction and also postHoc test. (In fact, I have to do anova 90 times) * 1. Question
2007 Sep 20
Ambiguities in vector
Hello all you helpful people out there! I am stil R Beginner using R 2.5.1 on a Apple Power Book G4 with Mac OS X 10.4.10 . Perhaps you haven?t understood my question in the mail yesterday. So I will try to describe my problem in a different way You see the tables. I would like to test the variables between the tables. But for some variables in some species , I have more than 1