similar to: how to include an html file?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "how to include an html file?"

2006 Feb 23
how to output something from within <% %> tags?
simple question: how do I output something from within <% %> tags? e.g. like ''echo'' in PHP. I thought it would be ''puts'' or ''print'' but neither seems to work. right now I always close the %> and open a <%= which is tedious. -- Posted via
2006 Mar 02
How to identify the browser?
I need to generate some browser-specific code; can I identify which browser is being used from within my RoR code? -- Posted via
2006 Jun 08
No rhtml, rxml, or delegate template found
hi , i''m having a problem with rendering a partial , the partial is in the apps/view/polls folder with the name : _antwoorden_user.rhtml in the view i''m rendering it with <% if @user %> <%= render :partial => ''polls/antwoorden_user'', :locals => {:poll => @poll, :user => @user} %> <% else %> .... gives me the error => No
2007 Dec 07
strange error on mock proxy
I''m banging my head over this really strange error in a view test when I run "rake spec". The weird thing is that I don''t get the error when I run the spec file by itself. Here is the spec (I know, fixtures are the devil): describe "/units/new.html.erb here" do fixtures :units, :accounts, :groups it_should_behave_like
2007 May 30
Hi, I have a strange problem that only occurs on the production server. I''ve been banging my head for hours trying to figure it out with no success. Below is a copy of the error from the production log. ActionView::TemplateError (Expected /www/rails_apps/scanlan/current/ public/../config/../app/models/image.rb to define Image) on line #6 of app/views/admin/design/_record.rhtml: 3:
2007 Jul 19
NoMethodError in partial driving me mad
Hello, i simplified have a news model, a news category model and a news controller. my _news.rhtml partial renders a single news entry. in my controller there are the actions show and show_category. if the "show" action is called, a single news item is rendered through my partial with no errors. if the "show_category" action is called, i get a NoMethodError while displaying
2007 Oct 08
Rails reverses apostrophes
Hi, I am quite new to Ruby on Rails so this might have a very simple answer... My problem gives the following error message when I try to call the count function for an item. Mysql::Error: Unknown column ''TournamentTemplate'' in ''where clause'': SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM action_logs WHERE (action_logs.loggable_id = 1 AND action_logs.loggable_type =
2006 Mar 22
Rendering partials in ActionMailer?
Hello, Is anyone out there rendering partials successfully in ActionMailer templates? I am having trouble with this, and wasn''t sure if it was my configuration or something with a version of Rails I''m running. We''ve got over 15 mailer templates, all working like a charm. But we have a piece of shared code, that we''d really like to not have to copy &
2010 Mar 20
Problem with videos on heroku
Hi, I have recently moved my RoR app on the Heroku platform, and almost everything works fine apart from the videos. It works fine when my app runs in local but not on heroku. This is the error log I''m getting, if anyone knows where it can be coming from: Processing VideosController#new (for IP at 2010-03-20 04:32:09) [GET] Session ID: 6abecf60c3369d7c7029e366bb801e08 Parameters:
2010 Feb 15
help on how append html tag
Dear all, @doc = Hpricot(open("#{RAILS_ROOT}" + "/public/server_exe/#{list.file_path}")) i need to add <img src = "/ScreenCapture/#{@file_name}"/> element to my @doc hpricot instance.. Please help me... how can i add the above img src element to the @doc hpricot instance.. Thank you -- Posted via -- You received this message
2007 Jan 11
nil object while the required parameter are in the request
I''m having an application as follows. I have all the parameters for as object appended in the url. And there is an action in the controller like this def newlet render :layout=> false @product = if request.get? @product.title= params[:title] @product.description = params[:description] @product.primary_link = params[:primary_link]
2008 May 13
Problem geting web interface to work
Hi, i have installed CruiseControlRB 1.3.0. With no project added the web interface at localhost:3333 looks find. I have successfully added one of my projects (batch file which builds some c++ code) which is also building fine. But the web interface is no more working - i get the following message "Errno::EINVAL in Projects#index". I have attached a log (run with --trace) which
2006 Mar 07
Access flash from a model class?
I have a method that returns either a comment stored in the flash (if it exists) or a new comment. It works when I put it in my application controller: def preform_comment if flash[:badcomment].nil? comment = return comment else return flash[:badcomment] end end However it would be cleaner to put this in the Comment model, so I tried: def
2006 Feb 28
Can I let routes.rb take precedence over file names?
I''d like Rails to intercept the url''s of html pages in a certain directory so I can embed them in my site. I put them in public/pages and tried to catch them with a route like map.connect ''pages/:pagename'' However this only works if the file does not exist; e.g. "pages/test.html" will only be routed if that file doesn''t exist,
2008 Dec 17
Rails 2.2.2 and globalize - undefined method `render_file' for class `ActionView::Base' (NameError)
Looks like globalize (1.2) is not compatible with rails 2.2.2. I am getting: '' => Booting Mongrel (use ''script/server webrick'' to force WEBrick) => Rails 2.2.2 application starting on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server ** Starting Mongrel listening at ** Starting Rails with development environment...
2006 Mar 07
redirect after validation
I have a difficulty with something that makes me think I don''t understand an aspect of Rails what. I''ve made a sort of blog site, and under each article I show the comments and a comment form. The comment model validates whether the user has entered his name. When he hasn''t, I want to send him back to the form with his comment text still there. In the comment/create
2006 Jul 14
Using ActionView free style
ActionView is a very useful class, in its own right. But, calling it by itself causes a weird crash, exiting Ruby, without even raising an exception! ruby script/runner "begin; av =; av.render(:inline => ''Hi!''); rescue => e; puts e; end" just crashes Ruby. Same with render(:file => ''template.rhtml'') Why is this?
2007 Nov 03
Specs for Helpers that call render
The helper spec I am writing tests a helper method that calls render. ## module HelperHelper def render_partial render :partial => ''partial'' end end ## The helper spec. ## describe HelperHelper do it "should render partial" do render_partial.should_not == nil end end ## The output generated ## $ spec spec/helpers/home_helper_spec.rb .F 1)
2006 Jan 05
testing file uploads
Hi all, I was wondering about the class used when rails receives file uploads. Sometimes it appears to be a File, and other times it is a StringIO. Also it has methods such as original_filename that don''t appear to belong to either of these classes. I ask because I''m trying to work out how to test my fil upload related models and controllers. Is there some standardised way of
2006 Jun 26
Using a partial multiple times in a view
Hi, im trying to execute multiple cmds in a method that use the same view which has multiple calls to the same partial inside it. However i cant get it to work correctly, so any help here would be appreciated heres the controller code def index cmd_df = "df -Ph" exec_cmd(cmd_df) cmd_sys = "uname -a" exec_cmd(cmd_sys) end private def exec_cmd(cmd)