Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "behavior of weights in nnet's multinom()"
2003 Nov 06
for help about R--probit
Not real data. It was gererated randomly. The original codes are the following:
n <- 500
x1 <- rnorm(n,0,1)
x2 <- rchisq(n,df=3,ncp=0)-3
sigma <- 1
u1 <- rnorm(n,0,sigma)
ylatent1 <-x1+x2+u1
y1 <- (ylatent1 >=0) # create the binary indicator
2003 Jul 30
nested for() loops for returning a nearest point
I'm trying to do the following:
For each ordered pair of a data frame (D1) containing longitudes and
latitudes and unique point IDs, calculate the distance to every point in
another data frame (D2) also containing longitudes, latitudes and point
IDs, and return to a new variable in D1 the point ID of the nearest
element of D2.
Dramatis personae (mostly self-explanatory):
2004 Feb 06
more or less pager
(forgive my return adres)
I've been breaking my head why R---which i find fabulous, by the
way---does not pipe interactive output through a pager (more or less),
like it does with help(), or like GNU Octave does with arrays with more
than terminal height rows.
Maybe it is my installation (Debian/GNU Linux). Maybe it is my
configuration, but i don't think so because with
2010 Oct 08
R: Why this deosn't work?, matrix, rounding error?
Why this works:
ncota <- 1
nslope <- 29
resul <- matrix(rep(0,ncota*nslope*4),ncota*nslope,4)
But this doesn't?
ncota <- 1
sini <- 0.1; sfin <- 1.5; spaso <- 0.05; nslope <- 1+((sfin-sini)/spaso)
resul <- matrix(rep(0,ncota*nslope*4),ncota*nslope,4)
I guess the problem is that the division gives a noninteger number.
How can I get the second one work?
2010 Nov 17
Drop non-integers
Hello all,
I have a fairly simple data manipulation question. Say I have a dataframe
like this:
dat <- as.data.frame(runif(7, 3, 5))
dat$cat <- factor(c("1","4","13","1","4","13","13A"))
runif(7, 3, 5) cat
1 3.880020 1
2 4.062800 4
3 4.828950 13
4 4.761850 1
5 4.716962 4
2001 Aug 01
glm() with non-integer responses
A question about the inner workings of glm() and dpois():
Suppose I call
glm(y ~ x, family=poisson, weights = w)
where y contains NON-INTEGER (but still nonnegative) values.
(a) Does glm() still correctly maximise
the weighted Poisson loglikelihood ?
(i.e. the function given by the same formal expression as the
weighted loglikelihood of independent Poisson variables Y_i
except that the
2008 Apr 17
glm(quasipoisson) with non-integer response
I have count data that have been meddled with enough to make them non
integers. Using glm(poisson) returns a "non integer" error but
glm(quasipoisson) does not. Just wondering if anyone knows if I am
violating the assumptions of a quasipoisson error structure by using
these non-integer response data?
Thanks! I'd welcome your thoughts and/or references...
2004 Nov 25
(PR#7393) Re: dhyper() does not allow non-integer values for
>>>>> "PD" == Peter Dalgaard <p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk>
>>>>> on 24 Nov 2004 18:32:15 +0100 writes:
PD> tlumley@u.washington.edu writes:
>> > > dhyper() does not allow non-integer values for input
>> parameters m and n.
>> >
>> > this is in contrast to the other functions in the
2012 Nov 02
stepAIC and AIC question
I have a question about stepAIC and extractAIC and why they can
produce different answers.
Here's a stepAIC result (slightly edited - I removed the warning
about noninteger #successes):
stepAIC(glm(formula = (Morbid_70_79/Present_70_79) ~ 1 + Cohort +
Cohort2, family = binomial, data = ghs_70_79, subset =
ghs_70_full),direction = c("backward"))
Start: AIC=3151.41
2004 Nov 24
(PR#7393) Re: dhyper() does not allow non-integer values for
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On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 Erik.Jorgensen@agrsci.dk wrote:
> dhyper() does not allow non-integer
2011 Jun 01
Identifying sequences
Hallo Everybody
Consider the following vector
I need a function that can tell me that there are three set of continuos
sequences and that the first is from 1:10, the second from 20:30 and the
third from 40:50. In other words: a,b, and c.
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2009 Feb 10
survival package
R core team -
It took far, far longer than I anticipated, but I have finally finished the
next release of the survival code. Primary changes
1. The source has been migrated to Rforge. This will now be the primary
source. I've used SCCS -> rcs -> cvs and now svn. Further changes will be
someone else's problem. I expect that maintaince will now begin to migrate
to a larger
2009 Feb 24
multinom() and multinomial() interpretation
Hello and thanks in advance for any advice.
I am not clear how, in practice, the multinom() function in nnet and the
multinomial() function in VGAM differ in terms of interpretation. I
understand that they are fit differently. Are there certain scenarios where
one is more appropriate than the other? In my case I have a dependent
variable with 4 categories and 1 binary and 4 continuous
2004 May 17
residuals in multinom
is there a possibility to calculate the different "types" of residuals
directly using the multinom function from MASS as it is possible for the
functions gam, glm
using type="deviance" or "working" or "pearson" or "response"? I tried it
but got always the "response" type, I guess.
2008 Aug 11
checking if multinom converged
Is anyone aware of a way to check whether multinom has converged by
checking a component of the output ? I'm
not familar with nnet but, since multinom calls nnet , maybe there is an
extra argument once can send to multinom to capture this
information. Thanks.
2005 Nov 17
access standard errors from multinom model
Dear R users,
I'm using a multinomial LOGIT model to analyse choice behaviour of consumers
(as part of my masters thesis research).
Using the R documentation and search on the R website I have a working
script now.
Parameters are estimated and I can access them via
In order to see if the parameters are significant I like to access the
standard errors in the
2012 Nov 10
colineraity among categorical variables (multinom)
Dear all users,
I"d like to ask you how to make decision about colinearity among
categorical independent variables
when the model is multinomial logistic regression.
Any help is appreciated,
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2004 Oct 28
polr versus multinom
I am searching for methods to compare regression models with an ordered
categorical response variable (polr versus multinom).
The pattern of predictions of both methods (using the same predictor
variables) is quite different and the AIC is smaller for the multinom
approach. I guess polr has more strict premises for the structure of the
response variable, which methods can be used to test for
2003 Nov 19
multinom question
I'd like to fit a multinomial log-linear model for 4 categories of the
log[(P(D=i | X)/P(D=0 | X)] = alpha_i + X beta_i ; i=1,2,3
but with beta_1 constrained to zero. Is there a way to impose such a
constraint in the multinom function?
Brad McNeney email: mcneney at stat.sfu.ca
2004 Nov 02
Confident intervals in multinom
Dear R help list,
i'm using multinom (nnet), the results given to me is
the coefficients and std errors.
Is there a way to obtain directly (or in an export to
latex) the odd-ratio (exp(B)) and it's confident
thanks very much for your help
Pierre-Henry Miquel
Universit?? de Lille 2 (M??decine)
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