similar to: convergence diagnostic test in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "convergence diagnostic test in R"

2005 Jan 25
CODA vs. BOA discrepancy
Dear List: the CODA and BOA packages for the analysis of MCMC output yield different results on two dignostic test of convergence: 1) Geweke's convergence diagnostic; 2) Heidelberger and Welch's convergence diagnostic. Does that imply that the CODA and BOA packages implement different ``flavors'' of the same test? I paste below an example. Geweke's test
2006 Jun 23
command line boa problems...
Greetings - For a number of reasons, I'm moving from CODA to BOA - and I have one or two really basic, boa-newbie questions. While I have the 'menu-driven' version of boa working fine (most recent version, running under R 2.3.1 on a Windows machine), for the life of me I can't seem to get some basic boa.xxxx command-line functions to work at all. Even things like
2011 Mar 01
more boa plots questions
I have MCMC output chains A and B for example, I want to produce trace plots for them using the boa command line... #loads boa boa.init() #reads in chains boa.chain.add(boa.importMatrix('A'), 'A') boa.chain.add(boa.importMatrix('B'), 'B') #plot trace plot problems arise here! I know I can get trace plots using boa.plot('trace') but this plots the parameter
2019 Aug 12
dns_tkey_gssnegotiate: TKEY is unacceptable
On 12/08/2019 20:19, Joachim Lindenberg wrote: > Hi Rowland, > did read, actually cited the page it myself, but didn?t help me to identify the cause. > Kerberos credentials exists, dns users exists, file permission are correct. So either that is insufficient or I am blind.. > Regards, Joachim > > -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- > Von: samba <samba-bounces at
2019 Jul 19
replication stuck?
Until yesterday replication between my two DCs (boa and cobra) was running fine. Now I am observing one direction boa->cobra being stuck. I noticed this with a missing update of a DNS entry, but samba-tool drs showrepl confirms? Output of cobra shows plenty entries like the following (including just he first of each type): ==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ====
2019 Jul 20
replication stuck?
I figured it out myself. The kerberos configuration on the old dc cobra was bad ? no clue why it worked at all until yesterday. After fixing it, testing with kinit, and restarting the dc processes it resumed replication. Joachim Von: Joachim Lindenberg <samba at> Gesendet: Friday, 19 July 2019 16:54 An: samba at Betreff: replication stuck? Until
2019 Aug 12
dns_tkey_gssnegotiate: TKEY is unacceptable
I installed a third DC today. Replication works find, but as systemctl status samba-ad-dc showed an error w.r.t. dnsupdate I was running samba_dnsupdate ?verbose. Below is the output. It looks like there are some missing DNS records, but what are potential causes of this error: dns_tkey_gssnegotiate: TKEY is unacceptable I already checked what?s listed @
2009 Feb 04
chi squared goodness of fit test with R
Dear R users, I am a master student in Mathematics and I am writing my thesis in statistics. I need to use R and unfortunately I do not have any experience with a computer program. Could you please help me about chi squared goodness of fit test with R? In R-help website I saw a message about how to do that but I do not know how to cut the data into bins and calculate the expected numbers in each
2005 Jan 06
nls - convergence problem
Dear list, I do have a problem with nls. I use the following data: >test time conc dose 0.50 5.40 1 0.75 11.10 1 1.00 8.40 1 1.25 13.80 1 1.50 15.50 1 1.75 18.00 1 2.00 17.00 1 2.50 13.90 1 3.00 11.20 1 3.50 9.90 1 4.00 4.70 1 5.00 5.00 1 6.00 1.90 1 7.00 1.90 1 9.00 1.10 1 12.00 0.95 1 14.00
2009 Jul 08
linear regression and testing the slope
Dear All, First of all I would like to say I do not have much knowledge about this subject, so most of you can find it really easy. I am doing a linear regression and I want to test if the slope of the curve is 0. R gives the summary statistics: Call: lm(formula = x ~ s) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.025096 -0.020316 -0.001203 0.011658 0.044970 Coefficients:
2009 Mar 25
histogram plots with many different samples
Dear R users, I would like to draw some histograms as seen in the page whose address I wrote below. I searched through the web a lot and I found a page which describes how I can do it for older versions of R. For newer versions they recommend to install the package R.basics in R.clusters but this does not exist. The address of the web page is
2005 Jan 24
Follow-up on nls convergence failure with SSfol
A couple of weeks ago there was a question regarding apparent convergence in nls when using the SSfol selfStart model for fitting a first-order pharmacokinetic model. I can't manage to find the original message either in my archive or in the list archives but the data were time conc dose 0.50 5.40 1 0.75 11.10 1 1.00 8.40 1 1.25 13.80 1 1.50 15.50 1
2020 Oct 22
new dc does not allow login..?
On 22/10/2020 19:49, Joachim Lindenberg wrote: > Password for Administrator at SAMBA.LINDENBERG.ONE: > > Failed to bind to uuid 50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076 for ncacn_ip_tcp:[49153,sign,,abstract_syntax=50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076/0x00000005,localaddress=] NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE > ERROR: Connecting
2019 Jul 30
split horizon and authoritative answers..?
Hai, Have you ever tried this with a systemd networking setup. I suggest you try this, this at least helped me with some split dns issues. Below shows how i did it. Configure you network with system, the configs.. #/etc/systemd/network/ # # Configure global settings in /etc/systemd/*.conf # # Dont forget : rm /etc/resolv.conf && ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf
2010 May 11
nls() and nls2() behavior?
first, apologies for so many posts yesterday and today. I am wrestling with nls() and nls2(). I have tried to whittle it down to a simple example that still has my problem, yet can be cut-and-pasted into R. here it is: library(nls2) options(digits=12); y= c(0.4334,0.3200,0.5848,0.6214,0.3890,0.5233,0.4753,0.2104,0.3240,0.2827,0.3847,0.5571,0.5432,0.1326,0.3481) x=
2010 Aug 18
Fwd: \ell symbol (log-likelihood)
I sent this privately to ivo welch yesterday, and he thinks it might be useful to someone else as well. Since I'm on a Mac the screen device is quartz(): > quartz() > plot( c(0,1), c(0,1) ); > text( 0.5, 0.5, "\u2113" ) # and then File/Save As/ -- David. Begin forwarded message: > From: David Winsemius <dwinsemius at> > Date: August 17,
2012 Jul 26
PCM() non-convergence problem: how to get diagnostics?
I am attempting to fit a partial credit model using the PCM() function in eRm. My data set comprises 88 items in 43 individuals with possible scores 0,1,2,3. Attempting either a PCM or RSM model fit simply hangs - no error messages but no return to command prompt and a continuously spinning "work in progress" indicator. The scores are from an instrument whose relevant psychometrics
2011 Mar 17
Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostics via coda package
Dear, I'm trying to run diagnostics on MCMC analysis (fitting a log-linear model to rates data). I'm getting an error message when trying Gelman-Rubin shrink factor plot: >gelman.plot(out) Error in chol.default(W) : the leading minor of order 2 is not positive definite I take it that somewhere, somehow a matrix is singular, but how can that be remedied? My code: library(rjags)
2014 Jun 18
Please help me understand what values of FFMPEG's "compression_level" preset generate subset FLAC stream and what not-subset?
Please help me understand what values of FFMPEG's "compression_level" preset generate subset FLAC stream and what not-subset? Default value of compression_level for FFMPEG's FLAC encoder is 5. FLAC specific encoder parameters: Encoder flac [FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)]: Threading capabilities: no Supported sample formats: s16 s32 FLAC encoder AVOptions:
2024 Sep 11
Upgrade 4.19 to 4.20 defunct
I upgraded one of my DCs from 4.19 to 4.20 using Michaels repository ( jammy/samba-4.20/), and the DC is now no longer responding. systemctl status samba-ad-dc returns: ? samba-ad-dc.service - LSB: Samba daemons for the AD DC Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/samba-ad-dc; generated) Active: active (exited) since Wed 2024-09-11 02:38:32 UTC; 3h 29min