similar to: multinomial logit discrete choice model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "multinomial logit discrete choice model"

2005 Nov 21
Multinomial Nested Logit package in R?
Dear R-Help, I'm hoping to find a Multinomial Nested Logit package in R. It would be great to find something analogous to "PROC MDC" in SAS: > The MDC (Multinomial Discrete Choice) procedure analyzes models > where the > choice set consists of multiple alternatives. This procedure > supports conditional logit, > mixed logit, heteroscedastic extreme value,
2011 Apr 10
Multinomial Logit Model with lots of Dummy Variables
Hi All, I am attempting to build a Multinomial Logit model with dummy variables of the following form: Dependent Variable : 0-8 Discrete Choices Dummy Variable 1: 965 dummy varsghpow at Dummy Variable 2: 805 dummy vars The data set I am using has the dummy columns pre-created, so it's a table of 72,381 rows and 1770 columns. The first 965 columns represent
2007 Jul 19
multinomial logit estimation
Good morning, I'd like to estimate a simple multinomial logit model in R (not a McFadden conditional logit). For instance, I'd like to estimate the probability of someone having one of eight titles in a company with the independent variables being the company characteristics. A binary logit is well documented. What about the multinomial? Thanks, Walt Paczkowski
2011 Dec 23
Latent class multinomial (or conditional) logit using R?
Hi everyone? Does anybody know how can I estimate a Latent class multinomial (or conditional) logit using R? I have tried flexmix, poLCA, and they do not seem to support this model. thanks in advance adan -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 Oct 08
unordered multinomial logistic regression (or logit model) with repeated measures (I think)
I am attempted to examine the temporal independence of my data set and think I need an unordered multinomial logistic regression (or logit model) with repeated measures to do so. The data in question is location of chickens. Chickens could be in any one of 5 locations when a snapshot sample was taken. The locations of chickens (bird) in 8 pens (pen) were scored twice a day (AMPM) for 20 days
2012 Mar 21
Multinomial Logit data arrangement
Dear all, I am having a hard time attempting to do a multinomial logit modeling in R. I am trying to analyze a dataset whereby there are 3 scenarios with 4 difference choice parameters. In particular ? I am having a hard time arranging this into a .csv format. What sorts of headings should I put in the column headers to reflect the variables and parameters for the total number of choice made
1999 Mar 15
multinomial logit model
Dear R users, I would like to know if there is a package in R that estimates multinomial logit models (without using surrogate Poisson models) -or even better- nested multinomial logit models? I am using the Windows version of R (Windows 95). To my understanding, the S package called nnet does that, but it seems not to work in R. Thanking in advance for any help, Marjo Pyy-Martikainen
2009 May 26
NNET conditional Multinomial logit
Please, could you tell me how to enter a mixed or a purely conditional multinomial logit model in NNET. I know how to do a multinomial logit in NNET but I don't know how to do conditional or mixed models using this package. I do know how to do this with VGAM - but would like to compare my results to those obtained by NNET. Thanks. Raffaele.
2003 Jul 15
Multinomial Logit with multiple groups
Hi, I am inexperienced with ML and R so please be tolerant :) I am trying to replicate the method I have seen in a paper without success. If my understanding is correct (a big 'IF') it seems to use Multinomial Logit on multiple groups of various sizes, with 'nature' selecting the choice (the winner) - then uses Maximum Likelihood to optimise the parameters to produce a model for
2011 Dec 21
Estimating a latent class multinomial logit regression with flexmix
I am trying to estimate a latent class multinomial logit regression with flexmix. I am not sure if I should do it as follows: m4<-flexmix(cbind(y,1-y)~x1+x2|id,model=FLXMRglm(family="binomial"),data=NPreg,k=2) , where id links each row with the corresponding respondent. Each respondent has 4 alternatives to chose from. y takes the value 1 only for the alternative chosen; x1 and
2011 Jan 31
Latent Class Logit Models in discrete choice experiments
Dear R users, I would like to perform Latent Class Logit Models for the analysis of choice experiments in environmental valuation. This kind of analysis is usually performed with NLogit Software ( I attach the results I usually obtain using NLogit and NLogit model specifications. For Random parameter models and Logit Models I usually perform my analysis with the package
2009 Jan 07
Multinomial Logit Model
I'm attempting to creat multinomial logistic regression model using the following code: mlogit<- vglm(ME ~ HIST,family=multinomial(),na.action = na.pass) ME (dependent variable) has three levels (0,1,2) How do I declare a reference outcome (either 0,1,2)?
2005 Sep 08
Multinomial Logit and p-values
Hi, I am trying to obtain p-values for coefficient estimates in a multinomial logit model. Although I am able to test for significance using other methods (e.g., Wald statistics), I can't seem to get R to give me simple p-values. I am sure there is a very simple solution to this, but the R archives seem to have nothing on this issue. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance! Best,
2003 Jan 24
Multinomial Logit Models
Hi I am wanting to fit some multinomial logit models (multinom command in package nnet) Is it possible to do any model checking techniques on these models e.g. residual, leverage etc. I cannot seem to find any commands that will allow me to do this. Many thanks ---------------------- L.E.Gross L.E.Gross at
2008 Apr 11
Multinomial Logit Regression
Hi all, I have a dataset with a response variable with three categories (1, 2, 3) and a lot of continuous variables. I'd like to make a MLR with these variables. I've been watching the libraries nnet and zelig for this purpose but I don't understand them well. I use a training sample data to make the MLR. train.set <- sample(1:1000,1000*0.7) I have done this: library(nnet) net
2010 Nov 18
Mixed multinomial logit model (mlogit script)
Dear all, I am trying to run a mixed multinomial logit model in R since my response variable has 4 non-ordinal categories. I am using the package mlogit that estimates the parameters by maximum likelihood methods. First of all, I prepared my data using the command. In the mlogit command, one can introduce alternative-specific (fixed factors??) and individual-specific (random
2009 Jul 21
Function for Estimating Fractional Multinomial Logit Model?
I need to estimate a model that predicts the proportional split of travel among the vehicles of a household based on vehicle characteristics such as age, fuel economy, and travel cost per mile. The model estimation dataset has a record for each household vehicle with information about the vehicle, the household, and the proportion of the total household vehicle travel using that vehicle. I have
2003 Jan 29
multinomial conditional logit models
A multinomial logit model can be specified as a conditional logit model after restructuring the data. Doing so gives flexibility in imposing restrictions on the dependent variable. One application is to specify a loglinear model for square tables, e.g. quasi-symmetry or quasi-independence, as a multinomial logit model with covariates. Further details on this technique and examples with several
2011 Jan 18
multinomial choice modeling with mlogit
Hi all, Does anyone knows how to handle ordered preferences applying the R package mlogit (multinomial logit model)? My data set provides for each customer preferences (given as percentages) for 6 different brands. I would like to use for model calibration not just that brand with maximum stated preference. I know that ordered preferences can be used in the R package MNP (multinomial Probit
2011 Jan 06
Different LLRs on multinomial logit models in R and SPSS
Hello, after calculating a multinomial logit regression on my data, I compared the output to an output retrieved with SPSS 18 (Mac). The coefficients appear to be the same, but the logLik (and therefore fit) values differ widely. Why? The regression in R: set.seed(1234) df <- data.frame( "y"=factor(sample(LETTERS[1:3], 143, repl=T, prob=c(4, 1, 10))), "a"=sample(1:5,