similar to: using getBioC()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "using getBioC()"

2006 Feb 01
GetBioC install issue
Hi, I am trying to install the BioC package from bioconductor onto a Windows Server 2003 machine. I can connect to bioconductor and when I run the getBioC("affy","release") function it starts to download but then it stops with the following error: Error: unable to create temporary directory 'C:\Program Files\R\R-2.2.1\release\file1eb26e9' The download just ends
2006 Apr 23
converting similarity matrix formats
Dear all, I am using a program that generates similarity matrices in the following non-redundant pairwise format. a b 0.4 a c 0.5 a d 0.3 b c 0.9 b d 0.6 c d 0.2 matrix(c('a','a','a','b','b','c','b','c','d','c','d','d',.4,.5,.3,.9,.6,.2),byrow=F,nrow=6) I would like to convert this to a
2004 Oct 12
R/BioConductor error (PR#7282)
Full_Name: H Deshmukh Version: 2.0 OS: 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( Can somebody tell me what is it that i am doing wrong,i was not sure whether to post BioConductor error here or not. Thanks >source("") > getBioC(libName = "all") Running getBioC version 1.2.65.... If you encounter problems, first make sure that
2006 Sep 03
Unexpected source() behavior in R-devel
Why am I seeing the following in R-devel (sept 2, 2006 build) on opensuse 10.1? I'm sure it is something simple I am missing, but I just don't see it (output below). Thanks, Sean > readLines(url("")) [1] "source(\"\")" [2] ""
2003 Jul 24
R won't connect to the internet on Linux!
OK, I really am struggling with this one! Forgive me if I am being stupid.... I am running R 1.7.1 on Suse Linux 8.1. I connect to the internet through a proxy so I have: IAHC-LINUX03:~ # echo $http_proxy IAHC-LINUX03:~ # echo $HTTP_PROXY just in case ;-) SO, i go into R and I get: >
2005 Jan 27
Help with R and Bioconductor
Hi, I am new to using R and Bioconductor. My first attempt at installing R seemed successful. Then while attempting to getBioC() I had to force quit the R application since I had to attend to something else urgently. When i returned and tried to getBioC, I am getting errors indicating that there is a lock on some files. So i would like to uninstall/remove all R components and Bioconductor
2007 Apr 27
R-2.5.0 install
I am receiving the following errors when trying to install gcrma and a number of other Bioconductor packages when the installWithVers flag is set to be TRUE. >source(""); >getBioC("gcrma", installWithVers=T); Running biocinstall version 2.0.7 with R version 2.5.0 Your version of R requires version 2.0 of Bioconductor. Loading
2004 Jan 09
pb with install
dear all, I try to update my Rversion fro 1.7.1 to 1.8.1 on linux. I have a problem when I try to install pacakges from Bioconductors with : source("") and getBioC(relLevel="release") somme errors append and when I make a library(affy) for example I obtain : > library(affy) Error in setIs("character",
2005 Oct 19
Unix proxy and firewall problems
I was trying to install R on a unix server. Because of a firewall i can't install biocLite for working with Bioconductor. With windows it wasn't a problem. I used the option '--internet2' to bypass the firewall. I don't have any idea, how to do it with unix. I tried to set my proxy >Sys.putenv("http_proxy"="http...:8080")
2009 Nov 21
Fw: Re: title problem
It seems that there is a problem in displaying subtitle in general, independently from multi-plot display. when I do plot (c(1,2,3), c(9,8,7), type = "l") title(main = "Main title", sub ="Sub title",cex.main=2, cex.sub = 2) subtitle doesn't get displayed > --- On Sat, 11/21/09, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at> > wrote: >
2001 Nov 20
using samba to serve the whole tree of home directories
I'm trying to use samba to serve a number of home directories to other samba Linux clients on my network. ie. I have a set of client machines that want to use the /home directory that my samba server will provide I thought I could set up a share that goes something like this [homedirs] path = /home writable = true On a client machine, I smbmount //myserver/homedirs
2008 Nov 04
Is SIPPEER curcalls working for you ?
Hi, In this thread , I wondered whether SIPPEER curcalls was working. I could test this anew today. Here are my findings : Alice, Bob and Carol ar all using SIP Phones. Whenever Alice is calling Bob, - if Carol is calling Alice, SIPPEER(Alice:curcalls) equals 0 - if Carol is calling Bob, SIPPEER(Bob:curcalls) equals 1
2012 Jul 20
function for inverse normal transformation
Hi, What is the function for inverse normal transformation? Thanks, Carol [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jan 20
Conditional pluralize without the number
Hi. Assume you have an array of person names. I want to generate results in my view that look like this: Abby is your friend or Abby, Bob, and Carol are your friends. So I''d like to say: <%= friends.to_sentence %> <%= pluralize(friends.count, "is") %> your <%= pluralize(friends.count, "friend") %> But because pluralize puts in the
2009 Sep 01
numerical summaries across variables.
Hi Every one, I have a dataframe "class" with "name", "sex", "age", "height", "Weight". if i caluclate summary statistics with the below code numSummary(class[,c("Height", "Weight")], groups=class$Name, statistics=c("mean", "sd", "quantiles"), quantiles=c(0, .25,.5,.75,1)) iam getting
2010 Apr 22
time difference
Hi, Does anyone know how to take a time difference when the format of the time is as 13:22:23.586? I am trying to take the difference of time between stock transactions and need to keep the three decimal places for seconds. I have tried *diff(strptime(x, "%H:%M:%S.000))*, but apperantly that doesn't work. Carol Gao [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 09
plot the same types of graphics on the same R graphic device
Hi, How to plot the same types of graphics on the same R graphic device? Suppose that we want to plot a vector y against x (using plot for instance). How is it possible to plot y against x for different values of these two vectors on the same device so that the plots could be compared? Cheers, Carol [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jan 29
Asterisk's DANGEROUS Transfer CDR's
Hi All, PLEASE READ if you depend on Asterisk CDR's and support transfers. Apologies for the shout but I'm desperate to get others to agree Asterisk has a big problem with the CDR's that are generated for transfers. I can understand why not too many people are interested as transfers are complicated and messy. However for those of us having to support transfers and depending on
2003 Jul 25
R won't connect to the internet on SUSE Linux 8.1
Hi Thanks once again for your help, I do appreciate it..... however.... Here is what I get with your test.... (under tcsh - i normally use bash, but I will keep everything the same) users/mwatson> env http_proxy= R >options( >update.packages() trying URL `' unable to connect to
2009 Nov 21
title problem
Hi, I got problem in using title function to create a title for multiple plots presented together by par. As can be seen in the attached file, the title is displayed truncated and the subtitle doesn't get displayed. Here is the code: par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(c(1,2,3), c(9,8,7)) plot(c(1,2,3), c(9,8,7)) title(main = "Main title", sub ="Sub title",outer = TRUE,