Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "bold AND italic as font in text()"
2003 May 22
extract half a matrix
Dear all,
I'm new to matrix operations in R. I couln't find a solution to the
following problem among earlier help mails or in An introd to R, I guess
because the question is really basic.
I want to extract all above the diagonal, i.e. from
1 2 3 4
1 0 26 49 49
2 26 0 44 40
3 49 44 0 21
4 49 40 21 0
I want
Thanks in advance!
2003 Jan 02
replace NA with factor class
Dear all,
I have a tree data matrix. For some trees I lack info about tree species,
but I want to set them to be spruce. For some reason the tree species names
on the remaining (non-NA) rows are changed into numbers (that I do not
I guess that ifelse is not the correct function to use, but I have not
found any better one in my searches.
Thanks in advance!
2002 Jan 04
line up a matrix
Dear all,
I try to rearrange my ref. database (now in Excel!! :( ) for importing it
into a reference manager program (RIS format).
My file basically look like this [3,4]-matrix:
rbind(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), c("e", "f", "g", "h"), c("i", "j", "k", "l"))
[,1] [,2] [,3]
2003 Nov 23
remove 0 rows from a data frame
Dear all,
As part of a larger function, I am randomly removing rows from a data
frame. The number of removed rows is determmined by a Poisson distribution
with a low mean. Sometimes, the random number is 0, and that's when the
problem starts:
My data frame:
> temp
occ x y dbh age
801 0 2977.196 3090.225 6 36.0
802 0 2951.892 3083.769 8 40.6
803 0 2919.111
2003 Dec 07
par(las = 1) not possible in polymap(), library(splancs)?
Dear all,
I want my PhD thesis which I hand in tomorrow to look even nicer:
Does polymap in the splancs library not allow horizontal plotting of
y-labels? I have tried
polymap(studyarea, xlab = "x (m)", ylab = "y (m)", las = 1)
but it doesn't change the labels?
Mayby some function in library(spatstat) support las?
2003 Feb 05
simplify a data frame
Dear all,
For the past three hours I have tried simplify a data frame. I would be
really happy if someone could help solving this, I'm sure simple, problem.
I want to "aggregate" the data frame:
ObjektID BalteNummer Baltessegment
S.13 S.13.1 S.13.1.2
S.13 S.13.1 S.13.1.3
S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.1
S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.2
S.13 S.13.2 S.13.2.3
S.13 S.13.3 S.13.3.6
S.13 S.13.3 S.13.3.7
2003 Oct 20
warning from return() in 1.8 but not in 1.7.0 (PR#4687)
To whom it may concern,
I get the following message when I run my function:
Warning message:
multi-argument returns are deprecated in: return(call.fn, repl, time, from,
to, last.year, occup.m, ant.occ.m,
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major 1
minor 8.0
2003 Jan 22
Error when using polr() in MASS
Dear all,
I get an error message when I use polr() in MASS. These are my data:
skugg grupp frekv
4 1 gr3 0
5 2 gr3 3
6 3 gr3 6
10 1 gr5 1
11 2 gr5 12
12 3 gr5 1
> summary(polr(skugg ~ grupp, weights=frekv, data= skugg.cpy1.dat))
Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) :
2003 Oct 08
binomial glm warnings revisited
Dear all,
Last autumn there was some discussion on the list of the warning
Warning message:
fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: (if
(is.empty.model(mt)) glm.fit.null else glm.fit)(x = X, y = Y,
when fitting binomial GLMs with many 0 and few 1.
Parts of replies:
"You should be able to tell which coefficients are infinite -- the
coefficients and their standard errors will
2003 Jul 31
how as.numeric() !-> factor
Dear all,
I have divided two vectors:
Np.occup97.98<- as.data.frame(cbind(site = levels(sums$site),
Np.occup97.98 = sums$Ant.Nptrad97.98/Ant.trad$Ant.trad97.98))
> Np.occup97.98
site Np.occup97.98
1 erken97 0.342592592592593
2 erken98 0.333333333333333
3 rormyran 0.48471615720524
4 valkror 0.286026200873362
However, at a later stage of the analysis I want
2001 Nov 21
distances from points to line
Dear all,
I have discovered that there are many things that I used to do in my GIS
which are easily done directly in R, for example calculating interpoint
distances using geoR and pick out points inside a polygon using splancs.
I now wonder, is there a function to create a line object like a
watercourse and then calculate the distances between many points in space
and this line?
I couldn't
2001 May 27
library for mixed GLM?
Dear all,
I am taking a course in GLM given by a devoted SAS user. He has given us a
homework where a mixed GLM with a logistic link and binomially distributed
observations should be fitted.
I know of the library nlme for mixed effect models but as I understand it,
one cannot choose between different links and distributions in the
functions provided there.
I have so far managed very well with
2003 Jan 02
aggregate: "sum" not meaningful for factors
Dear all,
I try to summarise my data per category using aggregate, but for some
reason I get the error message "sum" not meaningful for factors even though
my vector is numeric. The data set is shown below.
Could someone please give a hint.
Thanks in advance!
> names(test)
[1] "ObjektID" "tallstubbyta"
> is.factor(test$ObjektID);
2003 Jan 16
problem with as.data.frame.table
Dear all,
I think that what I want is an as.data.frame.table-object, but see error
message below.
I have a data frame with one tree per row, diaclass tells if it is a small,
mid or large tree
> cpy.tradart[1:5, ]
ObjektID diaclass
1 AX.Grb.1 bigdia
2 AX.Grb.1 middia
3 AX.Grb.1 middia
4 AX.Grb.1 smalldia
5 AX.Grb.1 middia
I want a data frame telling no of trees per diameter
2000 Jun 22
NAs introduced when changing data type
Hi all,
I am trying to change data type in the Data Editor but when I do, all
numbers in the column changes to NA and back in the Console I get the
warning message "NAs introduced by coercion".
What's wrong? The table consists of 95 columns and 470 rows.
******New e-mail address: Tord.Snall at
2003 Sep 09
tree mortality risk model using glm()
Dear all,
I've used glm(family=binomial(link="logit")) several times, but now I think
that a log link is more appropriate.
I want to fit a model for probability of tree fall (TF)), with tree
diameter (dbh) and soil moisure (soil) as predictors. A large number of
trees have been checked every second year whether they stand up (0) or have
fallen (1).
I assume that the tree fall
2003 May 05
Error in library(MASS) : package/namespace load failed
Dear all,
I have installed 1.7.0 on my Win XP and want to use MASS. But I get this
error message:
> library(MASS)
Error in namespaceExport(ns, exports) : undefined exports: abbey,
accdeaths, Aids2, Animals, anorexia, austres, bacteria, beav1, beav2,
biopsy, birthwt, ...
Error in library(MASS) : package/namespace load failed
I therefore again downloaded VR.zip. When I extracted the files I
2001 Oct 04
sort data.frame and contour()
Dear all,
I would like to know if there is a function for sorting a data.frame based
on one column. sort() does it for a single vector but not for the whole
data. order() does it if there are relations between the columns but in my
case it is simply a data.frame.
Further, I would like to plot other data,
pop.size<- c(800, 800, 1500, 1000, 158, 300, 740, 250, 2000, 1500, 250, 700)
2002 Mar 05
newbie: remove column with low mean from a matrix
Dear all,
Sorry to bother you with one more newbie question.
I have a dataobject with several hundreds of columns. I want to remove
columns with a mean of the column values below a certain value:
> a<- c(1,2,3,4,5,6)
> b<-c(2,4,6,8,10,12)
> c<- c(3,6,9,12,15,18)
> test<- as.matrix(cbind(a, b, c))
> mean(a)
[1] 3.5
> mean(b)
[1] 7
> mean(c)
[1] 10.5
Say the
2003 Feb 25
Dear all,
I have used polr in MASS but I am uncertain about the summary(polr.object)
interpretation and would be happy for help on that. This is my summary:
> summary(shade.polr)
Re-fitting to get Hessian
polr(formula = as.ordered(shade) ~ as.factor(objekt), data = sof,
weights = as.numeric(frek))
Value Std. Error t value
2.1699520 0.3681840 5.8936612