Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Multipanel weighted regression lines."
2017 Mar 19
outer not applying a constant function
the function outer can not apply a constant function as in the last line of the following example:
> xg <- 1:4
> yg <- 1:4
> fxyg <- outer(xg, yg, function(x,y) x*y)
> fconstg <- outer(xg, yg, function(x,y) 1.0)
Error in outer(xg, yg, function(x, y) 1) :
dims [product 16] do not match the length of object [1]
Of course there are simpler ways to construct a constant
2009 Jan 10
Applying 'lm' in each group
I want to do regression in each group. I made the group the following way. Now I want to run regression in each of the three groups..
Suppose ,
2017 Mar 20
outer not applying a constant function
> Or is this a bad idea?
I don't like the proposal. I have seen code like the following (in
fact, I have written such code, where I had forgotten a function was
not vectorized) where the error would have been discovered much later
if outer() didn't catch it.
> outer(1:3, 11:13, sum)
Error in outer(1:3, 11:13, sum) :
dims [product 9] do not match the length of object [1]
2004 Apr 25
multipanel display of levelplots?
I cannot achieve a multipanel display of several levelplots. Here is
part of my code.
At first, create the layout:
push.viewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(1, 2)))
Then for the left panel:
push.viewport(viewport(width=0.6, height=0.6))
levelplot(z~x*y, grid)
Similar code for the right panel.
However, there is always
2009 Mar 23
lattice multipanel strip placement - with two factors
I'm making a multipanel lattice densityplot figure with 2 factors (3 and
20 classes in each factor) with the following statement (the
type="percent" is there to prevent plotting the actual points which
detract from the figure - is there another way of doing this?):
densityplot(~End-Begin | Type * Chromosome, data=Mon, layout=c(5,12),
2013 Jun 24
Dibujar rectas sobre varios un grafico multipanel
Hash: SHA1
Estimado Javier, adjunto el grafico retocado con GIMP, borre las lineas
que sobran en cada panel. Obviamente, no es la idea hacerlo de este
modo, sino con R, pues quiero cambiar el color de la recta y hacer
varios otros graficos, cuya edicion manual requeriria mucho tiempo.
Espero entiendas mejor mi explicacion ahora. Cada una de esas rectas es
2009 Jan 25
Gibbs sampler...did it work?
I am writing a Gibbs sampler. I think it is outputting some of what I want,
in that I am getting vector of several thousand values (but not 10,000) in a
txt file at the end.
My question is, is the error message (see below) telling me that it can't
output 10,000 values (draws) because of a limitation in my memory, file
size, shape etc, or that there is an error in the sampler itself?
2013 Jun 24
Dibujar rectas sobre varios un grafico multipanel
Hash: SHA1
Estimada comunidad, tengo que hacer un grafico con 4 paneles (4 graficos
pegados juntos) y sobre este tengo que dibujar 4 rectas ajustadas a los
datos de cada panel. Intente hacerlo con lattice usando el siguiente
codigo :
2013 May 02
Lattice xyplot multipanels
Derar Rxperts,
I have a strange situation.. I see curly brackets around "strip.levels" in
multipanel strips while using lattice::xyplot. .How do I get rid of the
curly brackets? For some reason, I am not able to reproduce the problem
using an example below...
Any suggestions are highly welcome!
q <-
2013 Apr 30
Grouped spaghetti plots in multipanel graphs
Dear Rxperts,
Is there a simpler way to generate multipanel grouped individual profile
plots? All individuals of a group within a panel have the same color. As
of now I am using lattice::xyplot to get the desired effect. Please feel
free to suggest other ideas.
Also, I am trying to create a generalized function which goes on similar
lines like this..
grpPlot <- function(dat, mpgrp=quote(G),
2003 Jan 20
Adding reference lines to xyplot
I'm trying to add a set of reference lines to a multipanel xyplot
xyplot(y ~ x | Visit,
panel = function(x, y, ...){
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
abline(v = c(0.5, 1))
However, the reference lines are different for different visits. For
example, for the first 2 visits, I'd like vertical lines at x = 0.5 and 1.
For visits 3 and four, I'd like vertical lines at x = 1 and 1.5. I can
2013 Jun 24
Dibujar rectas sobre varios un grafico multipanel
En http://www.inside-r.org/packages/cran/latticeExtra/docs/panel.lmlineq
utilizan una diferencia, panel.ablineq en lugar de abline.
¿funcionará con ese cambio?
Javier Marcuzzi
-----Original Message-----
From: neo
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 4:49 PM
To: "Marcuzzi, Javier Rubén" ; Lista R
Subject: Re: [R-es] Dibujar rectas sobre varios un grafico multipanel
2013 Jun 24
Dibujar rectas sobre varios un grafico multipanel
Estimado Eric
¿Podrías dibujar a mano las líneas que necesitas? Creo que facilita la
comprensión de lo que necesitas (por lo menos a mí).
Javier Marcuzzi
-----Original Message-----
From: neo
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 4:10 PM
To: Lista R
Subject: [R-es] Dibujar rectas sobre varios un grafico multipanel
Hash: SHA1
Estimada comunidad, tengo que hacer un
2005 Oct 21
Problems with example(Grid) in grid package
The following:
has the yaxis label partly cut off and the x axis label does not appear at all.
Also ?grid.multipanel in that example brings up documentation for
grid-internal but this would not seem to be internal if its part of an example.
I am using:
> R.version.string # Windows XP
[1] "R version 2.2.0, 2005-09-20"
2009 Aug 06
specify lattice black-and-white theme
Is there a simple way to specify a theme or trellis (lattice) parameters so
that, in a multipanel (conditioned) plot, there is no color and in the
strips there is no shading? This is the effect achieved on page 124 of
Deepayan Sarkar's "Lattice" (figure 7.2).
I managed to trick lattice into making a grayscale plot on my interactive
display as follows:
> graphics.off()
2013 Jun 10
Using Lattice, LatticeExtra - Hide right and top axes in multipanel plots
Dear Rxperts,
How do I hide the top and right axes in multiple panel plots? A couple of
examples are provided below.. Would highly appreciate appreciate your
#Example 1
xyplot((1:200)/20 ~ (1:200)/20, type = c("p", "g"),
scales = list(x = list(log = 2,alternating=0), y = list(log =
xscale.components =
2008 Aug 19
Polynomial regression help
I have a simple X, Y data frame that I am trying to run regression analysis
on. The linear regression looks great, but when I use lm(formula = y ~
poly(x, degree = 5)) I get the same coeffecients. So for example if I use
degree =3 my formula would look like y = 4.2 x^3 + 3.2x^2 + 2.1x + 1.0 and
my degree 5 would look like y = 6.5x^5+ 5.4x^4 + 4.2 x^3 + 3.2x^2 + 2.1x +
1.0, which doesn't make
2010 Mar 05
conditioning variable in panel.xyplot?
I wish to create a multipanel plot (map) from several datasets ("d" and
"q" in the example below). I can condition the main xyplot statement on
the "site" variable, but I don't know how to pass a conditioning variable
to panel.xyplot plot so that the x-y coordinates from dataset q are only
plotted at the appropriate site.
d <-
2006 Jun 26
About filled.contour function
Dear R-projects users
I would like like to ask if there is any way to produce a multipanel plot
with the filled.contour function. In the help information of filled
contour it is said that this function is restricted to a full page
With kind regards
Prodromos Zanis
Dr. Prodromos Zanis
Centre for Atmospheric Physics and
2017 Dec 20
Nonlinear regression
You also need to reply-all so the mailing list stays in the loop.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On December 19, 2017 4:00:29 PM PST, Timothy Axberg <axbergtimothy at gmail.com> wrote:
>Sorry about that. Here is the code typed directly on the email.
>qe = (Qmax * Kl * ce) / (1 + Kl * ce)
>##The data
>ce <- c(15.17, 42.15, 69.12, 237.7, 419.77)